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Everything posted by trurl

  1. More than one way to get small old disks out of the array and shrink it. Since the disks you are having connection problems with are mostly empty, shrink the array to remove them, and then use some of those larger newer disks to rebuild those small old disks onto larger newer disks.
  2. Your syslog is being spammed with these: May 5 02:53:19 Tower root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token Here is the FAQ about that:
  3. So did I. I did the conversion before there were any directions. Since format is a write operation, formatting a drive in the parity array updates parity so parity will continue to be in sync after the format. This actually trips up some people (despite warnings in the webUI) who hope they can rebuild a formatted disk to recover its data, but parity agrees the disk has been formatted. Steps 5,6,7 in the wiki cover how to actually do the format.
  4. You should have seen SMART warnings on the Dashboard for that disk, and Unraid would also have been notifying you about those SMART warnings if you had Notifications setup. The SMART attributes monitored by default are configured in Settings - Disk Settings. You can also configure each disk to override those global settings by clicking onthe disk to get to its page. ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 148 148 140 - 987 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--CK 001 001 000 - 65491 198 Offline_Uncorrectable ----CK 198 198 000 - 931 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O--CK 200 200 000 - 0 Pending is so large that I wonder if that number isn't some glitch since it is very close to the maximum 16-bit number.
  5. I have merged your threads. Don't crosspost.
  6. Please attach diagnostics directly to your post.
  7. Have you considered going to fewer, larger disks to get the same capacity? Larger disks perform better, fewer disks are fewer opportunities for problems. In fact, it looks like you have enough free space to move all that off the 2TB disks and shrink the array.
  8. Disks 10-20 plus parity2 all disconnected. Are these on the same controller?
  9. Based on looking at diagnostics, I think it is probably cache-prefer along with domains and system, but I haven't actually tested that myself since I set all that up maybe even before cache-prefer was implemented.
  10. Unraid identifies disks by their serial number. What you are asking about is not really the port, but the bay. That will vary with different builds. A port would go to a cable that goes to any bay in any particular build, and of course Unraid has no way to know where the physical cables are routed. There is a plugin to help you make note of where you put your actual disks, but you are the one that has to make the note (and print it out so you can see it when the server is down) since Unraid has no way to detect that.
  11. Do you have backup of appdata? Many people do because there is a plugin specifically for that: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/
  12. RAID controllers are not recommended for those reasons and others. Unless you can configure it to treat the disks individually (and not as a bunch of single disk RAID0) then you can expect to have these problems and it can make it impossible for Unraid to monitor the health of the disks for you.
  13. Or maybe you did follow it and the "quote" you gave was an attempt to paraphrase your understanding of it. Do you understand the explanation I just gave above?
  14. You should have followed the link I gave in that old post and it would have explained the problem.
  15. What are you referring to? Some docker or plugin? You have started a new topic in General Support that doesn't refer to anything built in to Unraid or mention what addon it is about. You should post in the support thread for the addon you are asking about. You can go directly to the support thread for any docker by clicking on its icon and selecting Support, and for any plugin by using its Support link on the Plugins page.
  16. And just stopping the individual dockers and VMs isn't enough. You must disable dockers and VMs in Settings.
  17. Since that quote doesn't actually reference another post, i can only guess it is a paraphrase that lost the actual meaning, or the original poster was confused or not expressing the meaning well. I think perhaps it is referring to the problem that can arise if you mix user shares and assigned disks when moving/copying. Linux doesn't know that the user shares and the assigned disks are just different views of the same files and so can try to overwrite what it is trying to read if the paths work out that way. Since you will be copying from an unassigned device there is no problem whether the destination is a user share or an assigned disk.
  18. If it has parity then it is basically the same concept. An extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits.
  19. Parity is not a backup. It doesn't even contain any files. Parity is basically the same concept wherever it is used. It is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits. The parity disk allows a missing disk to be rebuilt from all the other disks. Parity must be at least as large as the largest single data disk, so if your largest data disk is 3TB, a 3TB parity provides protection for many disks each 3TB or smaller. Or that 10TB parity will let you add more disks each up to 10TB or even replace any of those 3TB with a disk up to 10TB. Parity is never a substitute for backups. Plenty of more common ways to lose data than a failed disk including simple user error. You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable.
  20. Won't be possible to run a parity check on the new controller before New Config since Unraid won't recognize your disks so will not even know which disk is parity. You can do parity check before changing hardware.
  21. Looks like you had a good parity check on 2020-04-06 according to the screenshot. Did you change anything about your disks assignments since then? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. What don't you get? Did you click on the arrow to follow the link he gave?
  23. You are probably missing how parity works. Parity is basically the same concept wherever it is used in computers and communication. Parity is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits. The parity disk allows a missing disk to be rebuilt from parity disk PLUS ALL the other disks. Parity isn't complicated, and if you understand it a lot about how Unraid operates makes more sense. Here is the wiki on parity: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview#Parity-Protected_Array
  24. Right. But I always have to add. Parity, whether RAID or Unraid or whatever, is NOT a substitute for backups. You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. Plenty of more common ways to lose data besides disk failure, including simple user error.
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