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Everything posted by trurl

  1. One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. I just made that up. Pretty good. Squid should try to work that in as a logo or motto or something. Change my spinner to this? I like
  2. One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. I just made that up. Pretty good. Squid should try to work that in as a logo or motto or something.
  3. Great stuff, that was my understanding of it's purpose and I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. Cheers! There are quite a few other useful plugins that cannot be installed as dockers. You can also learn about and install those from Community Applications.
  4. LSIO plex docker probably gets more frequent updates than this one. It is pretty easy to switch. Just backup your appdata then just use the same volume mappings for LSIO plex docker and everything should just work. If you're plexpass you can even use the plexpass DVR beta. See the LSIO plex docker thread.
  5. plexpass DVR beta works in LSIO docker. Start reading here
  6. I have all that set up. I can get to the web interface to download a profile to my iPhone. My problem is that the generated profiles try to connect to my private IP address, not my public dyndns hostname. I tried putting "remote myhostname.dyndns.org 1194" like I have in the client profile I use to connect to my Ubuntu Server OpenVPN but that didn't work. The generated profiles will use the address or hostname you set up Server Network Settings. See 2nd screenshot here
  7. Display Settings - Dynamix color theme NerdPack sticky
  8. Ah, little detail I missed. Oh well, let's hope it will be released and pulled into unraid in some near-ish future. Would be one less thing to duplicate when you want / need to run 2 VMs with real hardware. QEMU 2.7 is out now , will this be implemented in 6.2.0-rc6 ? Not likely. There would be a lot of complaints if they put this major change into a release candidate. Expect to go to the next beta cycle before this is added.
  9. I suspect you have run out of log space in tmp. What do you have for the log entry on Dashboard - System Status (General) - flash log docker.
  10. ^^^^This. Don't keep digging when the hole you're in is already over your head. Get your server working normally, then take things slowly when adding anything else, and ask as you go. And read the Docker FAQ sticky thread, but only after you get your server working normally again.
  11. What do you mean "in the Plex docker"? What are you trying to do exactly?
  12. In your screenshot, there is: ? Where is my server? Did you try clicking on that?
  13. Have you read the Docker FAQ sticky thread? This is a good one. Do you have any other working dockers? Yes, I have several virtual servers and dockers running ok also using nginx as reverse proxy for all of them... but no matter what docker of plex I install I got the screen u can see attached here. Did you look at the link I gave you?
  14. Have you read the Docker FAQ sticky thread? This is a good one. Do you have any other working dockers?
  15. I cleaned up the posts of a user that posted the plexpass version numbers at sparkly's request. I left the posts in place but without the plexpass version numbers.
  16. These are standard cron schedules rather than a custom schedule for each script. The standard cron schedules can be adjusted in Settings - Scheduler - Fixed Schedules.
  17. I am also having an issue with my tv client -- I was going to try to figure it out on my own before posting but since you have a similar problem I'll ask now. I have an LG TV -- used to work fine when I had PlexServer on Windows. Since I switched to the docker the TV does not connect to PlexServer. If I ask it to scan for servers it finds the server but selecting it does nothing. The Plex DLNA server does show up and it works fine but that defeats the whole point of using Plex. Don't know about your problem, but I just got a new LG and Plex works fine on it using this docker.
  18. Are you sure that is what is happening? When I try to ping the docker address from another computer I don't get any response.
  19. Check your network settings. Dns and gateway. I doubt if anything on the server can communicate with the outside world Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Thanks for your answer! I think I found something weird inside unRAID . I'm using static IP address and I have also to add manual DNS. I used my router's IP ( but the moment I mount the shares it changes to a different DNS server (, maybe provided by my ISP, but it's different from the one my Mac is using, being in the same network). Also, if I manually set and as the DNS servers, it keeps using just I don't know what's going on here . It has been working without problems since 2 years ago . Some dockers are failing too now . 169.254.x.x is what you get when you haven't been given an IP address.
  20. I trust that the next time I decide to do a major rewrite, you'll be first in line to convince me to not do it... No. I still think this is true:
  21. How can I remove this lock? Either delete it (rm /tmp/.X1-lock), or reboot. Anything in /tmp is in RAM, so gone on reboot. I already tried to restart the docker, didn't work, will try again. Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk He meant reboot the computer, not restart the docker. Anything in /tmp will be wiped out on reboot since that folder is in RAM. Or delete it from the command line with the command he gave.
  22. thanks, good information. and thanks for not posting the version here. And thanks to you (and LS.io) for planning ahead and creating a Plex Docker Container that can run Beta versions of software! +1 Working for me too!
  23. +1 And here is the link for the DVR version on plex forum: Using the special DVR Beta
  24. Your parity disk is just a bunch of bits that have absolutely no meaning without the other disks in your array. However... it is possible that chunks of that data contain meaning. Consider the scenario where all disks are precleared, and only 1 drive has data. The parity drive would contain the mostly intact contents of that single drive, and running data recovery software would yield some readable files. Any region of the parity drive where all other data drive content except for 1 is zeroed would mirror that specific data. No format structure would be available, so raw recovery with binary analysis would be required to find any information. tl;dr - clearing the parity drive before letting it leave your control is a good idea if there is sensitive data on the server. If you are storing data that must not be released under any circumstance, I do not recommend RMA'ing dead drives. Destroy them and eat the loss. Your right of course and it's probably not that uncommon to have some disk with data on it where all other drives have zeros since drives are often cleared before use. You might even have one disk larger than all other data disks so it would be the only disk that can have any parity data out beyond the other drives capacity.
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