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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Are you writing data to the array currently? Diagnostics may shed some light.
  2. Just don't assign it to slot 6 yet, see if it's mountable in Unassigned Devices.
  3. Since you say it works with a stock Unraid install, you need to ask thor for support.
  4. No, but like I said, most of my usage is WAN, which is bandwidth limited anyway, usually by the client. Upload speeds are typically slow in my area. Also, I never really babysit backup jobs, they just happen when they happen, I look at the main page to see when the last backup was complete and investigate if a client hasn't backed up in a few days. My metric for success is "better than other cloud solutions" so admittedly a pretty low bar.
  5. Probably because it's not mapped to your krusader container. Use mc at the console.
  6. I'd recommend playing with 6.x Not to be a debbie downer, but waiting for future versions from Unraid is not productive. They release when stuff is ready, and not a moment sooner. Ask anybody who's been around here for very long what Soon™ means. If you watched through the video, you know that you can sidestep the requirement for having an array disk by using any old spare USB flash drive as Disk1 in the array slot, then build out your storage pool(s) any way you like. I would recommend adding a SSD or two to a different pool for system files, most notably the docker image and appdata for said containers. That will keep your media server GUI snappy. The only real downside I see to not waiting is the lack of automated moves from pool to pool currently, but that shouldn't be an issue for you if you download and sort the media directly on the final storage pool instead of having a separate download pool.
  7. How do you know for certain you haven't had issues? Check your syslog for crashes. The new warning is because they finally found what seems to be the definite cause and solution for many people having seemingly random issues. If you really aren't having issues, then you can ignore it. Just keep it in mind, the macvlan crashes have been effecting more and more people with each newer kernel, so who knows, you could be next. Disabling bridging stops the crashes for people who have a real need to keep using macvlan, but chances are you could use ipvlan and bypass the issue altogether. tldr: If you really aren't having issues, you can ignore the warning.
  8. @betaman@Elmojo, I know this is an 18 page thread right now, but I really, really recommend reading it all. Keep in mind the first few pages are teething issues with older versions of the software and getting it running in Unraid at all, so maybe just skim those, but really, I think reading through the whole thread will help to get some context on how things work. I currently have 10 different machines actively backing up to one of my instances, and over the years have done many file level retrievals both directly from the server UI and the client app. I've also done a couple bare metal restores to brand new drives that went flawlessly, all this over WAN, as the Unraid server hosting my UrBackup instance is 10 miles or more from all but 2 of the machines or VM's it's protecting. You can also set up UrBackup users with privileges to only manage the machines you assign to them, so when they log in to the UI they only see their backups. This really can be business level backups, I've totally replaced carbonite for several people and saved them a bunch of money, since UrBackup happily manages Microsoft Server products, where any of the cloud services charge big $$$ for their server tiers. The people I do this for know up front what building their data is in, and how it's protected, instead of trusting a faceless corp.
  9. Normally you wouldn't back that file up. It's not supposed to contain any of your customized data.
  10. Have you tried with just one cable? Are you connected to the correct ports? Apparently only 2 specific ports on that router support aggregation. Doubt it would cause what you are seeing, just grasping at straws.
  11. The manual method of setting up a new flash drive is almost what you ended up doing. Extract the contents of the os zip file to the flash, run the make bootable script that matches the machine you are setting up the flash with, and boot. To make it your custom install instead of a new one, the config folder is all that's necessary. I'm unclear where this file came from, but it certainly didn't contain what you needed.
  12. Answering here because it may help clear up some confusion. Technically this should have been asked in the support thread for Nginx Proxy Manager container, since that's what's being referenced, not the built in nginx server. Unraid itself uses nginx as the web server for the GUI, but you can't use that internal version for anything else. The nginx docker container however, CAN reverse proxy any web server that it can communicate with, containers or external appliances. So the answer is yes for the npm container, but no for the nginx server in Unraid.
  13. Some of us access the UI from multiple devices with wildly differing screen sizes. How would you suggest handling it? The layout that works best on an old 1024x768 laptop is way different than what looks good on an ultra widescreen.
  14. Backing up a running VM from the host is not a great idea. At best the backup will be in a crash consistent state, i.e. just like you hit the reset button, any changes still in RAM are lost. So, ideally you need to stop the VM, snapshot the vdisk, save the xml and any other related files like video bios, etc, then restart the VM. If you back up INSIDE the VM, with a backup client that can interact with the OS while staying up to flush RAM and commit other changes, you end up with a much more portable backup. If you've done serious customization to the xml you still may need to make a copy of that to reference when you spin up the recovery VM to restore the backup, but generally you should be able to restore it bare metal or generic VM and it should run.
  15. On the Unraid GUI, click the crashplan container icon, and select "support"
  16. Click on the app icon in the GUI, it will have a "support" link in the dropdown.
  17. Appdata Backup plugin will make backups to the array if desired. Single device pools are allowed to be XFS, with no option to mirror, multi device pools must be BTRFS or ZFS. So, if your current pool is XFS you would need to back up the data before adding a device and changing to format to allow a mirror. If it's already BTRFS or ZFS you can set up a mirror without erasing it. Data redundancy is NOT backup, it's high availability. Subtle distinction with massive repercussions. Much data loss is deletion or overwriting, whether accidental user error or malicious. A single copy of your data is vulnerable, you must have backups elsewhere of critical data. Many of us run second servers for backup purposes.
  18. Why should the name Unraid be an issue? BTW, unassigned devices is only recommended as a way to attach temporary media, permanent storage should be put into various pools, which can use XFS for single device pools, and BTRFS or ZFS for multi-device pools, all of which can participate in the user share system, where unassigned devices can't. Honestly, I'm not sure what you are asking. The unique single or double parity spinning rust pool type will still be available for those that wish to use it.
  19. I use urbackup, it allows you to get good versioned backups of the guest OS without shutting down the VM. There are many options to choose from if you treat your VM's as normal bare metal machines when dealing with backups.
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