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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Assuming all the disks are healthy, the risks of rebuilding 2 at a time are pretty low, especially considering you still have the disks you are replacing, and the data on those should be fine should something go sideways.
  2. Not for mass storage, which is the core piece of Unraid.
  3. Are you running the RAM at the CPU rated spec or the XMP profile?
  4. BTRFS is finding the second member and using it anyway, regardless of how it's assigned. If you don't need the data on either of the devices, run blkdiscard on the /dev device names. That will clear off all formatting and data on them.
  5. Basic array functions should work fine, the only issues would be if you have passed through hardware for VM's.
  6. Like trurl said, it doesn't look like you told it where to save the settings, so it saved them in the container which is erased and recreated on update. I don't know if this works, I don't use it either, but from an image above in this thread.
  7. Post the docker run command for nzbget. Probably the MainDir field should be just /downloads but without knowing your mappings it could be /data Probably best if you post the docker run for both nzbget and radarr
  8. The way I see it, you have 2 options. Attempt to build parity with the failing drive2 included, followed immediately be replacing drive2 and letting it rebuild from parity, or use the ddrescue to clone as much as possible from disk2 to a new drive, then use that new drive as disk2 and build parity from that set. Since both paths end up at the same place, I think ddrescue is a much better option since it's designed to handle failing media, where the parity building process asks for the data and if the drive doesn't immediately provide it, it gives up and moves on. ddrescue utilizes a bunch of strategies to cajole the drive and extract every available bit. How much would losing the data on drive2 hurt? If you have full backups and it's just a hassle, then I'd be tempted to give the parity build first a try. If you don't have good backups, ddrescue gives the best chance of intact recovery.
  9. That's got nothing to do with your LAN environment. Messing with your pfSense won't do anything inside the VPN tunnel. Have you changed the NAME_SERVERS value as asked?
  10. According to your diagnostics, the maximum supported speed with the current configuration is 2133.
  11. Yes. The RAM isn't the limiting factor, it's the CPU / chipset. Most RAM is rated for way higher speeds than the CPU can stably drive.
  12. Servers and overclock don't mix.
  13. Unraid will boot, load into RAM and save settings from the drive labeled UNRAID. If you have a second USB drive you can copy the content to it either manually or scripted. The license key is tied to the GUID of the registered flash drive, so if that drive is removed you will no longer be able to start the array until you transfer the license to the second drive and rename it UNRAID. Does that answer the question?
  14. Unraid looks for a unique GUID. Whether that is what is referred to in that screenshot as a serial number is unknown to me. The Unraid USB Creator utility should tell you. https://unraid.net/download
  15. That introduces a whole can of worms, because of the way Unraid merges the file systems across all array and pool drives. Multiple files with the same name and path on different drives show up as a single file in the user share filesystem, with only one actually being the target of reads and writes.
  16. If you set Unraid to dhcp, does it successfully get an address from pfSense?
  17. Can you ping the DNS IP addresses from the Unraid console?
  18. Is the pfsense IP set as the gateway in Unraid?
  19. Can you ping pfsense from the Unraid console?
  20. Unless you have 3 independent ethernet cables to the Unraid box it's going to be challenging. I pass 2 ethernet ports directly to the VM, one is WAN and connects to the modem, one is LAN and connects to the switch. The third port belongs to Unraid, and it also connects to the switch. (Actually I have 4 cables, as there is a dedicated IPMI port also connected to the switch)
  21. Why not just blkdiscard them? preclearing ssd's seems like unnecessary wear.
  22. Which models? In general, if you use a name brand FULL SIZE usb 2.0, and make sure not to allow excess writes to it by misconfiguration, the drives will last for many years. Tiny USB 3.0 stay way too hot even when just reading, and writing makes it even worse. Unraid by default reads the drive to load up, then the USB is only read periodically, and only written when configuration changes are made. The USB stick stays idle 99% of the time, as everything runs in RAM.
  23. If the folder exists already it will be used, up until minimum free space is reached.
  24. Many times the RAM is rated for a higher speed than the CPU / chipset is. You should verify that your motherboard / CPU is rated to run at those speeds for that combination of memory size and layout. The motherboard will happily try to run at whatever speeds you tell it, regardless of whether it's stable. Usually it's the CPU that's the speed limiting factor, NOT the memory chips.
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