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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Looks like you had 2 previous templates for plex, but they are both for the deprecated limetech plex docker. We can try them anyway though just to see what happens. The one named PlexMediaServer is the one you had installed. Click on the "download" button, the downward arrow in the box for that one and that will launch the Add Container page I was talking about. Then, there will be a slider in the upper right of that page, move it from Basic to Advanced. Then post a screenshot.
  2. OK, I see why you didn't follow my instructions to get plex reinstalled, it was already installed. I thought I had probably asked you to delete docker image earlier when we were cleaning things up but reviewing the thread I see I didn't. That should probably be done before doing anything with docker. Go to Settings - Docker, disable the docker service, and delete the docker image on that same page. Then enable it again to recreate docker image. Your docker will be gone but it is easily reinstalled from Previous Apps on the Apps page, after installing Community Applications. Maybe corrupt docker image is the problem with plex and not a corrupt plex database in appdata.
  3. It isn't doing a parity check, it is rebuilding the replaced disk4. You should do a noncorrecting parity check after rebuild completes to make sure everything is good. If you can't get that far do a memtest (on the boot menu). Quit until you get rebuild complete and things are stable. In fact you might even remove the preclear plugin. Quit changing and adding until you get stable. You are trying to do too much at once. Slow down, take things one at a time, make sure that one thing is working well before trying anything else.
  4. Specs say it has, maybe on a motherboard header.
  5. I locked your other thread so we can coordinate replies here.
  6. USB2 ports are more reliable for the Unraid flash.
  7. Locked this thread since the user also posted in the Dynamix plugins thread here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/34889-dynamix-v6-plugins/?do=findComment&comment=799866 Go there if you wish to reply.
  8. Network failure. What have you tried to fix it? Post diagnostics.
  9. I also suspect you are using the limetech plex docker. That one has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Not a problem if you are going to be starting over with plex anyway. It is a little more complicated if you actually have any appdata worth keeping.
  10. The way you have those volume mappings are OK, and simple to understand if you don't really understand volume mappings. If you eventually add other dockers you will need to understand volume mappings though. So, does that plex docker work? I suspect not, since the appdata won't have changed any and it probably contains a corrupt plex database.
  11. Unraid is NOT RAID. This is the thing that makes Unraid different than RAID. Each disk is an independent filesystem. Each file is stored completely on a single disk. Folders can span disks, but files cannot. The top level folders on cache and array ARE the user shares and any top level folder with the same name is the same user share, spanning disks. The fact that each disk is independent makes it possible to use different sized disks in the array, and makes it possible to easily replace or add disks without rebuilding the entire array.
  12. Each disk in the parity array is independent. It is nearly impossible to loose ALL of your files, since any array disk can be read by itself on any linux. You could lose any files on cache if you corrupt it. The docker image in the system share is easily recreated. There is a plugin to backup your appdata, which you can get from the Apps page.
  13. I really wanted to see the Add Container page before you actually submitted it and added the container. So did you reinstall Plex by selecting the "my-PlexMediaServer" template on the Add Container page? Post your plex docker run command as explained in the very first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/ Since you don't have any plugins you won't have an Apps page. The very first thing you should install is the Community Applications plugin. It will give you the Apps page I was talking about and will make it easier to install other plugins and dockers. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/
  14. That is fine as long as you don't write more to your shares until you take a look at those settings. The default setting for the cache pool gives you redundancy, which will make those yellow triangles go away, but it won't give you any additional capacity. You want to make sure you don't fill cache or you could corrupt things. So maybe best if you don't cache any of the other shares until you see how things are going, consider whether and what you want to cache, and make sure you have Minimum Free for cache set appropriately. I refer you back to this post I made earlier in the thread for more about how I use cache: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86077-unraid-problems/?do=findComment&comment=799406
  15. That's how I like it since it keeps those from ever overflowing to the array. On the other hand, it prevents them from overflowing to the array so if you ever filled cache you would get a write failure. I see no advantage to doing that. It would just take time and possibly present an opportunity for mistakes. There is nothing wrong with having the files spread over disks. Everything should work fine as it is as long as appdata, system, (and domains if you ever do VMs) stays on cache. Probably the simplest way to see which plex you were using, and to check how you had it setup, is to just go ahead and enable Docker, then use the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page, launch the Add Container page for plex, then post a screenshot of that page before submitting it.
  16. Probably not, but you might as well disable VMs and delete the image since you don't need it and you don't want it on the array if you do need it. Your diversity of symptoms does suggest RAM as mentioned.
  17. If you enabled docker or VM services (and you do have VM service enabled despite not using it) before you install cache, then their images get created on the array. And since mover can't move open files, they can't be moved while those services are enabled. The disk that has system share files on it is disk1. Click on the folder icon at far right of disk1, then click on the system folder to drill down into that, and post a screenshot.
  18. Your docker image is corrupt. And your system share has files on the array instead of all on cache where it belongs. Disable Docker service, delete and recreate your docker image, then you can install your dockers just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. Do you have any VMs?
  19. Which plex docker were you using?
  20. Your diagnostics definitely show it has lost the flash drive and that is the cause of your symptoms.
  21. I recommend a USB2 flash drive that isn't so small that it overheats, and a USB2 port. Specs for that board seem to say it has 2 USB2 headers so maybe try the other. Other than that I don't know what to suggest. Most people don't have these issues and those that do can get past them by using a good flash in a USB2 port. Many people have no problems even when using a USB3 port. And I am even using one of those small Sandisk Fit, USB2 flash in USB2 port, for years with no trouble.
  22. And what do you mean by this? Why do you think that is a possibility?
  23. You replied while I was typing so just reply to these parts:
  24. And what would you expect to be in the shares? Are you sure you didn't just move their contents somewhere else? User shares are simply all the top level folders on cache and array with the same name. If you somehow moved a top level folder into another folder then that could explain it.
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