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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. this wont work, the usb controller for unraid CANT be passed to a VM.
  2. i first used the plugin and switched to lsio tvh long time ago, both work nice but i prefered the docker solution
  3. it shouldnt matter, plugin runs anytime, docker runs only when docker engine is running (array is up) descrambling is working nice on both so you rather should take a look at your setup(s) and try different solutions and/or debug and look for oscam what is happening and search in the proper places what could cause this behaviour. both tested here and working but this is prolly the wrong place cause this is the unraid dvb driver subforum
  4. @anon1105 may ask in his support thread, maybe some dependencies not added in his container ...
  5. for a hdhr you dont need any dvb plugins, so yes, its just simple as is ... nothing to watch for
  6. when you say it worked before it should work the same way when the dependencies are the same ... now 1st to clarify DVB-T - u have a DVB-T Antenna plugged in ? DVB-C - is cable, no Antenna, just a simple cable from the wall outlet usually DVB-S - also a cable going to a dish and your tuner is recognized as a LG... in tvheadend which looks weird to me but who knows about dependencies, you use the same plex as before (official plex, lsio plex, binhex plex, ...), u use the same driver version as before (libreelec, TBS, ...)
  7. @anon1105 may give it a try with tvheadend, i have this card in 2 servers running with tvheadend with DVB-S(2) which broadcast type do you try to receive ? DVB-C, T, S, ... ?
  8. @ich777 ahead thanks alot for the chrome docker, may a question about sync ... as soon i want to use my google account to activate sync ... known or by demand ? couldnt really find a solution therefore now
  9. may ahead, didnt work here also before plex updated their dockers, lsio also updated already so make sure your docker is up to date (not only plex by restarting). and you have a cpu/igpu which is coffeelake ++ ? someone here said he is on kabylake and its working, but plex notes say coffeelake ++
  10. not using http or https, you can use the stream function but this wont work on the same port(s) as your reverse server(s)
  11. may as note, linuxserver updated their docker so you dont need to do this everytime ... just update your docker
  12. vielen Dank, dann hat sich das erstmal erledigt.
  13. i think you missunderstood some parts subdomain does NOT have to be the same name as the container, it just needs to be setted up properly ... in the swag config samples there is a server name to config (which is your subdomain name) and a docker name where to route/connect to. so of course you can use remote.mydomain.com to route to your guacamole docker as long its working now you good, but may take another look in the configs for the future
  14. Hallo, mal eine Frage an die cloudflare Nutzer da ich daraus nicht wirklich schlau werde. Ich würde ja gerne auf cloudflare umstellen zur auth für den swag docker um die port 80 http auth abzuschalten (und für nginx stream zu nutzen, egal) Jetzt die Frage, ich habe a. meine domain mit subdomains, bsp remote.mydomain.de, plex.mydomain.de, ... usw ... meine Hauptdomain wird aktuell nicht effektiv genutzt, ich nutze jedoch ein Exchange Abo von MS wo die autodiscovery etc über meine mydomain.de läuft, daher lasse ich diese normal in Ruhe. b. ich nutze zusätzlich noch einen dns domain dienst mit eigenen services wo ich NICHT Besitzer der Hauptdomain bin, Bsp, kodi-alturismo.no-ip.com, calibe-alturismo.no-ip.com, ... Kann ich diese (a + b) eigentlich über cloudflare auth laufen lassen ? oder müssen meine domains von cloudflare direkt gehostet werden ? wenn über cloudflare, dann ok, dann hat sich das erledigt, nur wenn das gehen sollte seine vorhandenen über cloudflare einzubinden, ... wäre ich für einen Tipp dankbar. Ich habe mir da einen account angelegt, aber weiter ...
  15. well, i dont think this was a general issue, autostart always worked here as sample and never been a issue lately.
  16. u dont use the port 8089 for reverse proxy usage (would make it obsolete), u only use remote.mydomain.com ... or when i see your sample, https://apacheguacamole.mydomain.com is your docker names "apacheguacamole" too ? lower case (using names is case sensitive), and is your external domain also apacheguacamole.... ?
  17. das ist korrekt, habe jedoch dann auch umgestellt und es mir einfach gemacht tvh docker im host modus, unraid mehrere ip's gegeben kleines script bei array start #!/bin/bash ifconfig eth0:0 ifconfig eth0:1 ifconfig eth0:2 exit dann ist der host natürlich auch unter allen ip's erreichbar, ist ja jedoch nicht schlimm ... und es sind 3 zusätzliche ip's verfügbar ... jedoch wie erwähnt, eigentlich nicht mehr nötig seit Fritz ein update gemacht hatte ... und den SatIP Standard jetzt bietet.
  18. seit den letzten Fritz Updates ist die Fritz auch ein normaler SatIP Server, da muss man das nicht mehr machen ... nur zur Info
  19. and turning off the VNC VM ... will bring back all to normal
  20. same here, dockers are 2 columms only, VM's only show the running with GPU, the VNC one is not displayed anymore when i started it
  21. and when you port forward, can you access guacanole by http://yourdomain.de:8080 ?
  22. then may also post your relevant config lines here set $upstream_app guacamole; set $upstream_port 8080;
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