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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. JonathanM

    Extra GPU

    Since they are almost 10 years old I doubt they would do much.
  2. Move the VPN duties to the router? I know what you are trying to do should be possible, but it seems to me that it would be better to put the VPN on the endpoints since you want LAN to LAN vs. device to device.
  3. Pretty sure you can, I can't think of any changes that would effect your ability to recover.
  4. As a general thing, the best practice is to not mess with it, just leave the full drives full, and let all new writes go to the new drives. The first bit of the drive is the fastest, the last bit the slowest. Just make sure your split levels and minimum free space is set correctly. If you really want to move a specific share from one drive to another, the best way would be the Dynamix File Manager plugin.
  5. Log in to the console and try to ping your router's IP.
  6. That's not going to work, you can't have duplicate IP's on your network. You need to deal with that in your router, or whatever device is running the DHCP server.
  7. Can you try GUI mode and see if it loads on the local monitor?
  8. If you aren't sure how to check that the pool is healthy and redundant, attach your diagnostics to your next post in this thread and ask for someone to evaluate them for you.
  9. Theoretically yes, but real life experience dictates that it will only go smoothly if you take the time to make a full backup beforehand. If you make a backup, you won't need it, if you don't make a backup, something will go wrong and you will lose everything.
  10. You can't add it to the array without formatting it, but you probably can mount it using Unassigned Devices to read it so you can copy it to a different array disk.
  11. BIOS settings. Different on every motherboard, I don't have this specific one so you will need to look around.
  12. I don't use plex, so I may be wrong, but I think you are supposed to assign different subfolders to different library types so it knows how to differentiate. You don't need different mappings for the container, just select the subfolders in the tree that you mapped. Earlier you had /media, but now you referenced /data, so I have no clue how you have it set up. I could be wrong though, I just know how Emby and jellyfin do it.
  13. That statement implies you can reach it from a WAN connection, which would mean a hairpin / loopback configuration error in your router.
  14. Have you tried accessing the GUI from a different device / private browser session / different browser?
  15. Could be the module, the socket, a bad connection, memory timing not compatible, unstable with all modules driven, etc. Your best outcome is a clear fail with a single module tested in different slots. That would mean you should be good replacing just that module. Memory errors can get messy, hopefully your error is easy to replicate and eliminate.
  16. Try running the new permissions tool against the unraiddata share.
  17. If you add a folder /media/Films does it find anything there?
  18. But neither the tv or Films folder show up in /media?
  19. That path doesn't exist inside the container, it only sees what's mapped, /media
  20. What path are you browsing to in the container to add media?
  21. You left the Films/ in place. Should be just /mnt/user/unraiddata/
  22. I'm not suggesting you rename anything yet, just delete one of the two mappings and edit the remaining one. delete either one, and edit the other to remove the trailing tv or F(f)ilms entry. End result should just be one entry /mnt/user/unraiddata = /media
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