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Everything posted by trurl

  1. The diagnostics don't really tell us anything about your docker setup. You need to go through each application and make sure that it is configured to only write to mapped storage. Pay close attention to absolute/relative paths, upper/lower case. If anything is writing somewhere that isn't mapped it is going to be written inside the docker image.
  2. See the "Docker Image Filling Up" section in the Docker FAQ linked in my sig. In order to see the useful information many of us have in our signatures you will have to go to the upper right of any forum page and click on the dropdown next to your name then go into Account Settings. Unfortunately viewing signatures is disabled by default in our new forum software.
  3. This is not the way anything works, there is no database of these things. Next time the problem exhibits, don't reboot. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and post the complete diagnostics zip.
  4. What other dockers do you run? Why do you have 40GB for docker.img? That is twice as large as typically needed unless you have something misconfigured.
  5. I think the purpose of the "Scatter" function of this plugin is to redistribute the files from a disk to others. I haven't used this plugin since that was added. Have you tried it?
  6. Not sure if this is what you mean or not, but changing a user share setting only affects where new writes go. Nothing is done to existing files.
  7. Your "more succinctly" leaves out a lot important details.?
  8. See this post from the V6 FAQ for more details: Can you explain the Cache drive option types, and what is the difference between them?
  9. It would be unusual to set a share named TV to cache-prefer. Are you sure you know what that setting means? Are you saying the TV folder does not exist on the cache disk or on any array disks? If so then you don't actually have a TV share. It may be you used to have a TV share and its cfg is causing mover to look for it. I haven't looked at the mover script recently. Do you see a TV share on the User Shares page? If so, click Compute... on that line and see if it shows any disks used for that share.
  10. For future reference, it is explained at this link near the top of the Docker FAQ: I need help with an application? What information should I supply? Always a good idea to take a look at the "stickies".?
  11. Maybe you have the deprecated shutdown plugin installed.
  12. It is shared on the network as /flash, but within unRAID it is /boot.
  13. Check the settings for that user share and make sure it is shared on the network. I prefer to make shares like this secure and hidden so other people can't mess with them or even know they exist, but the authorized user can still work with it by typing its path.
  14. Copy them somewhere else that you already have permission, then move them with Krusader or Midnight Commander.
  15. If the unclean shutdown is because power is lost then of course it has no opportunity to log anything. Not sure what happens if an attempted shutdown times out. Maybe that would be logged but in that case I think it would say something in the logs about it.
  16. I'm pretty sure he just passes whatever you put in the "custom" field whether it's valid or not. I can't imagine the code goes through all the trouble to parse it. Not sure what happens if it is invalid. I'm sure cron would throw an error but I don't know if that gets displayed to you or not. Try it.
  17. Are you asking about unRAID? I wonder if you are because you mention Unity, which has nothing to do with the unRAID OS.
  18. Then this is the wrong thread. Go back to the other thread and read the reply again. He just meant he was on the wrong thread since he supports the version in this thread. You are now on the wrong thread, and the (edited) reply given to you in that other thread is the correct reply for that thread.
  19. You posted this exact same thing in the limetech repository thread. So which plex are you actually using, limetech, linuxserver, some other? Post your docker run command as seen in this link from the Docker FAQ: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  20. Different people use their servers differently, but I think often people just assume they want the faster writing cache gives without really considering the benefits of not caching.
  21. You might reconsider how you use cache. There is no requirement to cache user share writes. Most of the writes to my server are unattended - scheduled backups or queued downloads - and I am not waiting for them to complete anyway. So those user shares aren't cached, don't use up space on cache, don't have to be moved later, and are immediately protected by parity.
  22. OK I get it. You are probably going to get rid of disk22 after you get your cache pool going. Have you tried using just one of those as a cache disk? Then if you get that working you could add the other to the pool.
  23. Your diagnostics still shows the SSD as disk22 in the array. As I already mentioned, it doesn't make any sense to have an SSD in the parity array with an HDD parity disk.
  24. Did you take care of everything in the update notes? https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/66327-unraid-os-version-650-stable-release-update-notes/
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