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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Your docker image is corrupt. Have you had problems filling it? You will have to delete it in Settings - Docker and recreate it. Then you can reinstall your dockers just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. Possibly you have some issues with the way one or more of your dockers is setup though which has caused these issues. What docker do you run?
  2. You must rebuild parity if you remove a drive. There is no way to rebuild the data from one data slot to other disks in the array, only to another disk in the same slot. Parity is only about rebuilding a disk and knows nothing about any of the data. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post and we can give you other ideas on how to proceed.
  3. Cache drive will be a useful addition, but maybe not in the way you are thinking. If you setup your dockers and VMs so they stay on cache (not moved at night), then they will perform better and won't keep array disks spinning. The shares appdata (working storage for dockers), domains (VM OS storage), and system (libvirt and docker image, where the docker executables live), should be setup to stay on cache. A possible bottleneck you haven't mentioned, and may be the most important, is the upspeed of your internet service. If people not on your LAN are going to stream from your server, do you have enough up bandwidth? No reason to keep all plex media on one drive. Drives will spin up as needed and spin down when no longer needed. You really should have your cooling good enough so that all drives are kept within reasonable temps. Unraid already monitors SMART for all array and cache pool disks and other problems. You just need to be sure to setup Notifications so you get those alerts. You don't necessarily have to have a separate GPU. My intel CPU has that builtin and I use it for hardware transcoding. Maybe with AMD you would have to if you want hardware transcoding. I've never tried more than 2 streams, plus DVR, but I do have users from many states away. Probably a lot of factors besides just disk speed. Maybe someone else will have more on that. Not only would this not make sense, but I would say it doesn't make any sense at all, as in, you can't even do it. There is only a single parity array, which can have up to 2 parity disks. There is no way to have another "pool" with separate parity. Not entirely clear what you mean here. "Migrating" seems a pretty broad concept. What exactly are you migrating, and what are you trying to accomplish. You should not mix user shares and disks in the array or cache pool when moving or copying files. Sometimes it makes sense to move from disk to disk, sometimes it makes sense to move from user share to user share. Depends on why you are moving. Posting your diagnostics will probably go a long way to answering some of our questions about how you have things currently setup so we can make better recommendations and maybe guide you through making some changes. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  4. It is already an SMB Share setup with the Unassigned Devices plugin and can be accessed just like any of your Unassigned Devices. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
  5. If you assign parity correctly you should be good. If for some reason it offers to FORMAT anything, DON'T. Come back for further advice.
  6. yes I've not read that and I don't think it was ever possible. Even if it were I am sure it would be more trouble than it's worth. Here is the upgrading wiki: https://wiki.unraid.net/Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6 There is really nothing from V5 that you want to keep except your license .key file, and possibly your disk assignments. No addons for V5 are compatible. V6 will accept your drives with all their data and it will be able to read and write them just fine, but you will be using an old and deprecated filesystem. Converting a disk to a new filesystem requires reformatting it so you would have to move the data elsewhere as you converted each. There may be some issues with your controllers depending on what they are. Another possibility would be to use new drives which could already be setup with a new filesystem, and copy the data from the old drives. Newer drives may give as much benefit as newer hardware. There is no longer a free version of Unraid, but when I started with V4.7 there were already different levels depending on the number of disks. If you have unlimited license then it should be fine.
  7. Unraid can't directly use that storage as its own for the array or cache. but it can access that data over the network using the Unassigned Devices plugin. If you haven't already, install the Community Applications plugin. Then go to the Apps page to install Unassigned Devices.
