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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Unless you have specifically configured it differently, the default you have is already raid1 mirror, with capacity equal to the smaller of the 2 drives. Here are a couple of relevant links from the FAQ: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48508.msg484481#msg484481 http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48508.msg484482#msg484482 Also, for future reference, here is a link to the guidelines for posting a bug report: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/report-guidelines-r68/
  2. Just changing it won't do anything at all to preserve the appdata that you have already accidentally created in RAM. It will create new appdata on actual storage.
  3. New Config, reassign parity as disk1, and unassign all other disks. Then you will be in a position to use Unassigned Devices to copy data from the other disks and then they can be added to the array. But, I have to ask. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable? You must have backups before beginning this and you must have backups even after you get it done and have parity. Parity can help you recover from a drive failure, but there are plenty of other, more common ways to lose data, including user error. You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable.
  4. Note that clearing a drive only has to happen when adding a disk to a new slot in an array that already has valid parity. This is so parity will remain valid, since a clear disk is all zeros and those zeros have no effect on parity. When using a disk to replace another disk in the array, it does not have to be clear since it will be completely overwritten from the parity calculation and thus will be consistent with the existing parity.
  5. Tools - New Config will let you assign or unassign any disks, and optionally (by default) rebuild parity. Unraid must format any disk it will use in the array or cache pool. At least one data disk is required in the array before you can start it, but you don't have to have a parity disk, so you could wait and add that later after you have freed up a disk. Unraid only supports XFS and btrfs filesystems in the array or cache pool (also the obsolete ReiserFS for legacy purposes). The Unassigned Devices plugin will let you access data on disks outside the array or cache pool, and you can read/write several filesystems that way, including NTFS. It is also possible to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to format a disk outside the array and then New Config to put it in the array already formatted as XFS or btrfs. When disks are already in the array, format will format any of those disks that don't already have a compatible filesystem.
  6. Check your BIOS to make sure it is booting from the flash drive. In fact, make sure the flash is the only bootable device allowed in your BIOS, just in case there is something about flash that isn't working and your BIOS is going on to another device to boot from.
  7. It is a bit odd alright. There is no requirement that flash be sda, and the sd designations will often change when adding, removing, or changing disks. For a while my sda was an unassigned device and sdb was flash, but that was all working fine and as expected. After a recent reboot without that UD flash went back to sda, and replugging the UD gave the UD a different letter. I don't know what will happen on next reboot but I've never had any problems when flash doesn't come up as sda. Your situation is different though, since it does seem to be booting from flash, and then it looks for a FAT filesystem on another device and continues on to load the plugins from flash, and it even seems to get your config/super.dat disk assignments correct. Are you sure you don't have any of those files on the SSD? Is flash the only boot device configured in the BIOS? I don't know what to think. Keep us posted.
  8. Do you have a cache pool? If not then put the SSDs there and you're done.
  9. Why do you think you want to edit anything in that folder?
  10. More useful to refer to them with some unique portion of serial number when discussing them. The last 4 characters are usually sufficient. Diagnostics indicate connection problems with all disks. Likely controller or power problem. No SMART in those diagnostics for any disk since they were disconnected. Post new diagnostics.
  11. Haven't looked at diagnostics yet. But I notice you keep referring to disks as SDx. That is not a useful way to identify disks, as those designations can change on reboot, and are especially likely to change if you add or remove disks. Unraid tracks disk assignments by disk serial number. I am concerned that you might or may have already confused your parity and data disks since you have been looking at their SDx designations.
  12. So all machines on your LAN can ping, but some machines on your LAN can access the webUI and some can't. That suggest a problem with those machines that can't. Do you have any adblockers or something else that might be blocking access? Have you tried another browser? Have you cleared browser cache? Any idea what this is about? Apr 14 15:33:14 HMS kernel: TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 26495. Sending cookies. Check SNMP counters.
  13. Your problem has nothing to do with this update method. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon and selecting Support.
  14. Go to Settings - Docker and delete docker image. Do the same for libvirt in Settings - VM Manager. Then post new diagnostics.
  15. I didn't consider that. @R-No Since you are going to end up with a 4 drive array you won't need that enclosure. Is it currently part of the configuration with your original disks?
  16. Or even another example, one where you don't try to write a file larger than minimum. Minimum is set to 10GB as before. The disk has 11GB free. You write a 9GB file. The disk can be chosen, and after it will only have 2GB free.
  17. Note that just because you set minimum to larger than the largest file you expect to write doesn't mean that space will never be used. For example, say you set minimum free to 10GB. A disk has 20GB free. You write a 15GB file. It could choose another disk depending on other factors such as allocation method and split level, but it is allowed to choose that disk because it has more than minimum. If it does choose the disk, it will write that 15GB file to it. After that, the disk will have 5GB free, which is now less than minimum. Unraid will not choose the disk again until it has more than minimum again.
  18. Apr 14 07:48:00 Tower move: move: skip /mnt/cache/domains/Minecraft Server/vdisk1.img Apr 14 07:48:00 Tower move: move: skip /mnt/cache/domains/Windows 10/vdisk1.img Apr 14 07:48:00 Tower move: move: skip /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img Mover skipped those last files we were trying to get moved, and it looks like for some reason they are back on the array so you have duplicates again. The diagnostics just before had these all on cache since we had renamed the ones on the array. Did you do anything else besides running mover between these latest diagnostics and the ones just previous?
  19. The user shares ARE the top level folders on cache and array. The normal way to create a user share is in the webUI. Then Unraid will create top level folders on cache and array with the same name as the share, as needed and according to the settings for the share. But, if you create a top level folder yourself on cache or array, it is still a user share, and will have default settings until you change them. I recommend not naming any folder the same as a disk just to prevent possible confusion later. How do you intend to get the torrented files off cache? Personally, I do torrents on a user share which only includes a single one of my array disks. That way they can seed as long as they want and I don't have to worry about filling the smaller cache drive. But I can understand wanting to have them on cache to prevent spinning array disks. You just need to be careful about filling cache and possibly corrupting it. Another user had exactly this problem recently with torrents.
  20. And all the rebuilding will be a good test of the disks anyway, so maybe you can just forget the preclears. As long as you have the original disks you can get the files from them if there is some problem.
  21. Make a user share, set it to Use cache disk: Only, set its SMB permissions as needed. Did I miss something in your questions? You should disable disk sharing regardless.
  22. May get a quicker response using the Contact link at the bottom of this page.
  23. I don't think so. It seems like you are planning to do more copying and less rebuilding than I had in mind. Whether you preclear anything or not is up to you, its only purpose is to test drives. Nothing about the procedure I outlined above requires a clear drive. Let me see if I can explain it again. Since you have 4 new drives all 10TB, you would use each to replace and rebuild one of your existing 8 drives, one at a time, starting with parity. So 4 total rebuilds. Start by replacing and rebuilding parity, then 3 more rebuilds, one at a time, each a replacement of one of your existing drives with a new one. In the end, you will have 3 x 10TB disks, each with the rebuilt contents of one of your existing data disks, each with plenty of free space, and you will still have 4 of the original disks in the array. Then copy those remaining original disks to those 3 new data disks. Finally, New Config without those drives and rebuild parity (shrink the array). Let me know if you need a more detailed step-by-step.
  24. Unraid keeps track of disk assignments using the disk serial number (as shown in the webUI on Main). Doesn't matter where it is plugged in unless for some reason your have a controller that doesn't pass that serial number (unlikely unless you are using a RAID controller).
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