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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. I've made version 2016.02.18b which allows to exclude the folder. You need to enter its name .Recycle.Bin in the custom field. Ran into a problem with this. Looks like inotify is changing the syntax. Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.1.17-unRAID. Last login: Tue Feb 16 17:02:56 -0500 2016 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# ps -ef | grep inotify root 2372 1 0 18:23 ? 00:00:02 inotifywait -mrq --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(.*\.Recycle\.Bin|TM_Jasper|TM_MBP|TM_Maggie|TM_Mini|.*\.AppleDB|.*\.DS_Store$) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk4 /mnt/disk5 /mnt/disk6 /mnt/disk7 /mnt/disk8 /mnt/disk9 root 21469 16195 0 22:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root@Brunnhilde:~# If I'm reading this correctly, .Recycle.Bin got changed to .Recycle\.Bin I double checked the custom folder box just to make sure I entered the name correctly. Should I have put quotes or something?
  2. That was quick. I'll give it a shot later tonight. Thanks. Question I've got VFS Recycle plugin installed which creates a folder (.Recycle.Bin) when I delete files. Can I enter .Recyle.Bin in the custom field to exclude these temp folders? I haven't seen them appear as shares. Doesn't really create an issue one way or the other. Just seems a waste to check files waiting to be deleted.
  3. I know this definatly applies to my case. I originally included the TimeMachine backups because the incompatibility hadn't been reported yet. Afterwards, I was not able to exclude the TM shares.
  4. I know this wasn't really directed at me but I thought I'd run it in case it might help with fixing the issue with exclusions. Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.1.17-unRAID. Last login: Mon Feb 15 20:07:47 -0500 2016 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# ps -ef | grep inotify root 21768 21082 0 17:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root 32233 1 0 Feb13 ? 00:00:31 inotifywait -mrq --exclude (^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(\S+\.img$|TM_Jasper|TM_MBP|TM_Maggie|TM_Mini)/|\.AppleDB|\.DS_Store) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk4 /mnt/disk5 /mnt/disk6 /mnt/disk7 /mnt/disk8 /mnt/disk9 root@Brunnhilde:~# I've also attached one of the exported bad hash files. Not sure it really shows much of anything other than the fact that the excluded folder was still checked. disk9.export.20160213.bad.hash.zip
  5. Just out of curiosity, exactly what is remote monitoring? I read the OP but it's a little vague.
  6. I was talking about the bottom of the page and I think you are correct that 10 would likely be too many. Would it be possible to have a variable display of fan speeds based on speed or maybe associated temp? They would need to have a label though so everyone would know what fan they were looking at. Just an idea.
  7. Appears to be working properly for me on my SuperMicro MBD-X10SLL-F. Looks like its time to start looking for compatible fans for my drive cages. My vote would be to see all fan speeds.
  8. The same happened to me when I first installed this plugin. It's been a while though, can't remember how I fixed it. Might try clearing your cache on your browser or reboot the server.
  9. As a temporary work around for this you might consider using the Hosts system prefs pane on your mac. It will set the mac so that servername:6237 will resolve to IP:6237. Very simple to use. Also free.
  10. What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot.
  11. I originally posted this problem in the WIP File Integrity Plugin thread but I noticed that the plugin is listed in this thread now so I thought it might be better to post here as well. I can't get the plugin the ignore excluded folders when running checks. I use my unRaid for TimeMachine backups but since TimeMachine will write to the backup file without modifying the date stamp this plugin detects the file as corrupted. Posts in the linked thread will show more info, but basically, I have excluded the TM shares in settings and this has no effect on the File Integrity plugin. Every time the plugin runs a check I get hundreds of warnings for corrupted files in the excluded folders. I've tried all 3 hashing methods. Even tried re-naming the share folders. Same results each time. Not sure what to try next?
  12. See this post by Squid. It might not be what is going on with you... but it can't hurt to look into it. I have removed the dashes from the names of the user shares. Doesn't appear to have had any effect. The exported hash files all have hashes in them so looks like Blake2 is working properly. They also include hashes for excluded shares so those shares weren't really excluded. Looks like I finally got this plugin to work. Changed to MD5 and now exclusions are working. I notice that nothing is being logged though??? Maybe only errors are logged??? It would also be nice if the recycle bin could be excluded. Not really a problem, just seems like a waste. Guess I spoke too soon. The next scheduled check was yesterday and I got flooded with notifications of bad hashes in the excluded folders. Tried switching to sha2 and re-ran the check this morning with the same result. Checked the log, but this plugin doesn't log anything other than the bad hash warning. Not sure what else to try?
  13. You're right. I closed the window just to see. Judging from the cpu activity the process is still running, but without screen I can't connect back to it.
  14. I didn't use screen. If I close the console window (shell in a box) will I be able to re-connect just by re-opening the window?
  15. I just started a drive defrag in console. Just out of curiosity, how do I know when the process is complete? I can tell it's running from the jump in cpu activity but that's about it.
  16. Not sure if it'll help in this case, but you might take a look at Open Files Plugin. It'll show you which processes are still running after you try to shutdown.
  17. See this post by Squid. It might not be what is going on with you... but it can't hurt to look into it. I have removed the dashes from the names of the user shares. Doesn't appear to have had any effect. The exported hash files all have hashes in them so looks like Blake2 is working properly. They also include hashes for excluded shares so those shares weren't really excluded. Looks like I finally got this plugin to work. Changed to MD5 and now exclusions are working. I notice that nothing is being logged though??? Maybe only errors are logged??? It would also be nice if the recycle bin could be excluded. Not really a problem, just seems like a waste.
  18. See this post by Squid. It might not be what is going on with you... but it can't hurt to look into it. I have removed the dashes from the names of the user shares. Doesn't appear to have had any effect. The exported hash files all have hashes in them so looks like Blake2 is working properly. They also include hashes for excluded shares so those shares weren't really excluded.
  19. I would just need to replace /checksum/ with /fileintegrity/ right? Might have remembered the exact syntax wrong. Regardless, could I still just look at one of the exported hash files?
  20. See this post by Squid. It might not be what is going on with you... but it can't hurt to look into it. Thanks. I'll run the command to test later.
  21. I would think that it is, but I can't find any info one way or the other. Guess I can try one of the other methods just to test.
  22. I've tried everything I can think of. Tried deleting the exported hashes. Removing the hashes. Even in-installed and deleted the plugin from flash. After I re-install, the plugin still scans the excluded shares. The exclusions are listed on the settings pages and the .ini file. Evidently the exclusions setting isn't working.
  23. How did you exclude the .xfs directory in File Integrity? The only exclusion options I have to select from is my user shares. Don't see how to manually enter an exclusion.
  24. When I first installed this plugin I had it check all files (nothing excluded). The TimeMachine backups were a problem though. Any modified files would generate a warning. Because of this I added all the TM backups to excluded shares in settings. I still get warnings when this plugin runs though. Example- Event: unRAID file corruption Subject: Notice [bRUNNHILDE] - bunker command Description: Found 839 files with BLAKE2 hash key mismatch Importance: warning BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM-Jasper/Jasper.sparsebundle/bands/114b was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM-Jasper/Jasper.sparsebundle/bands/1158 was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM-Jasper/Jasper.sparsebundle/bands/1162 was modified TM-Jasper is excluded. I've double checked that in settings. How do I get it to stop checking those files?
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