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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If you could recover encrypted data without the key, why would you use encryption? That's the only reason I know to use it, denial of access without valid credentials.
  2. How are you viewing that? To see the allocated size, use the console and du -sk /path/to/image/vdisk.img and see what it reports.
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54717-robocopy-windows-to-unraid-ruining-all-permissions-of-destination-folder/ https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79957-robocopy-does-not-sync-correctly/ @Squid? Any idea if robocopy is still problematic? I've never personally used it, so don't have anything to add other than hearsay.
  4. FQDN with NAT loopback. Firewall rules in a competent router can be configured to block any external access.
  5. Logically there is only one option, whatever browser is released with a name starting with A.
  6. No, is just localhost. The Unraid server IP is what you need.
  7. There is a tickle in the back of my brain about someone having massive issues with robocopy and Unraid, but I can't remember what it was about. Permissions and extended attributes perhaps?
  8. That would be my approach. Don't touch a running system if you can still read the files you need, it may be the last shot at a backup that you get. After you are satisfied you have all the files you want to save, then start messing with reconfiguring things. I mean ALL important files, not just the ones in obvious jeopardy. Once you start playing around, you never know what's going to shake out, and a proper backup turns a VERY bad day into just a pain in the rear. Only you can decide what percentage of files are worth the money and time to keep backed up. For many people, it's a small percent of what is on the server, for others, it's 100%. For those folks, I recommend setting up a second server to back up to.
  9. apcupsd has clients for windows, osx and linux. What other items do you need? https://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/
  10. Please use the existing thread for support, click on the container in Unraid's webUI and select the "? Support" option.
  11. curl isn't installed in the metube container, but you can use traceroute and see the routers the container uses along the way.
  12. In the config for the privoxy container, add a port to access the downloaders webui, I think it's 8081 by default. So add another path, port.... select port, name it whatever, and enter 8081 for host and container. Then edit the existing entry for vpn input ports and add 8081
  13. PSU? Are you sure all the power connectors are occupied on the motherboard?
  14. There are good reasons to not automatically change data without knowing why. If you have a data drive acting up, the last thing you want to do is blindly write to the parity drive based on what is possibly bad data. Also, bad RAM can cause random parity check errors, so if you run 2 non-correcting checks in a row and get different results, you REALLY need to get to the bottom of it before writing ANY data to the server. If a parity check finds errors, you need to fix what caused the errors before committing the changes. In your case, having an unclean shutdown is a good reason for a small number of parity errors, so you should be safe to just correct them, instead of doing a second non-correcting check to verify the results aren't changing.
  15. If you dd the entire device, the drive label occupies one of the very first blocks to be copied. As soon as Unraid sees a second device with UNRAID as a label, it freaks out, for the reasons connervt very politely tried to tell you. I think you owe him an apology. As an exercise to help you understand, please dd your Unraid stick to a file instead of a second stick, then open that file in a competent hex editor, as in one that works well with multi GB files, and search for the string UNRAID. You will find it very close to the beginning of the file. BTW, if you insist on using dd to backup your device, that's fine, but you can't allow the resulting image to be mounted while Unraid is running, for the reasons discussed. Since Unraid attempts to mount any valid media, you must direct your backup to a destination that isn't immediately recognizable as a media device. Dumping to a file will work just fine. Also, keep in mind that because a dd of the device includes the partition table and MBR, it will be inconvenient to use that image on a different boot stick as a recovery, because the new stick will most likely have a different geometry. You could also send the output of the dd to a stick passed through to a VM, that way Unraid shouldn't even see it. You will need to work out how to pipe it across the internal network in the VM though.
  16. Enable mover logging, replicate the issue, look through the syslog and see if it gives some clues. Make sure to turn off mover logging when not needed.
  17. Docker tab, advanced view in the upper right corner. As an experiment for performance optimization, try drastically reducing the VM allocations. matty 2 cores and 4GB BI 4 cores and 8GB Make sure non of the allocated cores overlap, and keep 0/1 unallocated for the host. See how the vm performance is, I'm guessing you won't see a whole lot if any reduction in how the VM's perform. As far as the pausing goes, I suspect you over allocated disk space, and a sparse vdisk file is running out of expansion room. Post the storage section of the BI vm config.
  18. You must leave enough resources available for the host to emulate all the things that are normally hardware. Typically things run smoother if the host has at least 1 full core (if hyperthreading is enabled, it needs the correlated pair) and 4GB of RAM, Since you say you are running several resource heavy containers as well, the host requirements could be even higher. If you typo'd and are running 64GB of RAM on the host, then your allocations sound about right.
  19. Have you figured out what was causing this method to be unsuitably slow for most people? The last time I tried, it was on pace to take more than a week to clear a 2TB drive in a healthy array.
  20. Did you format the disks after you added them to the array?
  21. Couple pages back, or you could have just read the recommended posts at the top of every page in the thread.
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