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Everything posted by trurl

  1. That's what I was thinking too, but according to the 6.4 Update Notes, period is allowed.
  2. Do you mean you didn't reinstall them using the Previous Apps feature? Previous Apps would insure you installed them with the exact same settings. An overfull and corrupted docker image might be a more likely cause of the original problem than an unclean shutdown. Tools - Diagnostics, post complete zip.
  3. Can you access it from iMac using the IP address? Nothing you mentioned seems like it should have caused the problem, but no doubt you didn't really tell us everything you did. The syslog seems to think your server name is just "Mr" instead of "Mr.Mulse". Did you change your servername?
  4. But sufficiently different that if you still have some confusion you should get it cleared up before doing anything. And New Config is under Tools, not Settings.
  5. So I guess that makes CA like a hand grenade.😁
  6. The User Share permissions are only for file access over your local network and shouldn't matter to the dockers. Is something not working?
  7. Download 6.5.3 from the Downloads link at the upper right of this forum. Unzip the download and replace all the bz* files on your flash with the ones from the download.
  8. Why aren't you using CA Backup plugin? It will backup appdata and flash, which is all you really need to get your dockers going again exactly like before. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/
  9. That plugin is not to blame. If you got them to go away it was probably something else you did. See this post in the FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-545988
  10. And overcoming the write performance penalty of parity is another (and the original) purpose of cache. Files are written to cache at full speed and later moved to the parity protected array.
  11. Are you sure you could get 32TB down from cloud in only 4 days? Backups are a good thing and we recommend everyone have another copy of any important and irreplaceable data whether they have parity or not. Unraid parity or indeed any traditional RAID isn't and never has been a substitute for backups. Rebuilding a disk from 8TB parity should take only a day +/- a few hours but that is perhaps not a fair comparison since you were claiming you could download ALL data in 4 days. But as mentioned, the purpose of parity isn't to serve as a backup anyway. Redundancy allows you to keep going even when a disk is missing and while the disk is rebuilding. There is some write performance penalty with parity but there are 2 modes for that. One mode is slower but allows all disks except the disk to be written and parity to be spun down, and the other mode is somewhat faster but requires all disks to spin. And of course, if you were actually rebuilding a disk, while you would still be able to access all your files (including those from the missing disk) and continue to use the array, performance would also be impacted during the rebuild.
  12. This forum is for Unraid and the usual way to use these controllers is to set things up as individual disks since Unraid isn't RAID and has its own schemes for redundancy and spanning disks. But perhaps someone else on this forum will have some experience to share with you.
  13. Don't understand this question. Cache is persistent storage that is used for a number of purposes, including a place to have VMs and dockers so they will perform better. SSDs are not recommended in the array and can't be trimmed in the array. Assigning it as cache and using it for VMs and dockers is the usual method. If you assign it as cache Unraid will manage it. If you don't assign it to Unraid, you will have to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to manage it. Also, if you put it in a btrfs cache pool you can use some of the raid modes to get redundancy for that storage. Why no parity?
  14. Do2a-2d: See my response (about crossposting) on that other thread you posted to.
  15. Please don't post to multiple threads for the same problem. That is known as crossposting, and it has been considered a bad thing on messaging boards since before the World Wide Web. One reason it isn't a good thing to do is because there is no way to coordinate the responses in the multiple threads. So you could have some people, sometimes going to a lot of trouble to diagnose or research your problem, responding on one thread, completely unaware that someone else has already duplicated their effort on the other thread.
  16. From your other thread, which I have locked so we can continue here where it's more appropriate: By "worked fine before" do you mean Plex Server was able to play the files from another installation? What is the file type (extension/codec)?
  17. Since nobody who works for limetech commented on that thread, it is very likely they never saw it. Unlike me they have better things to do than read everything on the forum.😁
  18. From the very first sentence in the very first post in this thread: You can always get to the correct support thread for any docker from its listing in Community Applications, or by clicking on that docker's icon in the webUI and selecting Support.
  19. Not that I know. I'm not at all familiar with what you're trying to do, but is there some reason the latest stable won't work for your purposes? Or, I sort of got the impression that doron was explaining how you can replace files from the latest with files from the vmdk. People often change version simply by replacing the bz* files on flash.
  20. /tmp is in RAM but some people set it up that way on purpose so transcodes go to RAM. I guess it depends on how much RAM you have and how big transcodes are.
  21. That address is in the range that is self-assigned when it can't get DHCP.
  22. Is this a new problem? Have you made any recent changes or additions to dockers? This is the most usual cause of this problem. And /mnt isn't good enough actually. It must be an actual user share path, /mnt/user/... or an actual disk, /mnt/disk1/... or /mnt/cache/... for example. Just /mnt/somefolder will still be in RAM. And you can also get a folder in RAM if you try to use a path to an unmounted Unassigned Device.
  23. You can download a zipped backup of your flash at any time from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup.
  24. Did you format them or not? If so, what filesystem are they formatted as? If not, have you enabled formatting (Destructive Mode) in Unassigned Devices settings?
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