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Everything posted by ich777

  1. The driver won't have any benefit in your system or what do you want to do with it?
  2. As @SimonF wrote above install the iSCSI Plugin and follow the steps that are displayed. I use it on a daily basis since beta35 with my main system and never had a problem.
  3. @Vendy, @omsha, @gxkliks & @skwisgaarz the default setting should be '1' at Public Server in the Docker template or am I wrong:
  4. In general this is not different than before with the old Nvidia build. Can you give me a little more information, on my System with a GTX1060 3GB with Emby/Jellyfin everything works flawlessly. Are you booting with Legacy or UEFI? If you are booting with UEFI please try to boot with Legacy mode.
  5. Are you sure that you are not affected by the world destroy bug? Please try to revert back to a Backup that the container does (Please read the second recommended post in this thread on the top). Have you got a recource to his? Why should a public server be set to 0 instead of 1?
  6. The Container Port is wrong, you need to set it to 8080 instead of 8088. Please download the 'latest' version since Docker pulls the right architecture for you. You don't have to pull the amd64 version.
  7. Ich schau mir das mal bei Gelegenheit an.
  8. Ich kann mal probieren die zu bauen wenn du die Brauchst bzw. die Karte schon bestellt hast. Nicht viel. Wenn du die Datei erstellst dann wird das Modul früher geladen, mit der Modprobe bzw. mit meinem Plugin später.
  9. What was the error? The package was built successful because I checked the contents and everything is in there...
  10. You are running this on a NAS and not on Unraid, but should still be no problem (is you nas ARM or Intel/AMD based?). Identified the problem now and have to say thank you for pointing me to this... The variable: 'THUNDERBIRD_LANG' is missing the standard value is: 'en_US' (you can get a full list here: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/thunderbird/releases/latest/README.txt) I have now updated the container or better speaking the Dockerfile so the variable is automatically filled in. That's why the download failed, if you add this variable then everything should work just fine. (Don't know if a update is enough and your NAS will automatically create the new Variable)
  11. Ich seh mir das mal an was möglich ist, ich bau mittlerweile schon so viel für die verschiedenen Unraid versionen da würde dieses Modul nicht mehr ins Gewicht fallen. Bitte gib mir aber ein paar Tage, der Release von 6.9.0 ist auch nicht ohne... Hab derzeit noch ein paar Projekte in der Warteschlange aber ich sehs mir an.
  12. Für die oben genannten, die muss ich immer für die jeweilige Kernel version bauen bzw. bau ich auch ZFS und USBIP weil es in einem aufwischen geht. Alle anderen Plugins sollten OOB funktionieren und sind nicht Kernel version gebunden.
  13. Also ich hab aber auch einen i5-10600 aber auf meinem system scheint es schneller zu sein, aber wie gesagt das ist rein subjektiv, muss ich am Abend dann nochmal probieren.
  14. Aufrgund deines Posts hab ich jetzt auch mal probiert und ich sehe eigentlich keinen Unterschied bzw. ist bei mir fast das Gegenteil der Fall aber das ist rein subjektiv... Sind das vergleichsbilder von 6.8.3 und 6.9.0? Bzw. sind die der Reihe nach, bzw. stimmt die Reihenfolge von Emby und den GPU Screenshots? Hast du Throtteling also Drosselung in Emby an? Du müsstest das mit eine Power Meter kontrollieren bzw. würd ich dir auch empfehlen das du nur Emby startest am Server und dann testest und genau bei der exakt gleichen stelle. Hast du das GPU Plugin und mein Intel-GPU-TOP drauf oder?
  15. Plugins von mir sind alle gebaut: DVB Mellanox Firmware Tools Coral hpsahba iSCSI NCT6687d das ZFS Plugin von @steini84: ZFS das USBIP von @SimonF: USBIP und man kann jetzt sicher auf unRAID6.9.0 Upgraden ohne das ein Plugin in einen Error läuft.
  16. The Plugins are now all built and it's save to upgrade to 6.9.0 without loosing a Plugin because the packages wasn't built.
  17. Have you forwarded all 3 Ports 2456, 2457, 2458 and checked that you forwarded it UDP and not TCP or TCP/UDP? Have you changed anything in Template? Please also make sure that the Password is at least 5 characters long. Don't think that this will cause problems, have you tried to connect from your local network to the Valheim server? Yes this is of course supported because the docker then acts as a more or less real machine with a dedicated IP and you have to change nothing.
  18. I hear about this the first time I think? Where did you notice the '/bin/bash: line 33 [: ==: unary operator expected' what Plugins have you installed? What process is stuck at 100%?
  19. Sorry, Unraid was released about 2AM local time and I was sleeping, when I read the notification from my server that Unraid 6.9.0 was released I jumped out of bed and started building all the plugins that I got and now everything should work fine. You have to give me a little time to actually build the Plugins again if a new version of Unraid is released. Please now try to reinstall it and all should be working now.
  20. This card is definetely working because I got one and a buddy of me also got a card and the card works both with the TBS and LibreELEC drivers. Sometimes the cards are stuck or hung up and you have to cold boot the system, please try: Shutdown the server Unplug it from the wall Press a few times the Power and Reset button (to empty the caps) and wait for at least half a minute Then plug the power back into the wall and turn on the server Sometimes one of my DigitalDevices Dual tuner cards or even both cards dissapear, after I do the above methode everything is working again. The LibreELEC drivers because they both support TBS and DigitalDevices cards (but keep in mind this is a older version of the driver).
  21. @Ford Prefect & @UNRA1DUser ich werd mir das dann mal ansehen, es wurde sowieso 6.9.0 stable released also muss ich sowieso wieder alles bauen bzw. die Plugins hab ich schon gebaut.
  22. Which version of the images are you using now? The one from my thread? I think it has something to do with the combination of your hardware. I don't know if you have seen it already but 6.9.0 stable was released.
  23. Yep, exactly you have to download the new version for this Kernel version (so to speak the link has changed): cd /tmp wget https://github.com/ich777/unraid-plugins-repo/releases/download/5.10.19-Unraid/nct6687d-1.txz installpkg nct6687d-1.txz depmod -a modprobe nct6687
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