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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Which VPN provider are you using? Are you sure you entered your username and password correctly in the docker setup advanced view?
  2. The time it takes to accidentally delete data is inversely proportional to the importance of said data. If it takes 10 minutes to delete, you probably didn't need it anyway. If the command returns immediately, you probably just blew away something that will take ages to recreate. ;D
  3. Dunno how useful that's going to be. I would want the ability to check or uncheck specific apps, there are some apps I tried and didn't like. How about the ability to add or remove apps to an installation que? You could go through and pick what you wanted (add to cart) and when you are done choosing, start the bulk installation (checkout). Apps installed this way should be set not to immediately start on install, so you can go through and edit settings, or if a local template exists, preload it.
  4. He won't give you the authorisation or you can't get hold of him!? Last impression I got, Joe was not real thrilled with others modifying his work. I think he was trying to force limetech to write a preclear function into unraid, instead of relying on the community for a core function. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=26121.msg228146#msg228146
  5. While you are in the docker authoring mood, would you mind taking a look at rolling an apache docker that could run http://www.directorypass.com/? I've been trying to get that software running on linuxserver's version, but no luck. I can add the cgi-bin support easily enough myself, but the perl script doesn't seem to be able to create files, it fails with a permissions problem. If this doesn't sound like something you want to play with, no worries, I'm just trying to get out of doing the work myself.
  6. Possible. The size is being obtained using a command of the form du -s filename so you could see if they are reported the same on your system? If that is the case then an alternative command could be used. Trydu -sb filename
  7. Is it possible the size being compared is the actual size on disk? If so, a sparse file will be incorrectly reported as failing the size comparison, when the content of the file if read out or checksummed is identical.
  8. Sounds like you are doubled NATTed. What IP is listed in the WAN status of your router? You will probably need to talk to your ISP about getting your modem set to bridge mode.
  9. Guess we can stop sharpening our pitchforks and stoking the fires then archedraft? Was quite looking forward to that... Indeed... I suppose if 6.2 is released this month my prediction will have been wrong. As far as the uprisings, it would seem that this forum has become a little more classier than the 6.0 beta days. <cough>grumpy<cough>
  10. I'm not trying to convince you that preclearing is a waste of time, I'm trying to paint a clearer picture of what it is and does. In a new array, it's simply a method (a good one) of testing drives, but that wasn't what the preclear script was written for, it's just a side effect. To remove a drive from the array, go to tools and set a "New Config"
  11. What issues are you reffering to? SMB client can't move or delete the files until permissions are changed to 0666.
  12. If you are setting up an array from scratch, then 95% of the time it is a waste of time. Do you feel lucky? There are other ways to test drives to weed out a bad drive before you trust it, so if you use the drive manufacturers utility and do at least 1 full surface scan, then don't bother with preclear. However, after you have a running array, and want to add a new drive slot, then preclear is a huge time saver. If you don't preclear, unraid will be offline for many hours while it clears the drive to make it match parity. If you are sure your new drives are good, and keep good backups of your data in case you are wrong about the drives being good, then yes, testing drives before using them is a waste of time in most cases.
  13. Where do you set the permissions for the metadata that Emby downloads? It's currently 0644, which causes issues.
  14. If you disable the VPN does it work? If so, you do not have your VPN set up correctly. Follow the directions in the second post of this thread.
  15. Doesn't Rsync verify copies without the need for an additional switch anyway? It doesn't flush the cache and reread the file from disk. So, it would be the second rsync command in the rfs to xfs thread ? rsync -rcvPX ? You can't do it with a single run, AFAIK. It would be three steps, like I posted. A copy, then check to see if everything is identical, then a delete.
  16. Doesn't Rsync verify copies without the need for an additional switch anyway? It doesn't flush the cache and reread the file from disk.
  17. Any chance of adding an optional automatic copy first - verify checksum - then remove workflow for paranoid people?
  18. How am i suppose to use your work when I don't know how to make a docker? John did a great job using "your work" so I and others can install it. You should be happy that we are using it. He has a paypal donate button on his page that nobody will know about if they don't have to actually go to the page to download it. I can see both sides of this argument to some degree, but to be fair, John EXPLICITLY directs people to go to the authors web page as a requirement to set up the software. It's not like the zap2 guy is losing page views, on the contrary, he's getting much more exposure, much of which simply would not happen without a docker container being available.
  19. Only difference is the VPN. PIA is the primary service it's written to support, other services may be able to be used as well. SSL conceals the content of what is downloaded, a VPN conceals the endpoint. With SSL, your internet provider knows you download x GB of content from your usenet provider, with VPN they only know there was X GB flowing from a generic endpoint, possibly in another country. If your usenet provider doesn't keep any download logs, I see no real advantage to a VPN over SSL. Opinions differ, so the option is available.
  20. Huh ? ;D He's poking fun at your sig. You seem to have an exceedingly rare CPU type.
  21. Any time a file is deleted, there will eventually be a fragment of a file to fill the space. So, unless you never delete any files, you will get fragmentation even if there is only one write at a time. Gary's method of copying everything in one go to a freshly formatted disk is the only way to truly clean out a drive. After that, if you ever delete anything off the drive, newly copied files will be fragmented.
  22. No, but the mover will do exactly what you are seeing if the dockerc share isn't set to cache only.
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