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Everything posted by ich777

  1. No problem, and yes I know, see the second answer below. Exctly because I thought this is the full line because I have no such old system to test with. @Ford Prefect please change the line to the answer two post above from @Morthan.
  2. I will look into this asap but from what I know the http port should be disabled by default. You actually can create a variable with the key: 'TURBOVNC_PARAMS' and the value: '-securitytypes none -httpport 5900' Then you don't have to edit the file in the container.
  3. I think the easiest solution would be to add these two lines to your go file (/boot/config/go): Use the solution 3 post below! This will make the temporary solution from @HyperV more or less permanent since this is applied on every boot of the server and no physical change to the file are needed because that's all done from the go file. Hope that also helps and is appropriate to this thread.
  4. This question was asked a lot of times in this thread and would involve a complete redesign and rebuild of the plugin from the ground up. I also don't think this feature is useful for much people because of the next two answers: This isn't possible when the GPU is used in a VM since it's dedicated to the VM and Unraid or better speaking the plugin can't see the card and read information from it. The same goes for iGPUs in VM's as for Nvidia or other dedicated GPUs.
  5. @mgutt die option heißt "Control Iommu Pre-boot Behaviour" und ich musste sie von "Disable IOMMU" zu "Enable IOMMU during boot without exception list" ändern.
  6. Ich werd den Server dann später mal neu starten und dann ins BIOS gehen und nachsehen, die Funktion wurde mit einem BIOS Update hinzugefügt und steht meines wissens nicht im Handbuch.
  7. Sehr eigenartig, ich hab leider noch nicht probiert bei mir einen PCIe zu USB controller einzubauen und mal zu versuchen den durchzureichen, müsste mal nachsehen ob ich einen rumfliegen hab. Hab auch leider nur einen USB controller bei mir am Board verbaut somit kann ich das auch nicht weiter testen.
  8. Ich hab 2 optionen im BIOS einmal IOMMU aktivieren und dann noch das die IOMMU gruppen aufgeteilt werden, wie gesagt wenn ich die 2. Option nicht aktiviere siehts ähnlich aus wie bei dem Screenshot oben. Hab mir nicht den ganzen Thread durchgelesen aber hat er denn schon eine PCIe zu USB Karte drin? Auf dem Block diagram für B460 sieht man auch das er nur einen USB controller hat und den kannst natürlich nicht aufteilen (wenn es denn hier um USB geht):
  9. Nein leider kann ich auch nicht sagen... Ist im BIOS die option aktiviert um die IOMMU gruppen aufzuteilen, ich musste das bei meinem Z490 board machen sonst sah es gleich aus. Kann natürlich auch sein das dieses Board das nicht unterstützt. Mein Problem zB ist das ich keinen USB controller durchreichen kann da ich nur einen habe und dieser in einer IOMMU Gruppe ist und ich eine PCIe zu USB Karte brauchen würde um dies zu erreichen.
  10. Tutorial (Windows 10 VM) First of all we will create a new VM with the latest Q35 "Machine" type (you can also use an existing VM but make sure that it actually set to to the latest Q35 "Machine"). But don't assign a vGPU just yet, first we will install Windows and after everything is installed we will actually assign a vGPU. Both SeaBIOS and OVMF will work fine with vGPU's. Please note this is just one way to set up your vGPU, you don't have to enable RDP like in this tutorial, and you can also set up Parsec or any other kind of remote connection software that you want to. This tutorial is written for less experienced users and should be seen as a step-by-stepwalk through. These are the basic settings for this tutorial (you can assign as much RAM and as many CPU cores as you want) : Install Windows as usual and make sure that you create a password for your User (this is really important for the RDP connection in this tutorial, otherwise you can't connect to the VM via RDP) : After installing Windows go to your Device Manger (right click the "Start" button -> Device Manger) install all missing drivers for Ethernet, and the the other devices from the VirtIO Drivers ISO and it should look like this: Shutdown the VM and go to the Intel-GVT-g plugin page and select the "Mode" that you want to use and the VM you want to assign a vGPU to click "Assign VM" (please make sure that the VM isn't running when you do this!) : Start the VM and go again to the Device Manager and see if the vGPU is displayed in the VM: Download the Intel Driver for your iGPU in your VM from here: Click and install it. After the installation is complete you should see that your vGPU is recognized correctly in the Device Manager. Once done, reboot once more: Enable