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Everything posted by jang430

  1. Hi. Tried deleted everything in appdata. I did some experiments, used a Windows PC instead of MAC. Can access the container fine. It's a Mac OS issue now. If anyone has any idea how to delete the Self-signed root certificate on a mac, please help. As I can't find anything on google that teaches me how to do this. But I can confirm, Windows 10 can access the site well.
  2. Hi. I deleted my old Unifi container. Reinstalled. My Chrome, Opera, and Safari browser all cannot access the container, Invalid certificate error. I assume this is because my Mac previously have some sort of ssl certificate from previous container. I went into my keychain access, and deleted whatever unifi I saw there (1), deleted browser cache, and still the problem persists. Any help will be appreciated.
  3. SpaceinvaderOne did have a video about this, and how to set it to passthrough properly. There's an advanced GPU passthrough video, if I'm not mistaken. In that video, he talks about demonic sound coming from the VM. And a way to fix it. https://pastebin.com/MJi75Fge Yes, I read about this this afternoon. I pasted logs above, just in case you know how to read it. Don't know why, but today's performance is way better. Though in the logs, about 19:43 time, I have N:487/230/0, this while my son was playing League of Legends. I saw on faq, if not near 0, is not good. But at 21:25, playing cities skylines, I have N:5/2/0, which I had a very good experience. Not sure if on discord, they help troubleshoot such stuff. I'm close to nailing this, I think
  4. I don't recall doing this, but I can do connect to the desktop. What do you mean by this? Is this because you have both GT710 and Quadro P1000? I'm not experiencing this. It works like a charm, except for Parsec hehehe. I'm so impressed by the reliability of it getting up and running as when needed, my next project after Parsec, is to Start the VM via remote physical hardware button sitting on my physical desk 🙂. (because this nas has to sit somewhere remote) As of the moment, I have my Intel NUC (nuc3i5ryh- https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/83257/intel-nuc-kit-nuc5i3ryh.html) with Intel® HD Graphics 5500 graphics connected at my monitor, HDMI#1, I have Parsec VM (GTX1080) physically connected to my monitor's HDMI#2. Switch back to HDMI#1 again, and stream. Do you think because of my monitor physically plugged to GTX1080, and not using an HDMI dummy plug, will degrade performance of streaming? I don't recall having to have a fake keyboard and mouse connected to the vm. Only dummy plug, or physical monitor needed. My dummy plug do allow audio to pass through when I was still using it before. Is the streaming stats what I need to show how I'm doing? I have this before- I capped settings in Parsec to 60 fps. Why is yours better than mine? I'm connected to wired network. How do you check combined latency? I set mine to 50 Mbps. Since I don't play fps games, I have to rely on kids' feedback. The only feedback I get is it's laggy Which doesn't help at all. Let my try to get them to test some more, and elicit more feedback.
  5. Thanks Decto! Currently, top priority is to get Parsec up and running. I want to move nas to remote location rather than physically underneath my desk. My Emby can be hold off for now Will start going to Parsec forums tomorrow and ask how I can improve performance. I'd like to hear how your experience goes. Please share results when you get the time to set it up.
  6. I like pushing the hardware to the limit. So far, Unraid has lived up to all my expectations. I can't stop recommending it to everyone. Surprisingly, leave just 1C 2T to all other docker apps still work without issue. I pinned another 1C 2T to Emby, this is the one with some bit of issue depending on the file being played. And that only happens when Ipads are streaming from Unraid. When Android TV box is used (since my box supports h265), there's totally no issue. All the while with my son playing on the NAS with 4C 8T assigned to it, dedicated via streaming. Did I say deluge also running on the NAS at the same time? 🙂 Indeed, I think the only way to go is to get a GTX 1050 GPU. I've checked P1000, but the price is somewhat high compared to a used GTX 1050. I will have to find a way to use a combination of risers (hard ones-with small pcb, and ribbon ones). Regarding Parsec, it's the one that's giving me frustrations. Yes, I did follow SpaceinvaderOne's instructions on passing through a dedicated GPU. Playing directly on the NAS works perfectly, even GTA V. It's only when streaming that I have a problem. I agree, I will need to go to Parsec forums to ask for support. Is this the same machine running Unraid? I am curious if my hardware doesn't run Unraid, if Parsec gaming will be fine. I have always discounted the boost GHz. I've always based on the base clock speed. A lot say it's difficult to expect it on Unraid. I didn't research more, hence, my baseline has always been the base clock speed. I didn't know this. You mean if I had a better clock speed on the CPU, GTX1080 will perform even better? I never took the TDP limit of the M/B seriously. I thought it was because those where the highest TDPs on existing processors at the time of M/B manufacture. So it's true? You can't use higher? I can't remember this though. I change the configuration a lot due to finding the optimal performance. Though I've not used this kind of configuration on a long time. Mainly, I've switched between pinning 3C 6T and 4C 8T to test whether there is performance drop. Trying to conserve on the cores, but critic, my son, says there's noticeable degradation of performance when using 3C 6T. I don't play, hence I can't say Currently, when using Handbrake, I make sure gaming is not happening, and I remove the pinning, to allow handbrake to use more cores. My main limitations is due to the case that I love, the Fractal Node 804. Since it's the case I chose, M/B is limited to Micro ATX. Since it's Micro ATX, I think I already have 1 of the best boards in the platform that seems to make most sense right now, a lot of processors to select from, and cheap since I'm getting it used. To reiterate, the final 2 problems are streaming, and Emby transcoding. Seems we've pretty much solved the transcoding side, by adding GPU. Parsec issue left 🙂 Thanks @Decto, learned new things here.
