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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Moving this to the proper forum.
  2. As long as you specify one of the port forwarding endpoints the setup is automatic. Check the supervisord.log in the appdata folder for more info.
  3. If you run cable in ductwork, be absolutely certain you are using plenum rated cable.
  4. Try removing the mover tuning plugin. If the problem persists without the plugin installed, post back to this thread. If the problem is resolved, post in the support thread for the mover tuning plugin.
  5. If you are ok with max 1080p, something like this should work. https://www.tesmart.com/collections/hdmi-kvm-extender/products/tesmart-120m-hdmi-extender-kvm-over-tcp-ip-ethernet-via-single-cat5e-6-cable-1080p-with-ir-up-to-120m I don't have one, but watched a review that looked pretty good. I've been looking to upgrade to something like that, right now I'm using a monoprice hdmi over cat5e, but that requires a dedicated point to point cable, it doesn't plug into your existing LAN setup like what I linked, or carry keyboard and mouse. HDMI KVM over IP is what you can search.
  6. Mapped ports don't do anything unless you are in bridge mode. Right now it's showing host, so port mapping is ignored, and all changes must be done in the app itself.
  7. I'm not aware of a way. In the future I recommend invoking tmux first, that way you have a session manager you can get back to from any terminal. I can't remember if tmux got into the base Unraid, if not you will need the nerdtools plugin. Only install the bare minimum from that plugin, if you don't actively use a command, leave it uninstalled.
  8. Make a backup of the Unraid USB stick first. Then try booting it on the new rig with no drives. That may give you the drive list, obviously with all of them showing missing. Pretty sure the old and new controllers you mentioned both use plain SATA HBA mode, so it shouldn't be an issue moving from one to the other.
  9. Probably need to ask your question in the Vaultwarden application support area, https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/issues This forum is for issues with setting up and deploying the container template in Unraid, the people here can't really help with application specific issues, unless they have run into the same thing and happen to know the answer.
  10. All these answers assume the network interface chosen is bridged to the LAN, but it's possible to use the internal bridge that doesn't get a LAN address. Only way to know for sure is for the OP to tell us what the network settings of the VM template are.
  11. Worth trying. If that isn't immediately successful, do you know for sure which disk was in the parity slot? Marvell chipset controllers give issues to many people, but not all. It's probably ok to try.
  12. Does your VPN support port forwarding, and is it working properly?
  13. There isn't a "one size fits all" or even a "one size fits most" answer, because of all the different use cases. At the moment with 6.12.4 still requiring an array disk, I would tend to recommend putting an extra USB memory stick as disk1 in the array, and defining various pools with the rest of the media, keeping like with like, so one or more pools with the NVME devices, and one or more pools with the SATA SSD's. The main parity array is much better suited to spinning rust, so an all solid state media machine is kind of a special animal, requiring different care and feeding than most here on the forums are familiar with.
  14. Don't know if this will effect your decision, but drive formats from the 5.0 era were limited to ReiserFS, which is unsupported and will be completely removed in the future. So, at the very least you need to get your data backed up to new file systems. 4ea 16TB drives in your newer system would totally cover your storage needs, and I can't imagine it has fewer than 4 SATA ports. You could always spin up a trial version of the latest Unraid on your "new" hardware with a scrap hard drive and the M.2 and see how it acts.
  15. Do NOT format if asked, rebuild should just be straight forward. Clearing and formatting is only applicable to adding a NEW data slot, not replacing an existing one. The format will be recreated as part of the rebuild process.
  16. Neither. Build a new box and start learning while slowly transitioning things. Granted, it may be a while before you can justify the added cost, but it will happen sooner or later that you will need new parts anyway, so why not keep the old services in place while adding functionality at your own pace to the new box. When you get done you will have the old power hog you can use as an occasionally on backup box, and the new shiny energy efficient box as your always on machine.
  17. Typically a newer generation of chip will provide more compute power per watt, so efficiency always favors newer generations. However... this is a general rule of thumb, not always true for all comparisons. Please be aware that TDP is NOT a measure of efficiency. It is simply a measure of how much heat the chip is rated to produce per unit of time. It's useful to determine heatsink size, but NOT for normal use power draw. A faster processor can complete a task faster, allowing the rest of the system to go back to idle more quickly. The longer the chipset, RAM and drives are kept active, the more power draw over time. Ideally you want the fastest CPU you can justify, so everything else in the system can stay at low power for longer. Newer generation CPU's are very good at sipping power when they are idle, regardless of their max capacity power draw (TDP). Power efficiency is an extremely complex issue, CPU choice is almost never the primary factor, especially when considering CPU models in the same family.
  18. It is my understanding that while the file manager is "safe" and slower than mc for some actions like moving files from share to share on the same disk, the mover is "extra, extra, triple safe", so moves can take forever with 1000's of small files. Hopefully while the work is being done to support pool to pool moves (as if this writing the release version of mover only works with array <-> pool) maybe the code will be better optimized.
  19. Are you willing to take ownership of a template and corresponding support thread here in the forums? I don't want to keep using the LSIO thread for a new reposiitory. It would also be a good time to overhaul a first post with info that has become FAQ throughout this thread.
  20. If pinging an IP is enough, I use a script to determine when my firewall has completed booting and runs other actions. You could modify this to send notification when an IP starts responding. #!/bin/bash printf "%s" "waiting for pfSense ..." # Change IP to match an address controlled by pfSense. # I recommend pfSense internal gateway or some address guaranteed to be up when pfSense is finished loading. # I don't use external IP's because I want my internal network and appliances to be fully available # whether the internet is actually connected or not. while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done printf "\n%s\n" "pfSense is back online" virsh start VMName1 # Insert optional delay to stagger VM starts #sleep 30 virsh start VMName2
  21. Don't spend any money until you are sure Unraid is right for you. The trial period version is free and unrestricted except for requiring an internet connection to validate the trial.
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