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Everything posted by trurl

  1. I know what you mean but it might still be misinterpreted. Empty disks will spin during parity checks. What you mean is you don't have any empty disks to spin.
  2. Dockers use their own self contained OS's, they don't interact with the host OS like you are implying. see here. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg387520#msg387520 If your docker needs access to a particular program, it needs to be installed inside the docker container, typically by docker exec into the container and installing from there. Installing the binary in unraid isn't going to help. And if you install it yourself inside the docker, you will have to do it again each time you update the docker. Maybe you could get the author of the docker to include it for you.
  3. Not sure. I'm using kenji dropbox container instead of this one.
  4. And did you login to dropbox on the web via the link? That is necessary to link your dropbox account to the docker. Once you have done so it will tell you it worked and it will quit telling you to login via the link.
  5. Under \\<Server>\flash\preclear_reports\ Did you perhaps mean \\<Server>\boot\preclear_reports\ ? I don't think so. That was a UNC network path as it would be specified from Windows. Don't know about others. The boot drive is the flash share. Of course you know that so maybe I'm misunderstanding your point.
  6. I don't think mover would need to unlock it since it runs as root. I assume you are just trying to protect from ransomware running on another machine on the network and not actually executing on unRAID itself.
  7. No. It's just forcing unRaid to use a particular address to resolve domain names (in this case Google's DNS servers) and bypassing whatever your ISP has chosen to use (in my case, Bell Sympatico's DNS servers are beyond crap) Hey Squid... Love the appdata backup part of this, any chance of adding a /boot backup as well? See here
  8. Auto worked fine on both 6.1.9 and 6.2b21 for me.
  9. And because I figure I already owe him from the extensive use I made of unBalance when setting up my Backup server. +1
  10. rsync exit code 23 - Partial transfer due to error
  11. I don't think those environment variables are intended to be used the way you think. Have you tried just using the defaults?
  12. All writes to disks in the unRAID parity array update parity at the same time, so parity will be OK.
  13. How are you removing the files? This is just for files you delete over the network using SMB.
  14. Your appdata share is not set to Use cache disk: Only so it is getting moved. See Docker FAQ
  15. Install Community Applications plugin.
  16. When I said I had seen similar, I meant similar reports on the forum. I have personally never had this with any drive of any kind. And my ideas about the cause is speculation. It's just that another interpretation of that number you reported is -1. That is the way -1 is represented in 32bit.
  17. 4294967295 is FFFFFFFF so unlikely to be real. That number is what you would get if you had a 32bit zero and then subtracted one from it. I have seen similar with other attributes, where it looks like something that was 16bit zero got decremented by 2 and so became FFFE (65534), for example. Must be some bug in the drive firmware. Don't know if another preclear cycle would make any difference or not.
  18. Don't have anything to say about your actual question, but I do want to comment on your use of the word format. Formatting a disk when adding it to the array is the expected behavior. Since you said it fails the preclear -t I assume you instead meant that it is trying to clear the disk. Formatting and clearing are completely different and unrelated operations. A formatted disk and a clear disk are very different things. Format means "write an empty filesystem to this disk". That is what it has always meant in every operating system you have ever used. Understanding this can help you avoid mistakes in the future.
  19. This would be great and VM's (I know VM's is not really a part of this but Flash backup would be great) In order to correctly backup the flash drive it is necessary to actually stop the array since the started/stopped status is part of the super.dat file and restoring a backup that shows the array was not stopped will result in an automatic correcting parity check due to unclean shutdown. Also, users need to be aware that restoring a flash backup that does not have the correct and current disk assignments can result in data loss.
  20. I probably won't try this docker myself, but if you look in the folder where /config is mapped, is the .jar file there? If so you might be able to replace the .jar yourself. I know another java-based docker could be upgraded this way.
  21. Settings - NerdPack. Turn on screen. It will automatically turn on its dependency, utempter. Apply
  22. I guess I should have just said starting the array with the disk unassigned will make unRAID forget it. That would have covered it regardless of the other details.
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