  7. Yes, I did. I can't understand why either. I'm using wired ethernet, on a gigabit network. Yes, main reason I say it's almost a good platform is because I can go up in terms of cores. But due to having problems with Parsec, at a currently 3.5 GHz processor, I dare not swap to a more core, lower GHz processor. I think 3.5 GHz is just about right. I think there's 8 cores, 16 threads. But I'm really after 10c 20t. That's more than enough for me. As it is, I'm constantly changing my CPU pinning, depending whether I'll be needing extra cores for my Handbrake transcoding. Another scenario when I had to call in those extra cores is when Emby cannot transcode streaming shows to ipad fast enough. When I do assign extra cores to Emby, that solves the constant pausing problem. So yeah, the 3.5 seems to be good enough for local playing, but not quite good to have simultaneous playing, and transcoding. Wow, that's great information! This may be a good way to go. Though, using a GTX1050 can double as a second gaming VM 🙂 Then again, I'm limited to 6 cores as of the moment, that doesn't function well via remote streaming. So are you saying having a dedicated GPU doesn't help in streaming the h265 shows onto ipads? I would really love to get my Parsec working properly!
  8. Hi. They are both closed. And I really don't want to hack it off As mentioned, almost perfect board. What do you have in mind? I do have a hard pcb riser where I can plug x16 card, and converts to x8 slot. that will make may video card taller, but I can manage to screw it to the case, or Zip tie. I've done this before. But I've done some research. GTX1050 can transcode h265. Most cards are 2 slots. If I were to use that method, I'll have to remove the bottom 2 HDDs shown here, or I don't think it will fit? Or will it? In another thread, I discussed the idea of moving my existing GPU 1 slot to the right, on top of my m.2 SSD, using something like below: Not sure if I'll be able to bend the ribbon properly though. That will allow me to use the 1st x8 slot to put in another GTX 1050 gpu for emby. Is this a good idea?
  9. Hi. I am using Supermicro X10SRM-TF serverboard, and Intel Xeon e5-1650v3 processor. This procesor has 6 cores, 12 threads, base frequency of 3.5. Max Turbo Frequency of 3.80. I use unraid as NAS with several docker containers, they are Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett, Sabnzbd, Deluge, handbrake, but most of all, Emby (this is a problem). A lot of times, I mean several hours a day, the NAS is also being used as gaming PC. I have Nvidia GTX1080 GPU passed through. VM is installed in SSD. The games being ran are League of Legends (not very high in resources supposedly), GTA V, Fortnite. I said almost perfect, since I really like the board. It has BMC, I have dual 10 GBE lan (I don't tet to use for now), PCIe x16, to pass through my GPU, 2 x8 PCIe slots for expansion, an m.2 slot (PCIe x2 I think, not as fast as current boards, but should be good enough for VMs running on it), and 10 sata ports. Then I said not quite, since, I really wanted to be able to use the NAS by accessing it remotely, via Parsec, Moonlight, or Rainway. The outcome of which isn't quite as good, lag happens. As Emby server, when I'm streaming from Android TV box, it can handle h265 and h264 without issues, so not a problem, but when laptop, Ipads, or Iphones are streaming from it, the 1 core, 2 threads I dedicate to Emby is not quite enough. Shows will start stuttering at times, specially when the shows being played are of certain quality. Since the NAS is being used for gaming, I have 4 cores, 8 threads assigned to a single VM. While playing with keyboard, mouse and monitor attached directly to it, it's a perfect machine. To play via Parsec, the same configuration is not working, laggy. So since this processor is 6 cores, 12 threads, this is my configuration: For all the dockers, I have 0, and 6, for Emby, I have ticked, 1 and 7, for windows 10 gaming, I have all the rest. I also have CPU isolation pined on all the last 4 cores and threads. For Emby, usually, this is enough. For other shows that are high bitrate, this isn't (only when playing on ipad, tablets, laptops). For gaming, it's enough for local play, but for game streaming, it's not working. As you can see, my processor doesn't support Quicksync, hence I cannot buy emby premiere, to allow hardware transcoding. I think I can buy another GPU, and have the GPU transcode emby? But my GTX 1080 GPU occupies 2 slots, and it covers 1 of the PCIe x8 slot. The other PCIe x8 slot is open, but then I have space constraint on my NAS box. How do I fix this problem, short of replacing the hardware?
