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Everything posted by comet424

  1. @JorgeB did not work still login is gone is the usb broken? that then is causing my unraid to wrong problems also found bug in the unraid usb creator tool so i post that in the bugs section but i copied the 2 files and took screen shot everything went downhill when i had issues with my xpg 1tb nvme and when i moving the vms off it and my home assistant vm corrupted and then it was bam everything 1 problem after another as you probably seen different posts i been having tower-diagnostics-20210721-0846.zip
  2. @JorgeB didnt work i did uninstall of 2 plugins at a time then rebooted.. now no plugins still cant use the login on the console.. and dunno if the unraid still broken other then the login issue i kept the array offline for each reboot i also moved the system folder to the array.. and rebooted so the system folder wouldnt mount at bootup didnt matter... still no login and dunno what else is affected tower-diagnostics-20210720-1839.zip
  3. ok thanks ill have to take screen shot of what i all have then.. it kinda sucks there is no way to say this is the cultrip i know the my servers plugin buggered up things and thats how i noticed no login it.. but i know the fan speed control plugin is buggered up each time a hard drive is added or an nvme... so ill try with that thanks
  4. so i been dealing with multiple issues that all started when a nvme went wonky and buggered up a couple weeks ago for my appdata system and vms, but my question is. when unraid boots up it shows ip address i guess and no ip for v6 but i dont get a login its just disabled how do i fix that? when booting up in safe mode no plugins but gui.. i get a login there but when booting up normally.. the login is disabled.. anyway to re enable it?
  5. so far 0 luck i deleted the /flash/config/ssh/root folder as i noticed there is a folder in there that used to never be there so unraid would be forced to load all those keys in the ssh folder.. but it didnt work when i rebooted.. now the /root/.ssh/ folder is empty so i wasnt able to get it to force it in and i was unable to get the login screen back.. what plugin breaks the login? update: on the ssh part not they login so i figureed it out which no one told me in my other post.. as no one is step by step detailed you still gotta use the mkdir you still gotta use chmod keyscan and cat.. but you only have to run it once.. then it saves it.. and unraid takes those saves to the flash so when you reboot all it does is copy that folder..... if someone would have said all you gotta do is just re run those commands in my go file to import.. i wouldnt spent hours last night reboots and such.. unraid docs should tell you that too.. when unraid looses keys folder.. all you gotta do is run mkdir,cat,keyscan,chmod, to restore it.. so keep a copy of your script.. dont toss it.. so least i figured it out trial and error and figured id try it thanks for the help i appreciate it all
  6. ill probably just stop using those 300gb hds as i was just using it as a "test cache drive" to learn about multiple cache drives but i pulled the drive out that was bad but speeds did not increase.. and i dont see how you can see a progress of mover.. what file its on how many files to go etc update: i pulled out all the drives that arent part of the array and pools but no change update : an hour later its bumped up speed from 1mb and less to 2.6mb/s something is bottle necking it.. but hopefully it pick up speed i wish there was some error.. this program has broken everything kinda thing so after 3 hours i have move 11gig of 100gb 50 gb of system and 50 gb of appdata.. update: after 6 hours or so its only moved 26gb i pretty sure this cant be right.. good thing its only 100gb not 1tb update: i currently trying Safe mode with no plugins but gui option i tried the mover now.. its a bit faster from 2.3mb to 5mb/s but will drop down to 600kb/s i thought maybe it was a plugin.. so could it be something wrong with array and if so how can i test if things are working at peak performance? must be something corrupt in the appdata?? that took 6 7 hours... once it got to the system it acceleratored jumping to 500mb/s and on off around 130mb/s are there symblinks you mentioend in appdata? or is the appdata corrupt in there? or is it just normal for appdata to go that slow... and is it it maybe plex? should plex be on its own SSD the appdata info away from the regular appdata?
