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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Probably because you are using a custom network for delugevpn instead of the default bridge. Binhex doesn't support anything but plain bridge. Doesn't mean you can't make it work, but it can be challenging. Maybe the radarr port was added while you were in plain bridge mode?
  2. Specific procedure, pretty much just what I said. Delete the image file, start the docker service to create a blank one, add your custom networks, go to previous apps and tick off all the ones you want to put back.
  3. Try deleting that and entering it again. It's missing the container port entry for some reason.
  4. click edit on the 8989 entry and post just that part.
  5. There may be other ways, but the quickest way I know is delete and recreate the docker.img file. Be sure to create your desired networks BEFORE going to previous apps and selecting everything you want to reinstall. It should only take a few minutes, and everything will be back the way it was.
  6. Show a screenshot of that in advanced view.
  7. If you set the network to bridge without changing anything else, does it work as expected, other than not running through the vpn?
  8. Couple factors. Unraid runs in RAM, which effectively means each boot is like a new install. The way linux handles drive identification normally is /dev/sdX or a variant, where each drive that is detected gets the next designation. There are so many things that can change that designation from one boot to the next, and also needing the ability to successfully boot on widely different hardware, the choice was made to identify by something that is supposed to be unique and not modifiable by something written to the drive. Honestly, this is the first time I remember seeing a spinning rust hard drive not give a unique serial number when attached directly to a compatible SATA controller. Many times USB bridges or controllers can manipulate what is passed to the OS, so that's fairly common to need a plain vanilla SATA connection.
  9. Does it always stop after 20TB? If so, maybe try a different controller? Maybe the one you are currently attached to has a problem with 20+TB.
  10. Stop and start the array, or shutdown and reboot. Can't remember if just stopping and starting clears the error column, but I think it does.
  11. Upgrade using the manual method, download the 6.12.10 files, extract and overwrite all but the config folder. Make a full backup of the USB before doing that, so if something goes sideways you have a copy of the config folder.
  12. Are you the same person? If not, please start your own thread and attach your diagnostics. If this is still you, attach new diagnostics covering the time period when this happens. Rebuild negates all previous actions you listed, the emulated disk includes the format.
  13. Memtest is only definitive if it finds errors, sometimes memory produces errors only under certain loads. Try running with only 1 stick and see if the disk errors change, then switch sticks and repeat. Also, make sure you disable any XMP profiles. XMP is overclocking, regardless of whether the motherboard and memory says it should support it.
  14. It means recovery from corruption can be impossible with encryption in the way. Corruption can happen with hardware errors, like bad RAM, cables, or power issues. The problem is, you don't know it's going to happen until it does, and RAID (of any sort, not just Unraid) can't always compensate, meaning unless you have complete backups, you will lose data. Unraid or any RAID can't help with file deletion or overwriting good data with bad, so backups are always needed, but with encryption, the recovery options are even more limited, so backups are even more necessary. If the data is important enough to encrypt, it's important enough to keep multiple copies in multiple locations.
  15. UrBackup is what I use. Discussion here.
  16. There are many different options in Windows safe mode. You didn't mention how many you tried, it implied just the single option (with internet)
  17. https://forums.unraid.net/forum/79-french-français/
  18. Nope. Wiping the disk writes all zeroes, removing any traces of files or filesystem formats. Think of a format as a filing cabinet with drawers and folders. It allows files to be stored in an organized fashion so they can be easily retrieved, as opposed to just tossing the files on the floor in an empty room. Filesystems take up space even when there aren't any files stored.
  19. Try looking in the support thread for this container. Click on the container icon in Unraid's GUI, and select support.
  20. Did you get an auto reply? If not try sending again. Generally containers put their executables and other common program parts inside the docker.img file, and their customizable parts live in ./appdata/* and the templates are on the flash drive. Do you have any backups of the flash drive? If you only had a single parity drive in Parity1, then data drive order doesn't matter. If for some reason you had that parity drive in Parity2, then order does matter. The two parity slots use different calculations.
  21. Pick one app to work on, read the first post in that app's thread and follow the troubleshooting steps. When you have the appropriate log file, read through it and XXXX out any credentials then post it in that app's thread with a description of what you have done so far and where you are getting stuck. Since you say you have the same issue on multiple containers, I'm betting if you fix one, you can easily figure out how to deal with the rest.
  22. Restore it from your last flash drive backup.
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