the RDP service from Windows itself by going to the Settings and searching for "Remote Desktop", switch "Enable Remote Desktop" from "Off" to "On" and confirm that you want enable it and close the Settings Window again: Now we are going to check the VM's IP address. Right click on the Network icon in the lower right corner and select "Open Network & Internet settings": In the following window, click on "Change adapter options": In the following window, right click on your Ethernet connection and select "Status": In the following window click on "Details...": And finally in the following window you will see your IP here: Write that IP down so that we can actually can connect to it later from our local computer, smartphone,... Now we disable the output to the QXL Display Adapter and display everything on the vGPU Adapter, right click somewhere on the Desktop and select "Display settings": Scroll down a little down to the "Multiple displays" section and select "Show only on 2" (PLEASE NOTE, that you don't get any VNC output after doing this!) and press on time on the "TAB" Key once and then on "Return" once: After that, close the VNC Remote window and on your local computer search for "Remote Desktop Connection" in the Start menu and open it up: In the next window enter the IP from Step 14 here and click on "Connect": In the next window enter the credentials for the VM/User that you created when setting up the VM and click "OK": You should be greeted with the Desktop from your VM. Now right click somewhere on the Task Bar and select "Task Manager": In the next window click on "More details": Got to the "Performance" tab and you should see your vGPU at the bottom: To test if everything is working correctly simply open up a browser and play a video on YouTube and check your vGPU's utilization in Task Manager: Have fun with your HW accelerated VM! Now you can install your favorite kind of Remote Connection software (Parsec, TeamViewer,...) and make use of the vGPU. If something isn't working, you have always the ability to connect via RDP (please not if you use Parsec for streaming, unlike RDP, that you actually have to pass through a Audio Device to the VM otherwise you will get no sound output, the onboard audio or a cheap USB audio adapter will do the job just fine).
  11. Intel GVT-g (only Unraid 6.9.2 and up) What is Intel-GVT-g? Intel-GVT-g is a technology that provides mediated device passthrough for Intel iGPUs (Broadwell and newer). It can be used to virtualize the iGPU for multiple guest virtual machines and also in Docker containers, effectively providing near-native graphics performance in the virtual machine and still letting your host use the virtualized iGPU normally. This is useful if you want accelerated graphics in Windows virtual machines running without dedicated GPUs for full device passthrough. (Similar technologies exist for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, but they are available only in the "professional" GPU lines like Quadro, Radeon Pro and so on.) What does this mean? This means less power consumption, less heat output and better performance for your VM's. On which CPUs does Intel-GVT-g work? Client platforms: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Generation with Intel Core Processor Graphics Server platforms: E3-v4, E3_v5, E3_v6, E-2xxx, W-12xx, W10xxx with Intel Processor Graphics Instructions For a full tutorial please go to the second post of this thread! Make sure that your iGPU is not bound to VFIO and also that no arguments are passed through in your syslinux.conf Make sure that your iGPU is set as the primary graphics adapter in your server's BIOS Make sure that you have actually connected a Monitor or at least a Dummy Plug to your iGPU if you have other dedicated GPU(s) installed in your system Make sure that your VM is set up with the latest Q35 machine type Make sure that the VM is stopped Go to the Intel-GVT-g plugin page Select the VM that you want to use with a vGPU along with the mode and click "Assign VM" Go back to the VM page and start the VM Go to the Intel Download Center: Link and download the latest driver inside your VM (Select "Graphics" -> and download the appropriate driver on the Intel Download Center) Install the driver and reboot After rebooting open Device Manager and you should see two Displays (the first should be the Intel iGPU and the second one should be the VNC display adapter) Make sure that the iGPU is working: Open up Task Manager (right click the taskbar and select Task Manager -> in the bottom left click on "Show details" -> go to the "Performance" tab and see if the iGPU is listed on the bottom) Go to YouTube and play a video and check if the iGPU is actually used If the iGPU isn't shown in Task Manager go to