  7. @Squid is there anyway to boost the speed of mover? i just got in the mail a new 7000mb/s nvme so i wanted to replace that cache i using above i tried mover again gave up... i ran unbalance couldnt move it to nvme it can not see more then 1 cache pool.. so i moved to the array. so it moved 100gb in about 15 min now since unbalance..... cant see the 2nd cache so i moved the appdata and system to disk 5 to make it easier for mover so now when i run the mover to engage copying from array to 2nd cache test pool cache its moving at 1meg to 700kb/s now that has to be wrong.. cuz it took 2 hours to move 2GB you mentioned symlinks but this cant be true.. that it needs time to move files.. how can mover be so slow when ppl talk about moving the files off the cache drive to the array over night.. to move 100gb i need a few days.. is there anything is my diagnostics to tell me what is wrong with my unraid cuz i already frustred with my SSH problem i posted in the other topic today.. and i frustrated with dynamic fan speed.. its running when it should be off even if you enable or disable it should be silent but all fans running full speedl.. i just having a bad day .. seems everything doesnt wanna work i still have no login screen i mentioned in the SSH problem i having.. unraid has removed the login... but its there is safe mode.. i just frustrated.. and i dont know whats broken no one can tell me this program broke and is causing all this stuff.. i been still testing with 300gb hards i have and i just pulled the 1 out it was flashing it was teh bad one.. i figured its causing the slow mover... i have this blk update errors i dunno what that is i was getting those before i had those 300gb hard drives in.. just frustrated... do i just wipe out unraid and start fresh?? erase everything or what do i do to fix it.. cuz i frustrated and it was all working before till i had a nvme go funny and when i first moved vms i had problems with my home assistant and everythng went down hill from there... so i dunno how to fix my ssh issues in my other topic i cant get this thing to move faster then 1gb of data an hour the other guys couldnt find any errors in my diagnostic log in my ssh problem today. so i dunno.. i lost tower-diagnostics-20210719-1723.zip
  8. @JorgeB i dont know what you talking about "!!RC" i know i asked about ssh keys before to get the out of the Common Fix Issues plugin you rem out it all.. and you have all the keys in the .ssh folder and boom bobs your uncle your done.. from what i understood from that other thread. as the Documentation isnt detailed enough for joe blow to understand it.. its written in crypted.. as it should say place your keys in "/Flash/config/.ssh" and thats all you need Unraid will do the rest plain and simple and then show steps how to create the key.. and that you no longer need chmod cat any of that in the go file anymore but like i said thats how i read what you guys told me in the other form delete the go file for the chmod cat scan thing.. and unraid will do the rest.. and that worked for a while.. i dont think recreating keys will fix the problem of unraid not copying the keys from the .ssh folder into the /root/.ssh/ known hosts file thoguh? but that no longer works.. and so if i recreate the keys it doesnt solve the problem... does solve it why its not copying from the USB drive.. and Why you can no longer use the Login on the Server anymore its disabled like you seen.. @itimpi ah ok well learning stuff new everyday so i rebooted back into unradi safe mode i get errors booting up and it hangs alot but you can see i had to recreate a key as u see unraid isnt mkaing that known_hosts file also last couple pics are when i reboot the unraid it hangs and like i mentioned above .. there is no longer a login plus why is there an error for Plugins when it safe mode? its not supposed to be running plugins? but what i dont understand is.. you guys have the diagnostic file.. why doesn it show step by step whats loading and what craps out.. so you can see yup this file caused the corruption or caused the issue? like file wont load or something.. or reinstall this.. like windows does or like when you get the blue screen of death.. microsoft knows what caused the crash by minidump.. doesnt unraid have something like that? also can you address why the login is gone. and is there a way to notify you when .ssh failed to copy. and user scripts failed to rsync
