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Everything posted by trurl

  1. They are likely doing a copy instead of a move, and then possibly deleting the source.
  2. Just set the warning as high as you want as I explained above.
  3. You can set the thresholds for all disks in Disk Settings and override that threshold for a particular disk by clicking on the disk in Main to get to its page. This feature has been there for a very long time.
  4. Yes that appears to be a bug probably in the Unassigned Devices plugin. I see the same thing. It is displaying TBs free on a disk with only GBs capacity.
  5. Forgot to mention. Don't move from a disk to a user share or user share to a disk. If the paths are the same it will try to overwrite the file it is trying to read.
  6. Same for me with 16GB. (I didn't even know about that little information window you get from mousing over the charts.😲)
  7. That is dangerously close to the "user share copy bug", but would be avoided if the "blah" parts were different from each other as in your example. So, @OFark, is that what you did, a move from a disk to a user share?
  8. It's not a problem, and the way it worked for me is the way it has always worked. If anything, some would say it's a problem that it does what it did for me, which seems to be what you are proposing it should do. It just "renamed" the path. That actually breaks the user share rules when it results in a folder for that user share being created on a disk that isn't supposed to be part of that user share. That rule breaking is exactly what took place when I did my first test above. I moved from a cache-only share to a cache-no share. Logically you would think that would result in it moving to a disk other than cache. Instead, it just renamed it with a different path on the cache disk and that resulted in the cache disk having a folder for a cache-only share.
  9. The log window doesn't need a connection to the internet. Downloading the new version does.
  10. There is one bit of your post that isn't clear Unraid only has a single cache pool, which can contain multiple drives. But however many drives the pool contains, it is treated as a single entity. I happen to have 2 drives in my cache pool. OK. I moved an 8GB file from a cache-only user share to a cache-yes user share. This is basically the same test I did before except that time I moved to a cache-no share. I got the same result as before. The move was instantaneous.
  11. Mover treats cache separately from the other disks when working with the user shares. It couldn't do its job if it didn't. Regardless, I'm having a little trouble seeing exactly where in your previous post mover is invoked. You were talking about moving something from a cache-only share to a cache-yes share. Mover doesn't move cache-only shares, so I assumed you or some other process was doing the moving. I'm not sure how to attempt to duplicate what you said happened. Maybe you could explain it in a way that included where exactly mover gets involved.
  12. On the other hand, I may want to have it per browser, since my laptop screen is a little more cramped than the one on my desktop.😄
  13. Did you do this across the network using Windows or something? I did it directly on the server with the result I already posted above.
  14. These days IT is a collections of specialties that often have trouble communicating with each other. I'm sure many IT professionals know little about many of the things that are important when dealing with Unraid. I get the impression that most people do not know what "format" actually does, for example.
  15. THIS^ If you move from one user share to another, linux sees all the user shares as having the same mount and so it just "renames" the files/folders so they have a different path on the same disk. This behavior often surprises people because something moved from a cache-only share to a cache-no share may stay on cache in a folder for that cache-no share on the cache drive. The workaround is to copy from source to destination followed by a delete from source. Copy forces a new write and so obeys the user share settings. I just tried this again to confirm and it does exactly as I said. I moved a file from a cache-only share to a cache-no share. The move was instantaneous. Checking the actual disks shows that a new folder for the cache-no share exists on cache with the file in it. So it was just "renamed" to a new path on the same disk.
  16. Not exactly wrong, but incomplete and not really up-to-date on how preclear fits into Unraid these days. Also note that the only time Unraid requires a clear disk is when adding it to a new data slot in an array that already has valid parity, so parity will remain valid. A replacement disk, for example, doesn't need to be clear since it will be completely overwritten by the rebuild anyway. And, Unraid will clear a disk in that one scenario where it requires a clear disk. The historical reason for preclear is because Unraid would take the array offline when it cleared a disk, so preclear was invented to clear the disk before adding it so Unraid wouldn't need to take the array offline. Additional testing functionality was builtin to preclear to help weed out the "infant mortality". Recent versions of Unraid do not take the array offline when it clears a disk, so the only function preclear has these days is testing.
  17. For those people who already know everything that is in there then maybe it doesn't provide any additional information. For others who are just trying to figure out dockers and are having the issue maybe they find it useful. Without going to the trouble to search your history it is difficult for us to know whether you are one of those that already knows it all.
  18. Have you read the "Docker Image Filling Up" section in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/
  19. We usually let those people who want to try it that way provide support for each other over in the Virtualizing Unraid subforum: https://forums.unraid.net/forum/46-virtualizing-unraid/ The Unraid forums are mostly about users helping users anyway, and that subforum is a subset of those users who are trying to do something that is "officially unsupported" by Limetech (the Unraid company). Maybe your friend could help.
  20. You can always be sure you go to the right support thread by simply clicking on the docker icon in the Unraid webUI and selecting Support. You can also get to a support thread from the Apps page by clicking on the support link for a particular docker or plugin.
  21. That should be enough RAM to boot and have NAS functionality if that is all you want to do. Dockers and VMs maybe not.
  22. I don't use this but you can get to the command line inside any docker by clicking on its icon in the webUI and selecting >_Console
  23. In future I hope you will consider asking for advice when you are uncertain about how to proceed. Your post doesn't really follow the guidelines for a report so it should probably be moved to the General Support section of the forum. But I don't see any way for me to move it.
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