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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Pretty sure that needs to be the /dev/tty device that is connected to the cable. Typically /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 or something.
  2. Are you running a netgear router with armor enabled? If so, turn it off and see if the messages stop.
  3. Sounds about right, except no need for sudo in unraid.
  4. It should listen on the port specified in the app itself.
  5. You can't remap ports in the container config if you are using a custom ip. binhex's containers in general are validated for bridge mode, which does support remapping.
  6. That is not a valid trial key, it needs to be deleted.
  7. Buying a license instead of stealing Unraid may help.
  8. Server login is always root with the password set for root on the server. Nothing to do with forum credentials.
  9. There's nothing dishonest about buying an external drive and removing it from the enclosure, you just give up your right to claim warranty. Or are you talking about straight up retail theft and returning the empty shell for a refund? If you can live with causing prices to increase for everybody else just for your little gain, sure, go right ahead and be a thief. What? The vast majority of share holders in corporations are people currently living paycheck to paycheck that have retirement plans investing in the market. The cost of shrinkage is directly reflected in the cost of the goods, the executives don't care what the end cost actually is as long as the business as a whole stays profitable. If enough people decided to steal instead of paying, the company would go out of business, and nobody would get anything.
  10. It will, but for reasons unknown to me the process of writing zeroes to a disk in the array takes ages. On the order of probably 10x or more the time required to just rebuild parity. Because the situations where the advantages of clearing a drive to remove it are extremely limited, no effort has been put into figuring it out AFAIK.
  11. You can temporarily set a static IP in the old range on a client pc so you can log in to IPMI and update it to DHCP temporarily, then reboot things and find your new IP and set things as you like. For the future, it is more convenient to assign static IP's using the DHCP reserve address function in the firewall / router, that way a new DHCP server will still hand out valid addresses to your equipment.
  12. Your description, while thorough, doesn't seem to touch on this at all. https://windscribe.com/support/article/22/setting-up-port-forwarding Have you been through this for ALL the needed ports?
  13. How are those arranged in the case? If you are trying to keep hard drive temps in check, there are very few cases that would cool drives properly with 3 push 3 pull. You want ALL the air entering the case to flow over the drives, with no way for any extra air to enter the motherboard area of the case without touching the drives first.
  14. You can have multiple cache pools now.
  15. 6.10.0 rc2 has updates specifically for 11
  16. If you expect help, please follow directions. Tools, diagnostics, download. Attach the unmodified zip file to your next post here.
  17. 🤣 No need to get defensive. Wait, yes there is. I called you out, and wanted you to explain what differentiated you from generic chinese hardware. Thanks for clearing that up from your perspective. Now all we need is a rep from netgate to drop by the thread and explain how valuable their support options are to the companies that use them. 😎 My takeaway from all this is protectli made a compelling case for your product in the market for advanced home user all the way to small and medium business with tech savvy staff.
  18. Honestly I think it's a GOOD thing to learn to install and configure your own pfSense community edition. These types of firewalls are insanely complex when compared to your typical home linksys router, and that's a good thing because options and power, but it means you need to at least be passingly familiar with how things are set up so you can more easily troubleshoot when things aren't running as planned. Progressing from a blank box to something that functions on the surface like a plain home router only takes a few minutes on powerful hardware like they use, and you have so much more capability available to you. Using a preinstalled box as shipped robs you of valuable experience that will come in handy when it's time to move your pfSense config to another box or install for whatever reason. Personally I have a low powered standalone box available as a backup to my pfSense VM, and it's trivial to take a backup config from the VM, change a couple entries to correspond to the correct ethernet ports on the hardware box, and bring it back up just like nothing changed, including all my static IP's, firewall NAT rules, all my complex configurations intact. Try that trick when moving from an asus to a linksys home router. I personally wouldn't want a netgate hardware product, they upcharge the hardware drastically to cover their support. Protectli at least looks to provide a quite competitive price on their hardware and will support OPNsense if you don't want to learn a new skill. I always recommend learning new skills, keeps the brain young.
  19. 👍 I still recommend keeping a local backup, it makes events like this less stressful.
  20. I'm not familiar with the protectli brand, but it appears to me to be generic chinese hardware that is carefully chosen not to suck, and they provide help and support vs. you winging it on your own after purchasing through ali or ebay or whatever venue you can find cheap chinese hardware. I'm running some generic stuff that looks remarkably similar to their brand, obtained for a little cheaper directly from china. @protectli will probably correct me if I'm way off base. 🤣
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