  9. no i.. i went to shell i typed ssh root@backupserver it asked for your fingerprint i typed yes it said host failed
  10. @JorgeB@itimpi so then dockers and vms are safer then plugins.. so does that mean the Unraid limetech my servers plugin is considered bad as its not a Docker or a VM? so i booted into safe mode.. i did the gui no plugins.. it gives me a login. i used my windows machine and ran the terminal... went into root/.ssh folder and no other things there other then what you see.. i tried to ssh root@backupserver but asked for that finger print thing and said host failed.. i reboot tower.. and i still have no login for the main server.. but able to access the gui still.. so here some pics and a diagnostic.. maybe it can tell you. but wouldnt your system logs tell you which exact plugin broke unraid.. or broke the SSH built in feature.. i havent had a chance to uninstall some of the plugins as i was gonna see if any over lapped any etc the last 2 photos are from other day.. just before i uninstalled the unraids my server plugin you can see there also i do not have a login anymore and if some plugins are bad why they on the community apps.. but can you see what plugins i should remove then? hope it helps tower-diagnostics-20210719-1337.zip
  11. i just uninstalled the my servers plugin.. and just rebooted unraid i need to plug a video card in to be able to change to safe mode but rebooted unraid it didnt work so once in safe mode? what then how do i fix it? so does that mean any plugin that breaks can break the ssh stuff? hopefully next release of unraid can fix it so plugins cant break it.. is there a certain that plugin that causes the ssh to fail and not work.. that i can check
  12. oh ok i know the Unraid My Servers plugin has caused me issues i forgot to uninstall it as it has made it before you cant boot up unraid... and the pluggin has disabled the Tower login.. when you boot into safe mode then what do you do? ill have to replug in a video card.. its headless unless i can boot into safe mode from console? and would removing the unraid plugin fix it pics are from last week but i ment to uninstall the plugin ill probably uninstall it later today i not at home at the moment.. possibly this is the reason?
  13. in the past i used to have the go file do the mkdir and chmod and the cat >>authorized keys or what not then the latest version of unraid told me not to do that anymore in fix common fixes.. and i remmed out all that code and for the longest time it still worked between reboots but now i noticed with user scripts the rsync between servers is broken.. when i shell it i have to do the authorization i thought i should no longer have problems as long as the keys are in the flash's .ssh folder but it doesnt work? so what should i do ti get it up and running again with no issues cuz i didnt understand the documentation back then i guess as long as its in the .ssh folder it should just copy over and import on its own but now it doesnt work and i wish there was a notification to say rysnc userscripts the connection between the servers are broken
  14. id like to run a cluster i guess thats when 1 computer is down it bounces to the 2nd computer so i wanna run to practice with my Home Assistant.. on my Tower Unraid and my Backup Unraid so when my Main Unraid is shut down.. it goes to backup Unraid with the same name address how do you do that to link 2 VMs together and do that and is that what a cluster is ? so when main is off the backup takes over as id like to do it for my websever vm too but i figured try with home assistant first if there is a video or explantion like a guide.. maybe someone can post that
  15. @SiteAssemble ya who knows.. i also asked to see if there was a way to get fans to run for motherboard individual Sata SSDs,nvmes, Cahce drives, or cpu.. like a straight copy of the array fan speed control.. which the info says system temperatures.. so its not desciptivie right either.. but doesnt look like i gonna get help... so i just try to odd ball things if i knew how to right unraid plugins.. id write the fan control so the array 1-7 pwm controlling options are duplicated for all unassigned drives all cache devices. so that when the cache drives or motherboard over heat where the array is shut off that the fans will run... i kinda got it kinda working i only able to do 1 of the 2 exhaust fans i excluded from the array fans so it reads temps of just the cache drives. and excludes all the array.. i wanted near silent but doesnt look like it happen come winter when the computer is running 5c degrees will the fans be shut off always lol for now i not getting what i need so i jsut deal with it