  10. Hi. How do you know if transcoding is using the Quicksync enabled processor after applying Emby Premiere license? Where can you see this?
  11. Hi. Don't know why my Deluge stops seeding, but continues to download. Stopping, and starting the docker container again starts seeding once more. Why is this happening? Follow-up question: Does remaining HDD space play a role here? I know I have limited space left, but it's still more than what I'm trying to download.
  12. ***UPDATE*** Just wanted to put some recent updates here. For those who are experiencing the same, or have solutions for this. As shared in above post, I am now currently directly connected to the NAS, for both keyboard and mouse. This works without problems. Recently, I tried connecting Nintendo Swich Pro controller to the NAS, for game use. The Pro controller has USB-C interface, and I have a short USB-C to USB type A cable. But since this is about 2 feet only, it won't be enough. I extended the cable with a 1 Meter long USB-A male to USB-A female such as this. and I was able to use it for a while, and the same disconnecting behavior happened. At this point in time, I think it's fair to say any extension, whether through lan, or through a simple cable such as this, causes USB disconnection. I don't know why though. I'd still like to find this out. I still want to move my NAS out of my room.
  13. @testdasi, you mean Unraid will consume less power with VM started (GPU passed through) than VM turned off? If this is the case, what are the steps to make sure passed through GPU idles properly? I have graphics driver installed properly. Do I just go to power settings and allow it to go to sleep when not in use? Is this how we get VMs with GPU in low power?
  14. Thanks. Trying to look for some drives off ebay! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Is there any reason these drives won't work? Do they have custom firmware? Anything need to be done for us to use them on our Unraid? SATA models
  16. I may have been to blame . After migration, there were a lot of rules that I don't understand, and I just deleted them. Now, I want to manually put them back.
  17. Thanks @Ford Prefect, that's how I did it while I was in v17 . Just 2 days ago, I upgraded to v18, hence I have this question . HOpe you can shed some more light.
  18. Thanks Ford, I believe they call it PAT, Port Address Translation I think. Don't know how to do it yet, but will read some more. Appreciate the help.
  19. Hi. Don't know how to assign individual IPs for different containers though. Hence, not using that setup for now. Will read about it. I've successfully opened the port, though I don't know how to direct it to server:8112. I want all traffic to port 12345 only be directed to server:8112, and not server:8080, or server:8989.
  20. Hi. Anyone using Sophos XG18 as their firewall? I'm using the home version, which is free to use. I have docker containers in bridge mode. Deluge, Nexcloud, Syncthing, all using the same IP address as my Unraid Server. I don't now how to DNAT into Deluge, as I know Deluge requires opening of TCP and UDP ports. My deluge is on ServerIP:8112. Anyone have idea how to do it? So far, I have Sophos XG open port 12345. And when I use canyouseeme.org to check if port is open, it says MyPublicIPAddress with port 12345 is open. Don't know where traffic is going to though, as we should route it to ServerIP:8112 right? Hope some of you have instructions on how to do this.
  21. Was reading through this again. @johnnie.black Does it mean if a lot of small files, drop in performance from SSD to Spinner will be significant?
  22. Hi. Can you have Sonarr import shows to the array, so can start watching, when download has completed in Deluge, and yet, have Deluge continuously seeding it, and delete the show when reached seeding ratio?
  23. @Dava2k7 FYI, I have since moved my NAS to where my monitor and keyboard is at right now, and plug it directly to the NAS. No disconnection happened in days. So I can conclude that when keyboard and mouse directly attached, nothing happens. I experimented today using the USB extender, and got a random length RJ45 cable (7 Meters or so), and plug it to the NAS, and BAM! It disconnected. If that is the scenario, it seems there's nothing to do with Power settings in USB. Right now, there's a possibility that the USB Hub is the problem, or just the USB extender. Will isolate further.
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