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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. That path doesn't exist inside the container, it only sees what's mapped, /media
  2. What path are you browsing to in the container to add media?
  3. You left the Films/ in place. Should be just /mnt/user/unraiddata/
  4. I'm not suggesting you rename anything yet, just delete one of the two mappings and edit the remaining one. delete either one, and edit the other to remove the trailing tv or F(f)ilms entry. End result should just be one entry /mnt/user/unraiddata = /media
  5. Normally you would only have one mapping, /mnt/user/unraiddata/ -> /media and let plex handle the subfolders. Maybe the two mappings with mixed case is causing issues?
  6. Frank was referring to the credential box that pops up when you connect to the share in windows.
  7. root is specifically not allowed to access SMB shares. The only place root is used is the GUI or SSH to manage the server. If you enter root when trying to connect to the shares it will lock you out.
  8. Do you see the folders tv and Films when you look in the unraiddata share over SMB? The contents of those folders should appear in the /media/tv and /media/films folders inside the Plex container. Keep in mind linux is case sensitive, so Films and films are different.
  9. Question, is it possible to use both Icecast and Snapcast with the same Mopidy player container? I'd like to have LAN clients on snapcast and broadcast over WAN using Icecast.
  10. 1, no need for parity just for this test yep, trials are good for 30 days plus a 15 day extension IIRC
  11. If you have too many folders set to be scanned in cache_dirs it will never finish, because old entries will be forced out of RAM before everything is loaded. This will cause drives to never spin down, the exact opposite of what you are intending. Only include folders proven to help the user experience. Your default stance should be to NOT cache unless you need it.
  12. Have you worked through the steps here? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-819173
  13. Only way I know is to isolate the services and watch the symptoms. Disable docker engine, watch for spinups, re-enable docker, disable vm's, watch again, shut down all client machines on the LAN that have access to the shares, etc.
  14. Do you mean the user you set up to access the shares? Does the user you are trying to log in have permissions to access that share?
  15. Do you have the cache_dirs plugin installed?
  16. I opened it in a private window in firefox, disabled ublocker and reloaded, but nothing popped up. Are you sure your system isn't infected with something? It does have ads down the side when I turned of ublock, but nothing out of the ordinary I could see.
  17. That board doesn't have a thunderbolt controller chip, you would need a card like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZS3D6JY/ You can't convert C to thunderbolt with just a cable. Think of it like USB 1.1 and 2.0. The devices on both ends of the cable must agree on what language to speak, even if the cable ends are the same. Thunderbolt 3 is a language that is spoken using a USB-C connector and cable. If the port can't talk TB, then a cable won't fix that.
  18. No. The parity disk(s) only act on the disks assigned with them. Pools are traditional RAID levels, with whatever level of duplication you assign.
  19. IF no writes happen, it will be detected as precleared. That means attaching it to any other machine is likely to invalidate it. However, there is no need for a REPLACEMENT disk to be clear, because it will be overwritten with all the parity emulated bits that were on the drive it is replacing. The only time preclear saves time is when you are ADDING an additional disk slot to a parity protected array. Preclear just happens to also be a pretty good stress test to hopefully weed out DOA drives, so your process of preclearing it before shelving it for a rainy day is a good practice even if it's not technically needed for a replacement process.
  20. Have you already contact support? Did you get the automated response?
  21. Short answer, the "cache" nomenclature is a holdover from very early in Unraid's history, but it was never a full "cache" in the classic sense. The preferred term nowadays is pools, since there can be multiple types and purposes for these groupings of single or multiple disks. The mover tuning plugin may provide some of the functionality you are looking for.
  22. Do you have any other UPS's on machines around the house? If you do, you can set the server to slave, run apcupsd or nut on the other machine and set your Unraid machine to shut down after a couple minutes of power loss.
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