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Everything posted by Pducharme

  1. UPDATE: I fixed it by re-installing the NVIDIA Driver. I closed the window while it wasn't finished. It said to wait, but it was confusing because the line just before said the plugin finished download.
  2. @ich777 Hi! I Installed the NVIDIA Driver from CA, but It can't find my GTX 1060 6GB. I was previously running your Kernel-Helper Pre-compiled Beta30. I updated to Official Beta35, Uninstalled the Unraid-Kernel-Helper plugin, Rebooted, installed the NVidia Driver Plugin, rebooted, re-enabled the Docker, but still, the Nvidia Driver page in Settings doesn't list my card. Any idea?
  3. It seems yes. Maybe OP need to update his language files to latest ?
  4. Tu pourrais peut-être essayer avec un des Builds du KernelHelper : Perso, c'est ce que j'utilise pour mon Beta30 avec ma GTX 1060 6GB et ca fonctionne #1.
  5. It was ok in the Shares.txt, or it may be there multiple time (?). It's not just showing up in the GUI.
  6. @SpencerJ Hi Spencer, do you know how to find in what file we need to check in the GitHub for that message ? In Shares.txt, this text is already translated. Some issue with the code ?
  7. @ich777 Using PhotoPrism. It's been 3 times now that I have to start from Sratch because at one point, the docker doesn't start and I lost the DB and have to start from as new. I think it might be because the Database got corrupted. I know that PhotoPrim support MySQL/MariaDB as the DB backend. How can I configure the docker so it use MariaDB instead of the SQLite ? goroutine 1 [running]: github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/entity.Types.Migrate(0xc0107fdc50) /go/src/github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/entity/entity.go:106 +0x234 github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/entity.MigrateDb() /go/src/github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/entity/entity.go:134 +0x2d github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/config.(*Config).InitDb(0xc0135fc200) /go/src/github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/config/db.go:110 +0x49 github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/commands.startAction(0xc01c4fc580, 0x0, 0xc0135fc060) /go/src/github.com/photoprism/photoprism/internal/commands/start.go:71 +0x20a github.com/urfave/cli.HandleAction(0xf4c6a0, 0x111a570, 0xc01c4fc580, 0xc01c4fc580, 0x0) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/[email protected]/app.go:526 +0xfd github.com/urfave/cli.Command.Run(0x10a065f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x17d78f0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x10b5d47, 0x11, 0x0, ...) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/[email protected]/command.go:174 +0x58e github.com/urfave/cli.(*App).Run(0xc01c4e0380, 0xc00012c000, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/[email protected]/app.go:279 +0x7e8 main.main() /go/src/github.com/photoprism/photoprism/cmd/photoprism/photoprism.go:71 +0x529 usermod: no changes usermod: no changes panic: attempt to write a readonly database
  8. Just to add more details, I also CAN'T change anything in a user. I tried changing the description field, and click the "Appliquer" and it just reload the User's page without my change reflecting.
  9. Thanks for the test. I just tested the French and only beta29 & beta30. Your test confirm that is a bug.
  10. Hi, As requested by @SpencerJ, I'm creating this topic for the issue I discovered when the WEB UI is switched in French (might also be the case when switched to other Language than English, but haven't test this scenario). Basically, how to reproduce (at least on my system) : 1. Install the French LangPack. 2. Switch to the French UI. 3. Go in the "Utilisateurs" tab and select a User you want to delete. 4. In the user page, put a checkbox in "Supprimer" then click on the button "Supprimer". The page will load for couple of seconds, and instead of confirming the deletion of the user (the yellow box with text in it), it just goes back to that user Page and did not remove the user. CC: @bonienl
  11. Just found that if my GUI is in French, the delete of the user doesn't work, but switching to english, it works ! @SpencerJ, it's a bug with Language, but not translation bug, something with the functionnality of deleting a user.
  12. Hi, I want to delete a bunch of users on my Unraid server (6.9-beta30, tried on 6.9-beta29 too). I click the user, then put a checkmark in the "Delete", and click the button. I can see something happening in the status bar at the bottom, then it refresh itself and the user stay there. How de delete those users ?? Is there a manual way thru CLI ?
  13. @ich777 Thanks! I just upgraded to beta29 yesterday! Shortest-lived Beta for me ! Upgrading to your pre-built beta30 with beta Nvidia driver now.
  14. Unraid 6.9.x est disponible en français dans sa version Beta (actuellement Beta29). Malgré son nom "beta", il est très stable et est en Beta depuis très longtemps. Je suis sur les beta depuis qu'ils sont sorti et pas de soucis.
  15. I suppose there is some bugs or your system has something special that make it not working. Maybe the dev will find a fix!
  16. I only opened a "Terminal" on the scrutinity docker, then run the scrutinity-collector-metrics run command. After that, It ran than the WEB UI was populated with my 16 drives + NVMe drive.
  17. Got it working, I was running the command on the Unraid Terminal instead of the Docker's terminal 😮 Look great. Will that run automatically periodically or I'll have to run the command manually each time I want most newest data ?
  18. Is there a second part I need to install to have this working? I only see this in the WEB UI. When trying the command mentioned, it cannot find the command.
  19. @ghost82 thanks for the workaround hopefully they will fix it in the imminent new Beta release.
  20. Mmm ok. Is there a command that we could run on our Apple Big Sur that will fix the Permission ?? would be an easyfix! Probably not, but who knows! If not, I suppose we can wait for Apple Big Sur Beta 7...
  21. I wonder if there isn't an updated Samba package available that can fix this. Are we running latest Samba on 6.9 Beta 25 ?
  22. Hi! I have the same issue, starting with Big Sur Beta 6, I can't connect thru SMB to my Unraid ! Very annoying. Is anyone was able to configure NFS in the meantime?
  23. Hi and welcome! 1. No, only from the USB stick. 2. No, you have a process to follow to get a new Licence (free) by providing the new GUUID of the new Usb Stick you use. 3. No, the only way is by adding a cache drive. 4. Don't know about this one.