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Everything posted by trurl

  1. I just did one last week and I have a folder on my flash drive called preclear_reports. There are 3 files in there, preclear_start_*, preclear_finish_*, and preclear_rpt_*. The rpt file has what you're looking for. Also, you can restart the preclear script and have it skip certain steps if you want. preclear_disk.sh -? to see the help.
  2. I think Physical id 0 may be the max of the 4 cores so I am going to make that my CPU temp. Looks like the MB temp is not available to me for now. I had looked around for info on the mobo and for the Nuvoton "unknown chip" and that is why I thought nct6775 might have helped. Since I am on 6b3 that .ko is already included and it didn't do anything for me. Seems others on other forums are not getting anywhere with this either for now.
  3. Thanks. That does produce temp displays in Dynamix, and sensors now results in coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter MB Temp: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) CPU Temp: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 1: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 2: +35.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 3: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) so I guess what was Physical id 0 is now MB Temp and what was Core 0 is now CPU Temp. Does Physical id 0 really correspond to my MB Temp? Is there some way I can get the average or perhaps better the max of all the cores to display as my CPU Temp?
  4. You can find it here (nct6775.ko for unraid-5.0.5): http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=32057.8 Thanks. Turns out to have been a dead end for me. Not sure what I need. sensors-detect gives me coretemp and then an unknown chip trying family VIA/Winbond/Nuvoton/Fintek. From some other searches I had seen about Nuvoton I thought this might help me but unfortunately not. I know there are others using the ASUS H87-I motherboard here, so if anyone gets this working let me know. Seems you need asus_atk0110.ko. Try to do modprobe asus_atk0110.ko and see if that helps. Already tried that as well. It doesn't complain when I modprobe it but I am still getting sensors results for only coretemp: coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 0: +36.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 1: +35.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 2: +33.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 3: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Can I make a sensors.conf from just this?
  5. You can find it here (nct6775.ko for unraid-5.0.5): http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=32057.8 Thanks. Turns out to have been a dead end for me. Not sure what I need. sensors-detect gives me coretemp and then an unknown chip trying family VIA/Winbond/Nuvoton/Fintek. From some other searches I had seen about Nuvoton I thought this might help me but unfortunately not. I know there are others using the ASUS H87-I motherboard here, so if anyone gets this working let me know.
  6. According to the manufacturer's website this is a dual-rail power supply, meaning some of those 300W will not be available to hard drives. Single-rail PSUs are recommended for unRAID. Silverstone has a couple of SFX units that many of us are using.
  7. Almost there. Uncomment the soap line in dynamix.php.cfg
  8. Where exactly are you stuck? Have you downloaded phpvirtualbox and put it in the Dynamix webserver? Is phpvirtualbox still not part of the virtualbox package? I thought it was. I thought that was one of the items that it installed from the virtualbox gui. I see it mentioned a lot but dont see how to get it or install it. EDIT: okay I got phpvirtualbox from sourceforge, and have it extracted. what do I need from here? do I dump all of it into a location, or just a select few items? vboxwebsrv is installed, but you need something to talk to it. Download phpvirtualbox and put it in the web root you set up in Dynamix webserver.
  9. Where exactly are you stuck? Have you downloaded phpvirtualbox and put it in the Dynamix webserver?
  10. I really like my Q25B, but this case is sexy! I have had as many as 7 drives in my Q25B but right now I am just using the 5 hotswaps plus an SSD for cache. 8 hotswaps would really be ideal for a plus license, since it would allow one extra for preclearing or mounting outside the array. I will probably resist this temptation for a while at least since I don't really need the space but I won't be surprised if I go ahead and buy it without justification when it becomes more readily available.
  11. Similar to mine. I had to update BIOS too. All of my bays are full and I have an SSD cache drive so I am also using all SATA ports. I went with a different processor in case I wanted to do some of the more advanced virtualization. You should unbundle your SATA cables. They can interfere with each other (crosstalk) if they are running parallel for long stretches.
  12. Looks like I need this for System Temp to work on my new mobo. Can anyone build it from source?
  13. Dynamix has replaced SimpleFeatures and it has a webserver for unRAID v5.
  14. Sounds like you have SimpleFeatures installed or maybe Dynamix. These are not compatible with the Limetech "new" webGUI, which is the subject of this thread. Go read the Dynamix thread to get stats and health set up.
  15. You do know that folder is in RAM? Anything written there will not survive reboot.
  16. In v5, if you make the folder part of a cache-only share it won't be moved even if it doesn't start with a dot (.)
  17. unRAID has a RAM filesystem where all of its operating system files are kept. When unRAID boots it unpacks all of its operating system files from bzroot and keeps them in RAM. Since bzroot is not altered to reflect any changes to these operating system files, they will all be restored to the original from bzroot when you reboot. This is why anything stored in any of the usual linux operating system folders does not survive a reboot. In general, anything not in /boot (your flash drive) or /mnt (actual disks or shares on those disks) is in RAM. Anything stored in these locations will persist after reboot. This is why some people add code to the go script to alter operating system files every time they reboot. I have code in my go script which alters /etc for example. You can put those packages in /boot/extra and they will be automatically installed on boot. Add the other script to the script in /boot/config/go (like I have just done. Thanks for this)
  18. Not sure I understand your problem. If you want guests to be able to read/write a share make it Public. If you want guests to only be able to read a share make it Secure. If you don't want guests to have any access to a share make it Private. You can also make shares hidden so it can't be seen when you browse. The only way to get to these is to specify the path. Are you anticipating guests accessing your server from: One of your computers using your Windows user? Using one of your computers using a separate Windows user? Using their own computer using their own Windows user? Some other scenario I haven't imagined? Where is a workaround required?
  19. I have used every scenario Tom describes here, including referring to the server by IP to get a different login to my server. I can confirm that it all works just as described for me.
  20. I've been using this for pre-clears since my case is full and I have one sata port left over: eSATA enclosure This particular one even came with an eSATA bracket
  21. Go back to page 73 of this thread for more discussion of these parameters. I was trying to do 3TB. Increased -b parameter is what you need. Did that but did not find anything concerning a -b parameter... Since there does appear to be a relation with these parameters (I conclude this from your reply) I will take my chances and do the preclear without the extra parameters, if only to see if that makes the difference.. Sorry, wrong thread. Try this instead. When I tried it on 3TB with the defaults (no parameters) I ran out of memory. The originally suggested -b 200 parameter was too conservative and caused it to be very slow. -b 256000 was suggested and I stopped mine during post-read and restarted it like this.
  22. Go back to page 73 of this thread for more discussion of these parameters. I was trying to do 3TB. Increased -b parameter is what you need.
  23. The emails are sent to the same address the system notification emails are sent. This can be setup in the simplefeatures email notify plugin. There is also an unMenu package but I don't use that method anymore since I upgraded from 4.7
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