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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Moving the parity disk to parity2 isn't the solution to whatever problem you were having but since you didn't let us help you with it at the time just leave it for now. Assuming you have configured your dockers with appdata in the normal way then your plex data, etc. will still be there. The only thing that should be in docker image is the container applications themselves. Their working storage should be in appdata and any other data they read/write should be in Unraid storage according to whatever volume mappings you have defined in each container.
  2. Looks like you have a corrupt docker image. Delete and recreate docker image and post new diagnostics. Then you can add your dockers back using the Previous Apps feature in Apps. Possibly you have some misconfigured docker application filling docker image up. Why do you have a parity2 disk but no parity?
  3. Under Tools - System Information section for me on 6.6.1 and still is on 6.6.2 Are you sure you scrolled down far enough?
  4. Each package in Nerd Pack must be enabled separately. If you were missing Perl it was because you had not enabled it in Nerd Pack. Until you enable a package in Nerd Pack it isn't loaded.
  5. The usual way to get Perl is from the Nerd Pack plugin. Don't know what you mean by Docker PLG files. Plugins aren't dockers, and dockers don't have PLG files. The FSCK files are what you get when the filesystem on flash is repaired due to corruption. Possibly everything else was just a coincidence. Do you have the latest CA? It had a major update recently to fix problems with the app feed.
  6. Make a backup of your flash in the future. You can always download a zipped copy of flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup.
  7. It really shouldn't be necessary to "bounce" your server. Sounds like you might have something misconfigured and mover is trying to move files your other processes have open. Do you have mover logging turned on? Best scenario is for your VMs, dockers, etc. to be on a cache-only share. That way mover won't touch them. If it is on cache-prefer then it might have overflowed to the array and then mover will try to move it to cache. Or you could have them on cache-no share and mover wouldn't touch them, but of course they would be on the parity array. There are also some fancy things you can do with cache-no and cache-only shares where things don't get moved, but they can be partly on cache and partly on array. See here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2#comment-537383 Did you actually look on the Plugins page for Dynamix Schedules? It may not be obvious how you access its functionality, since all it does is add some sections (tabs) to the Scheduler page. But if it is installed it should be listed on your Plugins page. I see it in my Plugins page and when I search Apps. But, as I mentioned, it doesn't provide the functionality you are looking for anyway. Maybe you could put together your own script and schedule it with the User Scripts plugin as Squid mentioned.
  8. Dynamix Schedules is still available. Are you sure you don't already have it installed? It doesn't provide scheduled reboots though. Why would you want to anyway?
  9. Actually errors on multiple devices, and invalid parity. Are you already working on these problems on another thread?
  10. Haven't been following. Are you running the docker on Synology? In any case, if the docker has /data mapped as the host volume /downloads, then /data/video will be the host folder /downloads/video and /data/music will be the host folder /downloads/music. Do you understand docker volume mapping? On Unraid, the user shares are in /mnt/user, so /mnt/user/downloads, for example, could be mapped to /data. And if you wanted to map a user share named video, that would be a mapping from /mnt/user/video to whatever folder you wanted the application to use to access it. For example, /mnt/user/video could be mapped to /video, then the application would see the data in /video. And similarly, a user share named music would be in /mnt/user/music, and if you mapped that to /music, then the application would see it in /music.
  11. Also, have you tried a different USB port to boot from?
  12. I don't think you mentioned actually doing memtest. You did talk about swapping memory, but it's possible a memtest would detect something such as a bad slot.
  13. You can download a zipped backup of flash at anytime from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup.
  14. The previous version should be on your flash in the previous folder. Just move its contents to the top folder of flash and reboot.
  15. From syslog it looks like you initially mounted it without the share switch on. Then later you unmounted it. Have you tried mounting it after turning on the share switch?
  16. Are you trying to do SMB? Probably unless you are trying to access it from another Linux box. What do you have for Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security?
  17. After you have had a chance to digest and act on my previous post, you should go to Settings - Docker, stop the Docker Service, delete the docker image, and recreate it. Then you can go to Apps - Previous Apps to add any or all of your dockers exactly as they were with their previous settings. If you don't do this don't be surprised if you continue to have problems. Also, since you didn't post your diagnostics I don't know the answer to some other questions I had, such as: Were you also filling up your docker image? and How large did you make your docker image? Misconfigured dockers that fill up docker image are a common reason for the problems you have.
  18. Overfilling a disk can cause corruption. There are settings in Unraid that are designed to prevent filling up a disk. In the case of the cache disk, the relevant setting is in Global Share Settings. Minimum Free should be set to larger than the largest file you expect to write to cache. Unraid has no way to know how large a file will become when it begins to write it. If a disk has less than Minimum Free it will choose another disk for the write. In the case of cache, this is known as "overflowing to the array" and only applies to User Shares that are set to cache-yes. *See link below for more about the Use Cache settings. Each User Share also has a Minimum Free setting that works in a similar manner. If an array disk has less than Minimum Free, Unraid will choose another disk for the write. Here is a more detailed explanation of the Use Cache settings: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?page=2#comment-537383
  19. Did you try to fix the server name like Squid suggested? You may have to put your flash in your PC and manually edit the file config/ident.cfg.
  20. The docker settings aren't in appdata. The template with all the settings you used originally to setup a docker is kept on flash. That is what Previous Apps would have used to setup your docker again. Appdata is just the data the application itself uses. And using Previous Apps would not create any orphaned image so I don't know what you meant by that. Your diagnostics are anonymized.
  21. This means it can't find the "my-template" for plex on your flash. Possibly you deleted it by mistake, or it is unable to read flash for some reason. Tools - Diagnostics might tell us more.
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