  8. There has been a lot written about it on this forum, including a topic pinned near the top of this same subforum with link to a somewhat long wiki and a link to the long thread that was very active when many people were first doing this. It depends on how comfortable you are, working with things on the server at the disk level, as to how complicated you think this is. But long story short, when you change the filesystem of a disk, it gets formatted to the new filesystem. So if you want to keep any of that disk's data, you have to put it elsewhere. From your diagnostics it looks like most of your disks are pretty full. If you can, starting with adding a new disk assigned to a new data slot and formatted XFS would be simplest, then you could move all files from another disk to that new XFS disk so you could reformat that other disk as XFS. I say simplest because if you start with an empty disk then you can be sure you have space to move all of a disk. Then that reformatted disk could be the target for moving the files off another disk, repeat as necessary, doing the smaller disks last since they don't have space for the contents of the larger disks obviously. Looks like you only have 5.5TB free so that won't be enough capacity to just shuffle things around on your existing disks. You could move everything off the smaller disk2 to other disks, reformat it as XFS, then replace / rebuild it to a larger disk and get the free capacity needed to work with those larger disks. The unBALANCE plugin can help with shuffling things between disks. You don't have so many disks compared to some, but I would expect it to take a few days to get them all done. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable?
  9. Do you mean it isn't showing the icons for your containers? The default shares for your dockers and VMs, appdata, domains, and system, are not configured ideally. They have files on the array, and in fact appdata and domains are configured to not use cache, though they do have files on cache. Ideally, you want each of these shares to have all their files on cache, and configured to stay on cache, so your docker and VM performance won't be impacted by the slower parity writes, and so they won't keep array disks spinning. Possibly you installed cache after you had already enabled dockers and VMs, so those got created on the array. But you also apparently changed the cache setting for appdata and domains since these are normally configured as cache-prefer. If you want to move these to cache, there are a few steps to get that done. Let me know and we can work through it.
  10. The "next" version for you is so old it may no longer be available, so you would have to do the manual upgrade. Backup your flash drive. Download the latest stable, unzip it, and replace all bz* files in the top level of your flash with the bz* files in the top level of the unzip.
  11. Have you taken care of these Ryzen tweaks?
  12. I already did let you know with the link I posted in my initial reply.
  13. And you need to upgrade Unraid, before you bother with anything else. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/66327-unraid-os-version-650-stable-release-update-notes/
  14. Please answer each of these questions.
  15. Do you have an adblocker in your browser? Do you have any other browser windows or tabs open to your server on any devices? Have you tried clearing browser cache? Have you tried another browser?
  16. Virtualizing Unraid is not supported. There is a subforum here for people who virtualize Unraid to support each other. https://forums.unraid.net/forum/46-virtualizing-unraid/ But the physical USB flash drive with a unique GUID is still required for the license.
  17. Unraid has no way to know in advance how large a file will become when it chooses a disk to write. If a disk has less than minimum, it will choose another disk. If it has more than minimum it can choose the disk and if the disk doesn't have enough room the write will fail due to running out of space. Cache Minimum setting is in Global Share Settings. If cache has less than minimum, an array disk will be chosen (overflow) for cache-yes or cache-prefer shares, cache-only shares will not overflow. Each user share has its own Minimum Free setting and it works in a similar manner. If a disk has less than minimum, Unraid will choose another disk (except Split Level has precedence). The usual recommendation is to set Minimum to larger than the largest file you expect to write to the share (or to cache in the case of cache minimum).
  18. That setting writes to cache if it has room then overflows to the array, then tries to move any array files back to cache when it has space. The setting means you prefer for the share to stay on cache. What did you think? Is this another system different from the one you posted about a year ago? I see you have been a forum member for a very long time.
  19. In fact, you should forget about doing anything else until you fix these more serious problems. Disable dockers and VMs in Settings, unmount all Unassigned Devices, fix your time, fix your full cache, and deal with any important SMART warnings. I have moved your posts to their own General Support thread so we can help you work on all these.
  20. You can see how much each user share is using on each disk by using Compute... for the share, or the Compute All button, on the User Shares page. Your diagnostics showed more than one share with files on cache that were set to cache-no.
  21. If you delete the .plg file from config/plugins on flash the plugin won't be reinstalled at boot. But there may be more likely causes for your problem. Did you try the suggestions in the post just above yours?
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