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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. As the problems with the new RCs startet (and we didnt got any information about that the issue is known) i thought its that drive, so i removed it from array. Its an old smal drive with mysterios sounds.
  2. Is there any problem with my request? I cnat understand why unraid keeps these drives alive if they wont be used. I also dont have the unassigned plugin installed. So there is 110% no need to power these drives.
  3. I think its solved, only problem is non spinning down drives, which is also probably fixed by next RC5.
  4. nice thanks for telling us what happend behind the curtain!
  5. I really cant help u with this, sorry, but a UPC only costs <60€ and will prevent such things in feature. I would really get that asap.
  6. Okay. Shutdown/restart works again. FIXED Slowness is at the same standard like in 6.6.6 (due to my CPU, i guess). FIXED UI is responsive, no timeouts. FIXED Not FIXED: - Disks wont spin down. File activity plugin shows that no files are accessed on drives 2-7 (i have 10 array drives) - Disk 1 is where new files get moved when mover is invoked - Disk 10 is where storj and camera footage is streamed to (with cache: yes) Normal only Disk 1 and 10 should be running. Still 2,6,7,8,9 is always on. I already reaplied the spindown timeouts, no change.
  7. That might be my fault. I think this file is left from my first tryin to get the mount working and testing if it works. SO i might have uploaded it to wrong dir or seomthing, but how to get rid? I think if the script itself would not work, it would be more then just one movie (bc im dln like crazy)
  8. Okay, so this would be a problem, or lets say inconviniece then. Which folder i need to check if it gets deleted correct? (like where they are hidden?`) I get this error on running (but it might be an old file which was not uploaded by upload script) 16.02.2019 10:38:43 INFO: starting unionfs cleanup. rm: cannot remove '/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs/Filme/some/thing.mkv': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/mnt/user/rclone_upload/google_vfs/Filme/some/thing.mkv': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/.unionfs/Filme/some/thing_HIDDEN~': Permission denied But i cant manually RM it because it says no file...
  9. Yeah, i would like that as a option too. But more important i also would like to have a set of (e.g.) 10 last backups from dockers and flash. Not only from plugins. Like plugins 14.02.19.tar plugins 15.02.19.tar plugins 16.02.19.tar dockers 14.02.19.tar dockers 15.02.19.tar dockers 16.02.19.tar flash 14.02.19.tar flash 15.02.19.tar flash 16.02.19.tar
  10. RC4 seems to be faster, but still its noticable. e.g. if i run the mover i get very slow unraid and download (nzbget) drops to about 1-2mb/s - which is ok for me. Better then before. - unraid doesnt seem to timeout anymore - Ive noticed that around half my drives wont spin down, even i said spindown to 30min. and usually only use disk 1 for new things and disk 10 for camera and storj. Activity plugin maybe shows a action hours ago... I tried to change spindown to never and back to default (30min) and will see if that does the trick.
  11. I have also a question. Cleanups cript is also not working for me, u gave me a changed script, no change. But i wonder if i really need it. All mountpoints where i write data to are RW mounted, so a DEL should delete it on all points (local and remote), correct? I only add data to /mnt/user/Archiv and upload it later via upload script.
  12. If it werent a problem, i wouldnt ask for a solution... I run a rclone upload script and fuse mount for google drive. Both stop the array from a clean shutdown, sometimes, atleast. I would like to add something to my scripts to prevent them stopping unraids "array stop" process.
  13. Im using user scripts, i dont know how i could do that. Is there a easy way to find out if the array wants to stop or is stopped? Bc check for mnt user will only return false if its already stopped.
  14. May i ask how you check if array is running, and also, if array want to stop, does it also return "array stopped"? Because i have custom scripts which i also dont want to run while array is goin to stop or is stopped.
  15. As far as i know there are 2 ways to add data. direct way is to put it into the combined folder of your remote and local storage (should be union folder) - it gets direct streamed (uploaded) if something goes wrong, data may be lost. Better (safer) way is to upload it via script, e.g. the upload script on first post.
  16. While reading this, one thing comes on my mind. Lets say i only have files mounted on RW directorys, do i even need a cleanup script? Because if i have read and write permissions, and i delete a file, it should get deleted, correct?
  17. I would suggest to restart after that many mount and unmount trys. And then try a clean mount, BUT CLICK SCRIPT IN BACKGROUND, thats important, that was one of the things i did wrong. DONT click RUN SCRIPT!
  18. Where you put files? If u put files in rclone upload, it gets uploaded only when the upload script is run
  19. btw you can trust kaizac, he helped me very fast with this whole thing, if you understand it one time, then its easy. After all i just had some small errors which resulted in that nothing was working.. Starting is a little bit hard.
  20. That might be right, still its the same symptom like i see. I dont think its only on encrypted xfs, because there were reports already without encryption.
  21. Could be the same some ppl including me are posted here, slow ui, e.g. nearly unable to change any settings inside shares. Only halve of page shows, multiple errors messages about dyin nginx threads. They investigate that. As far as i know. Do you also notice slowdowns if you copy files to cache and array at the same time? Do you use xfs encrypted?
  22. u could use graphit pads instead of thermal paste, then temps wont change using them with great success.
  23. I think this might be related to my bug. I see the same, and very slow speeds. Do you also have encrypted XFS?
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