your Device Manager and expand the Display section and see if the iGPU is in an error state, if yes go to the Troubleshooting section below, if the solution isn't listed there reply in this thread. Optional recommended steps: Enable RDP in Settings, install Parsec or your favourite kind of remote connection software and make sure that it working properly even after a restart Display output only on second screen (iGPU), please note that if you do this you will have no output on the VNC Remote and you are only able to see and connect to it remotely (you have to enable RDP or install your remote connection software in the first place!) ATTENTION Never add or remove a vGPU from a running VM, always make sure to stop the VM first! Currently only VMs without symbols or special characters in the name are possible! Troubleshooting The plugin page lists no available Modes: Make sure that you have set the iGPU to the primary graphics adapter in the BIOS and have also connected a Monitor or a Dummy Plug to your iGPU. The iGPU in Device Manger shows Code 43: Make sure that you have selected the latest Q35 Machine type in the VM settings Try to select OVMF instead of SeaBIOS or vice versa "Execution error device not found: mediated device 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' not found": Go to the syslog in Unraid and look for a message that says: gvt: request xxMB avail 0MB max xxxMB taken xxxMB gvt: failed to create intel vgpu: -28 If you find this message you are out of GPU memory. Likely because an old UUID failed to delete, or you are already running one or multiple VMs with a vGPU assigned and you are out of VRAM The amount of available vGPUs at the same time is dependent on your CPU and Motherboard. Button "RESTORE QEMU CONFIGURATION": If you have any trouble starting VMs you can reset the configuration of your QEMU hooks with this button, please use this Button only as the last troubleshooting step!!! RDP or remote connection software not working/installed in the first place, no display output or frozen display output over VNC Remote: Stop the VM, go to the Intel-GVT-g plugin page and remove the assigned vGPU and start the VM again, this should bring up the VNC Remote screen again. Thanks to @lnxd for proofreading and @alturismo for parts from his Qemu hook script
  12. Probier es evtl. mal mit einem anderen nur mal zum testen.
  13. Probier einen anderen USB port bzw hast du auf deinem motherboard noch 2.0 bzw evtl als pinheader noch einen 2.0 connector? Ist der usb stick 3.0? Probier den usb stick nochmal bootbar zu machen.
  14. No, on your internal network not. You always can reverse proxy the containers and then access it with https in your local LAN but I see no benefit of doing this only if you have hackers in your local area network.
  15. CSM ist bei dir auf disabled, du willst doch CSM also Legacy booten oder? Stell CSM auf enabled dann speicherst du mit F10 und rebootest danach gleich wieder ins BIOS und dann schau mal welche bootoptionen du hast.
  16. Please join @Spectral Force's Discord for support on 7DtD: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h He is the specialist for this game but I think if you add something like: '-beta stable_u52' (without quotes) to the GAME_ID it should work, of course you have to set the version you want to stay on:
  17. Kannst du dein Problem ein wenig genauer beschreiben was hast du genau Upgegraded? Unraid Version, wenn ja von welcher auf welche?
  18. Ich kann dir auch nicht genau sagen warun, evtl weil ich ein custom par2 mit multithread unterstützung und ein neues unrar drin hab, ich hab schon öfter von diesem problem gehört aber hab mich nicht länger mit der ursache beschäftigt da es in meinem funktioniert. Meine container funktionieren ein wenig anders vom update her, wenn es ein update gibt entweder direkt in sabnzbd das update starten oder den container einfach neustarten (die container checken bei jedem start neustart ob es ein update von der app gibt).
  19. @SpencerJ can you take a look at this please? License blacklisted after Upgrade.
  20. Don't understand completely. Do you want to reach the container over the internet? If you want to do this reverse proxy it with SWAG or Nginx Proxy Manager.
  21. Hast du sicher nigends ein untermenü mehr in dem du nochmal die bootreihenfolge einstellen kannst? Ich hab bei meinem Asus nochmal ein untermenü für removable davices und eines für hdds Hast du nochmal auswahlmöglichkeiten wenn du auf den stick drückst im bios?
  22. Das Intel-GPU-TOP? Ja sicher, haben viele drauf (inklusive mir) und als zusatz dann das GPU Statistics Plugin.
  23. Nein das bleibt so, du brauch nur nichts mehr ins go file einzutragen, das macht alles das plugin.
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