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Everything posted by trurl

  1. SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (1 sectors) Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error # 1 Short offline Completed: read failure 70% 4527 13602456 replace
  2. Do you have backups of everything important and irreplaceable? If you don't have a backup server might make sense to keep the old server as a backup server.
  3. Can you run both servers at the same time?
  4. I mean do you currently have any other browser tabs or browsers accessing your Unraid webUI, including mobile devices and apps.
  5. Do you have other browsers open to your server anywhere?
  6. If you need to transfer more than cache can hold, don't cache. Mover is intended for idle time. It is impossible to move from fast cache to slow array as fast as you can write to cache.
  7. If you're going to use that feature probably better to transcode to a path on ssd
  8. Yes Others have been mentioned but that is the one that always comes to mind. This google search should give you some other threads about that: UFS Explorer threads on Unraid forum
  9. Same ata4 resets you had earlier. Seems to be referring to disk3. Check connections. Shouldn't cause crash though. Something else is probably going on. Usual advice is to boot in SAFE mode with Docker and VM Manager disabled and let it run like that for a while to see if it still crashes.
  10. You can make a backup of your configuration by putting your flash drive in your PC and copying the config folder. Then reformat your flash drive, put a new install of Unraid on it, and copy your config folder from your backup.
  11. You have plenty of templates. Probably no way to know if any are corrupt except to examine each of them.
  12. That seems to have worked. Hadn't been backing up anything in appdata for months, just copies of my templates, many that I don't even use anymore. I'll clean those up.
  13. syslog server will not stop you from filling log space Don't know why that NIC is spamming syslog. Can you disable it in BIOS and install another?
  14. Here it is under the shares section instead of storage management. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/shares/user-shares/#moving-files-from-a-pool-cache-to-the-array Storage management seemed the more logical place to look for this since the question wasn't really about any specific user share.
  15. Nothing explained so far is helping me to understand what I need to change. Do I need to specify /mnt/fast/appdata for the Appdata source instead of /mnt/user/appdata?
  16. Don't see it in those after reboot.
  17. Did it ever say your disks were unmountable? Probably someone reformatted your array disks but nothing in those diagnostics shows what happened. Is your server on the internet? Do you have older diagnostics or syslogs? Do you still have the original disks?
  18. Don't see anything about RAM in that syslog, but problem communicating with some disk. Can't tell which without more context though. Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.
  19. Can't tell anything about your filesystems without the array started. Start the array and post new diagnostics
  20. Note that this is not the solution if you want to keep any data you had already put on the disk.
  21. I received this for all my dockers. I will have to check if any were backed up. In any case, what is the solution?
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