  16. so i updated bios you cant do what i want there so back looking for a plugin or a script Scenerio 1. Array Off .Mother board temps hit 40C turn on Fan 1 and Fan 4 Array Off Motherboard temps hit 45C turn on Fan 1 4 6 and 7.. Scenerio 2 Array Off Cache Drive 3 Sata SSD hits 40 turn on Fan 2 and Fan 4 Array Off Cache Drive 3 Sata SSD hits 50 turn on Fan 2 and Fan 5 i want the same options as Auto Fan Control which is really only Array Fan Control but i want a duplicate copy for every Cache Drive individually 1 For Motherboard temp 1 For GPU Temp 1 for CPU TEmp every Unassigned Drive Individually there is not point spinning the Entire 7 Fans if you only need 1 of the 3 Array Fans and 1 or 2 Exhaust Fans so id like more control
  17. @SiteAssemble ya thats what i did... sorry my disylexia i didnt explain myself right but what i ment was by default there is not such thing as Fan0 they should have labled it FAN1 to FAN5 not Fan0 to Fan4 cuz its FAN 1 to FAN 7 in PWM settings there not such thing as PWM0 what i mean is they need to fix it to change it 0 to a 1 and fix the Fan numbering i have 7 fan options Fan 0 really is PWM1 --> Array Fan 1 really is PWM2 --> CPU Fan 2 really is PWM3 --> Rear Right Fan 3 really is PWM6 --> Rear Left FAN 4 really is PWM5 --> Chipset Cooling so you can see the number doesnt match correctly but i got it labeled correctly at least so i wont get confused looking at the dashboard now as i was getting confused before Fan0 but you need to know the PWM1-7 nothing is perfect.. but least your labeling help has helped my needs now only if it could just be incorporated in the the pluggin and id like more control options over specific SSDS etc no control for that
  18. is there a way i could copy the dynamix fan plug in and modify it so i have say 6 copies of it and then modify it 1 for motherboard, 1 for each unassigned drive, 1 for nvme, 1 ssd, cpu,gpu, so there is more control so you have that 1-7 pwm fans for each option so motherboard gets 1-7 pwm fans cpu gets 1-7 pwm fans cach1 gets 1-7 pwm fans and so on and each option gets there own unquie control of the fans
  19. @tjb_altf4 ah well i know i have 6 headers.. 1 is a opt cpu which sucks as you cant turn it off and i got a pump header which doesnt wanna stop but there is a setting for PWM but there is a new BIOS release i might try so to do things i have 3Way splittler from 1 header to 3 array fans.. but i realyl dont like it you bump a wire any of the 3 fans will spin on its own i dont know why this happens and then i have 2 rear fans on there own headers.. and then i got the chipset cooler and the cpu the dashboard i dunno why it reports FAN0 there is not such thing as fan 0 so the dashboard for Fans is incorrect it doesnt match correctly as i disable the cpu and chipset from the enabled in fan controller. but my mobo doesnt have a GPU in the bios to turn on array fans if its over heating.. and there is no option in the dynamix fan control for SSDs, cache, unassigned drives and i also looking for a feature you dont need to spin up all the fans maybe fans 1 3 7 as an example.. but ill update my BIOS tomorrow and see what happens if i can do both as i couldnt and i not sure if that also the problem i have on 3 way splittler if you bump 1 fan it will run while the other 2 are off.. or you bump the middle one willl cause a 2nd fan to run.. but i dont think 3 way splitters work right.. i think u need 1 fan per header they just dont have enough header s but ya really i wanted is a real break down per drive 38-46C For all the Array and Exhaust fans to kick in Excluding Nvme,SATA SSD 48-70C For Cache 1 (NVME) 48-70C For Cache 2 (SATA SSD) 38-46C For Cache 3 (Sata Spinner) 38-46C For Unassigned Drive 1 38-50C Motherboard Only Run 2 Exhaust Fans forget the Array Fans 50-70C CPU Only Run 1 Exhaust Fan and 2 Array Fans and i want to be able for each Drive to choose what Fans to kick in.. so could be 1 Exhaust 1 Array fan or no Array Fans just 2 Exhaust i just like more options broken down more control what fans can be enabled per option so basiclly that Dynamix Fan Control.. thats Only For Array there should be a complete copy for CACHE 1 CACHE 2 CPU MOTHERBOARD Unassigned drives etc but ill try again tommorrow with a bios update
