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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Also, did you read this post pinned near the top of this section? https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/how-to-install-prereleases-and-report-bugs-r8/
  2. Not sure what you mean by the troubleshooting process on the GUI, but it's possible I have missed some feature. Do you mean the Feedback feature? In any case, none of the usual helpful volunteers on this forum, including the moderators, will receive the diagnostics you sent. They probably get sent to the limited staff at Limetech to deal with. You would likely get a quicker response posting them here on the forum after you get home.
  3. This almost certainly has nothing to do with this release. You just have gotten a disabled disk, which could happen on any version of unRAID going back to the beginning. unRAID disables a disk when a write to it fails. Often the reason for the write failure has nothing to do with the disk itself but is something else, like a bad connection. Instead of adding even more lengthy but incomplete excerpts from some of your diagnostic information, you should just go to Tools - Diagnostics and post the complete diagnostics zip. This whole thing should have been put in a General Support thread instead of here.
  4. See here for the next chapter in this sordid tale: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/73908-its-all-broken-d/ It is very unclear (unlikely?) whether this user's problems have anything at all to do with this release.
  5. Have you looked and asked at the support thread for that plugin?
  6. You can download a zipped copy of your flash drive from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup
  7. Just delete dynamix.plg Unless something has .plg extension it isn't going to load anyway, and there are still a lot of valid dynamix plugins, as well as files and folders with dynamix in the name that are still used.
  8. If you have a docker of your own on dockerhub, then just use the Add Container page in unRAID to specify all the docker run parameters such as volume mappings, etc. Then when you have the Add Container page filled out just like you want it add the container, it will create the XML file you are talking about and store it in the location I mentioned before: You can use that XML as a starting point to develop the template for your docker that others can use. Not sure what is involved in actually getting your app added to Community Applications, Squid is in charge of that.
  9. Docker hub apps are no different than containers listed in Community Applications. Both result in the Add Container page, and the entries in that form are stored as XML on the flash drive at /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ as My-dockername.xml
  10. I consider 4GB RAM minimum for running unRAID V6 as just a NAS without any addons like dockers and VMs. Go for at least 8. Even more if you want VMs.
  11. And in general, you can always go directly to the support thread for any docker by clicking on the docker's icon and selecting Support, or by clicking the Support Page link in its listing in Community Applications.
  12. It has to be able to write the started/stopped status to config/super.dat on flash. If that doesn't happen for some reason you can get unclean. Maybe put your flash in PC and checkdisk though I didn't see anything in syslog. Also check timestamp of super.dat to see if it corresponds to the shutdown time.
  13. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/56382-plugin-ca-config-editor/
  14. It really just depends on what you want to do. If you really understand volume mapping instead of just following someone else you should know how this works and how to customize it for your particular needs. Typically, if someone needs multiple dockers to access the downloads, they might put them in some "global" downloads folder, but even that's not really necessary. Just so long as the multiple dockers have mappings that go to the right unRAID folders it should work.
  15. There is no grouping functionality for SMB / NFS / AFP users. You will have to set each user up individually. Do you really have that many users?
  16. What are you trying to accomplish exactly? unRAID isn't really designed to be a multi-user Linux OS. The users you can create in the webUI are only for file access over the network with SMB / NFS / AFP. And webUI / ssh / console is only for root.
  17. Don't forget to remove the Exclude on you User Shares.
  18. Also, why do you want to empty a disk you are going to replace? The usual method of disk replacement is to just let unRAID rebuild the disk with all its contents.
  19. Mover isn't going to move those files just because you excluded them from your user shares if that's what you mean. Mover only moves cache-yes from cache to array and cache-prefer from array to cache. It never moves files between disks in the array. And in general, user share settings only apply to new writes. Nothing is ever done automatically to existing files, except as I described in the previous sentence about moving between cache and array.
  20. Without further information, I would have to assume this is a faulty statistic, maybe a bug that was later fixed, and those numbers are actually for an incomplete parity check.
  21. Maybe something here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  22. wrong cache yes means write to cache and move to array according to the mover schedule. There is Help on most pages of the webUI. Click on any setting to see its help text. You can also toggle Help for the whole webUI by clicking on the Help (?) icon. Here is a link to a more detailed explanation of the cache settings: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2#comment-537383
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