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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Stoppe einfach den Docker service, danach kannst du den Netzwerktyp auf IPVLAN ändern, solange du keine Fritzbox hast ist das kein Problem.
  2. Das kann ich nicht bestätigen, ich hab hier auch IPVLAN (aber keine container in br0) und OPNsense. Ja wurde es, wird jetzt richtig angezeigt. Wie gesagt, das wurde gefixt, das war in 6.11.3 oder 6.11.4 wenn ich mich recht erinnere und jeder der auf 6.11.5 ist ist nicht betroffen. Ich bin auch auf 6.12.1 und hab keine Probleme. Solange du keine Fritzbox verwendest und auf IPVLAN bist mit der 6.11.5 solltest du keine Probleme mit dem Update haben.
  3. Over here only English please (kannst mich auch gerne im Deutschen Bereich markieren wenn du willst). In my containers the path is always bound to the DATA_PATH variable in the Dockerfile (or in some cases DATA_PATH & SERVER_PATH depending on the container). Just to be clear "sonst üblich" doesn't mean that how they do it is the way to go. The next thing is that most of my containers work differently and they are "self maintaining" and they pull the application itself which is running inside the container on the first startup and check for updates every time the container is started so to speak this is not only the config path this is also the path where the application is stored. This means less Docker container updates itself. Hope that helps or at least explains why.
  4. Sorry that I'm not more familiar with it, I've only heard about it and saw it on Youtube a few times mentioned. Is this maybe also available via pip? If yes you could of course install it on Unraid. BTW: you can also try un-get to install packages to Unraid, I didn't made it available through the CA App since this is of course for advanced users and because Unraid isn't meant as general purpose Server, you can get it here: Click To install it you have to open the .plg file on GitHub as RAW and past the RAW link in the Install Plugin section from Unraid. So if I understand that correctly the workflow or what Ansible does in your playbook would be something like: Create the container (something like: lxc-create --name Debian --template download -- --dist debian --release bookworm --arch amd64) Start the container (something like: lxc-start --name Debian) Create a user and install SSH (or allow root to connect to it I assume with lxc-attach of some kind) Get the IP address from the container (with lxc-info I assume) Connect through SSH to the container If yes, this is pretty cool and is something that I'm trying to implement but through a XML file where it does basically the same (except for the SSH part) and you can pull it through the CA App. Anyways, I've now also saw that Ansible is part of IBM and in the longer run Red Hat and I think I'm not going to look further into that because Red Hat now hide their "open source" code from RHEL behind a subscription model which is somewhat against the GPL and also not <- I really don't like that... I'm sorry because of the late answer but I miss many things if one doesn't quote or mention me in the reply. EDIT: It looks like that's available as a pip package: Click So to speak something like this would be possible (I think) if you are using un-get: un-get update un-get install python3 python-pip pip install lxc (I'm not sure but it at least should...)
  5. The date from the plugin is independent from where the package is created. You can always check at the Releases tab in my GitHub over here for the plugin and there you have to compare your Kernel version against the available ones here. Unraid 6.12.1 is based on Kernel version 6.1.34 which my server compiled the package about 2 weeks ago (you can get your Kernel version by clicking on the little "i" in the WebGUI right next to the Unraid version). Is that up to date enough or do you need a newer package?
  6. What version of Unraid are you running? A new package is built every time a new Unraid version is released where the Kernel has been updated.
  7. May I ask what do you want to do exactly? I'm not too familiar with Ansible but I think it is used for automation and setting up all kinds of software correct? The plugin supports everything that LXC can do with the exclusion of LXD which is I think needed for for Ansible or am I wrong? The main reason why I don't use LXD is because Unraid doesn't ship with Python and Python is needed for LXD. Strictly speaking you don't have to use LXD in combination with LXC. I'm planing LXC "Templates" in a upcoming release which can be pulled from the CA App but I have no ETA for that and I think this is not really suitable for you.
  8. Naja, kommt immer auf die definition von viel an, ich habe nur PowerTop installiert mittels un-get, brauchst du denn all diese Pakete? Vergiss nicht Unraid ist kein eigentlich general purpose Server, Unraid ist ein application Server. Probier mal legacy. Dann musst du aber nvidia-persistenced aus machen weil sonst riskierst du wenn du die VM startest einen crash vom Server. Hast du denn auch neu gestartet nachdem du die Haken gesetzt hast? Hast du schon versucht ein BIOS einzufügen im VM template <- das richtige? Sollte aber nicht nötig sein.
  9. Please look at the first recommended post on top from @juan11perez. It should be possible indeed. Please also share your Diagnostics so that I can see how everything is configured.
  10. @PsychoRS sorry for the late response, I would recommend that you create a issue over here if you want to get in touch with @Frank Crawford: Click
  11. Not on drugs at all... But may I ask what backups via FTP (or probably something else) have in common with Unraid Connect...? Just asking of course...