  20. @SiteAssemble noticed bug on that dashboard.. when i turn off that custom to see. its labeled FAN 0 but there are no fan 0's it should start at FAN 1 not sure how to fix it cuz i modied your code to add fans 4-7 since i have 7 fan headers they dont show up but i gonna test tommorow to label them 1 at a time.. just noticed FAN 0 FAN0 must be like PWM1 meaning FAN1
  21. @Squid ya i seen that but least with the X570 Asus Tuf Gaming you can set the Bios temps on a curve.. but when you use the Dynamix Fan Array thats disabled since Motherboard and Array Fans are the same fans so what i saying is well you cant have both i guess so when Array goes to Standby and shuts off all the fans when Motherboard temperature at bottom of the screen says 40C say then i want it to spins up the Array Fans you can only have Bios or you can only have the Array Fans.. you cant run both... so i wanted the Same Plugin that Fan Control is which is missleading the info says System Temperature.. which it isnt its Array and Cache temperature only so i wanted to Copy that Plugin modify it so Option 1 CPU, Option 2 GPU, Option 3 Motherboard, Option 4 Unassigned drives as there is no option to spin up the array fans for Unassigned Drive temperatures when they hit 45C degrees in my 20 bay case.. no option to spin up the array when that drive is spinning and the array is in standby there is no option in BIOS for unassigned drive temperatures so i looking for options but ill re try the BIOS but its just 2 conflicting as if i remember you set to Manual not automatic so you cant use BIOS if you wanna use same fans for the array but ill try tomorrow oh and there is no GPU in motherboard BIOS for temperature... to run the array fans plus there is no option for Fan Spin up on NVMEs, SATA SSDs, as there should be a seperate Fan controller for those when the Array is in Standby mode
  22. hi i know that the dynamix Fan control is only a hard drive fan control and has couple bugs i looking for a plugin or create my own plugin dont know how.. but least a script so when the fans are all shut off due to Array is standby no need but when the heat buids up in the case from GPU CPU or Motherboard or NVMEs there isnt an option to spin up the the rear fans.. or all the fan to exple the heat is there a way i can code something dont know unraid plugin coding and since all the dynmaix plugins all go into the same support forum its basiclly impossible to get support per plugin as it can get missed by other replies.. so too hard to ask for features.. be nice if each plugin had its own support page.. for better support but ya i looking for something to spin up the fans at a percent like the dynamix fan low and high range.. but for when NVME, caches,gpu,motherboard,cpu and possibly unassigned drives that maybe in the array is there options out there?
  23. @SiteAssemble lol ya or if we got the plugin code could edit to add label and options for motherboard cpu gpu.. but ya i wouldnt know where to start i usually coded best in Visual Basic 6 and .net i only recently in this pandemic learned some python for raspberry pi.. i only got unraid last couple years or so.. as i didnt like linux back in 1999 in college.. got fed up with redhat. and unix i said screw it stick with windows lol but i hear ya as if i knew to code i have some plug in ideas to make improvements
  24. @SiteAssemble ok that worked i didnt see that advanced thing.. i probably did it before you edited your post.. least i can see i can change the Fan names lol.. i never knew you could do that.. must been hard to figure it out.. well unless you work with css alot then people know it.... least its a work around as it was getting frustrating.. it still is when you work from the plugin side plus there should be a gpu, cpu,motherboard option to cycle the fans not just the drives temps.. since if the drives are off but the case heats up and yet the fans are not spinning it cant exhaust the heat as it needs the drives spinning
  25. @SiteAssemble yes when i click import the screen just flashes does nothing
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