  12. Ich bin schon seit 6.9.2 auf IPVLAN umgestiegen eben auch unter anderem wegen der Kernel Panics jedoch hatte ich so ein verhalten noch nie mit der OPNsense bisher und meiner vorherigen Firewalls (IPFire und PFSense), jedoch habe ich auch keine Container im br0 aber zumindest sollte das mit IPVLAN und OPNsense keine Probleme machen.
  13. Bitte räum auch mal dein system zusammen, du hast vom NerdPack jedes Paket installiert, warum? Das ist sinnlos wenn du sie nicht brauchst und verzögert den Bootvorgang auch nur unnötig. So wie es aussieht bootest du auch mit UEFI, unterstütz dein Board noch den Legacy boot mode? Wenn du die Karte sowieso in einer VM verwenden willst dann bitte deinstalliert das Nvidia Driver plugin weil es nur für Docker container gedacht ist. Was mir gleich ins Auge springt von deinem Syslog: Jun 21 12:37:53 Tower kernel: NVRM: Persistence mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use nvidia-persistenced instead. Bitte deaktivier das, hast du vermutlich als user script drin oder? Das kann den start der VM beim durchreichen auch verhinden und evtl. sogar system freezes auslösen.
  14. May I ask what devices are you using and why do you think you are bottlenecked? IIRC ther is a tool called Intel PCM out there wich could do that, but only if you are using Intel and only on certain chipsets, I also don‘t know if this tool will be supported when 14th gen is released.
  15. Have you yet tried to switch to IPVLAN in the Docker settings or are you using IPVLAN already?
  16. It is most likely the case that something in your Windows VM is using all of your VRAM and then it crashes. Strictly speaking this has nothing to do with the host and it is a well known thing/issue that this happens if you exceed the assigned VRAM in the VM. Maybe it is also caused by bad VRAM manager from the video driver itself. Have you yet tried to use another driver in the VM and see if this solves your issue? Sadly enough it seems to me that Intel isn‘t very interested in GVT-g anymore.
  17. Can you please describe the issue that you are having a bit more in detail?
  18. What Unraid version are you using? You have to be at least on 6.12.0
  19. Form the Diagnostics I see that you are usig the latest driver version not the 470.xx legacy driver. Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: nvidia-nvlink: Nvlink Core is being initialized, major device number 243 Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA Quadro K4000 GPU installed in this system is Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: supported through the NVIDIA 470.xx Legacy drivers. Please Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html for more Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: information. The 535.54.03 NVIDIA driver will ignore Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: this GPU. Continuing probe... Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: NVRM: No NVIDIA GPU found. Jun 25 10:06:50 Tower kernel: nvidia-nvlink: Unregistered Nvlink Core, major device number 243 Please install the legacy driver, reboot and then post the Diagnostics again.
  20. Yes. There is a prometheus exporter for Windows in combination with MSI Afterburner.
  21. In the next release the file won't be included.
  22. Have you yet tried it with write thru deactivated? I would also recommend checking what's going on here your syslog is full of these messages: Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Close session: user root from port 58186 id 3 Jun 22 08:16:40 Unraid sshd[28650]: Starting session: command for root from port 58186 id 3
  23. Das ist normal weil es teil des Bootvorgangs ist (er sucht ja auch nach Diskettenlaufwerken, die du vermutlich auch nicht hast... ). Du kannst deine Lizenz einmal im Jahr eretzen, ich habe das noch nie so geamacht wie du aber du kannst dich an den Support von Limetech wenden falls du diesen Stick wieder verwenden willst. Du hast jetzt deine ganze config schon gelöscht richtig? Wenn ja dann mach folgendes: Sichere deinen Pro.key irgendwohin wo er sicher ist (am besten auf deinen Desktop oder so) Danach formatierst du den Stick auf Windows mit FAT32 und benenne ihne "UNRAID" (ohne Anführungszeichen und in Großbuchstaben) <- das nur machen wenn du wirklich deine ganze config und so schon gelöscht hast sonst hör hier auf bzw. hast du den Inhalt deines Ursprünglichen Sticks noch? Lad dir von hier die neueste zip Datei (musst ein bisschen runter scrollen) Öffne das zip archiv und extrahiere alle Dateien direkt auf den USB Stick (drag'n'drop) Danach klickst du mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Datei "make_bootable.bat" und wählst "Als Administartor ausführen" aus Das Fenster das dann erscheint kannst du mit einer beliebigen Taste schließen wenn es sagt das alles Okay is Kopier deine Pro.key auf den Stick in das Verzeichnis ...\config Entferne den Stick sicher von deinem PC mit dem Symbol neben der Uhrzeit Probier ob du Unraid jetzt wieder booten kannst
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