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Everything posted by comet424

  1. i was copying from Unassigned Drive to the array in Krusader so i borrowed my sisters unraid hard drive .. i selected the folders from the left and i copied it to the right... to the array so unassigned drive to array and thats where i was seeing disk space would hit 100 meg then it would then work disk 2 to goto like 2gb free... i didnt watch if it also went to 100meg i cant remember now.. but then it eventually started going back up.... and krusader would lots of times stick to "stalled" and not copy anymore i figured it was not able to leave the file there so it buffered it to the next drive..... since my sister lives a couplr hours drive and she brought her hard drive so i found it faster then my 5megabit internet.. but thats what i found.. it just took the free space below the min... especially the documents took it down.... i never tried move. just the copy and chose write into not overwrite as i already had some of her files... so i wanted to finish the transfer as she givesm e files every so often meet her half way to transport hope it helps ive done a couple reboots of my unraid since last night .. i figured maybe the going below 20gb min was a glitch that i had hit 100meg free so i couldnt give a diagnostic file anyways.. but thats my current copying i was doing last night
  2. so then that means my user share not set right? since i was at like say 40gb free.. min set is 20gb and it went under 100meg and is at 12gb? here is screen shot.. the only thing i changed is Disk 7.. before it was set to All because when i was copying like i said 50gb of files of 1kb - 100 meg in file size it just ripped it down there.. but then i watched Free Space slowly going like 1gb 1.2gb till it hit 12gb free... is my setting wrong then? that when you hit 20gb free/min it has to automacitlly goto next drive so like the 2 disks theey are at 19.5 i using unbalance to move to disk 7 so my disk 1 doesnt show the 12gb free.. i wonder if there should be a different option.. instead a Min Folder/Disk if there be a Minum Disk min space so Disk 1 cant go below 20gb Disk 2 cant go below 100gb but thats fine.. is my settings wrong i was only using krusader to copying from unnasigned drived to unraid_shares/mitchs files and thats how it went far below but her files are not all that big... i wish i had a video t oshow it was above 20gb min then it went right down to below 100meg then went back up now i cant recreate what i was seeing.. then you could told me your crazy or ur right or.. thats hows its supposed to be working... as i have a hard time with my dislexia way i explain it others dont understand what i saying without me showing.. as it sounds right way i explaining but i confuse others
  3. ah ok rysnc i not that good at mc ok reminds me of pcanywhere and krusader what i used thats how i started this cuz i was sure krusader moves all the files to disk 1 brings drive from 20gb free min to under 100meg free and then i guess it moves the files to the next free space drive i dunno if i know how to configure it right so if i copying a 1 meg file to the array in krusader and if disk 1 says 20gb free 20gb min that it can no longer copy that 1 meg file to Disk 1.. it has to move to the next disk but for now.. i using unbalance and move my sisters files to the 1 drive 12tb free.. her stuff was across 5 disks i didnt have the disk space till about week ago when i added the 12tb to the array.. so i can sort drives now... ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for helping so far.. i appreciate it.. as i just guess sometimes when google searches dont always help
  4. oh ok.. do you or is there a correctly configured setup examples? ah i use Krusader as i saw space invader uses.. and when my sister gives me files on a drive it was easy to put it into the server used krusader off it .. was was quicker then trying to plug into my windows machine and then move the files off external enclosure over the network to the array.. i just found krusader was easier and i could set it and forget it as its working on its own what do you use for file transfering on the unraid between unassigned drives and array.. and any pics you could share that shows properly configured user shares. so i can see i doing right or where i should fix... .. always learning.. i learn something new everyday ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. ah ok so its not 100% fool proof and i use the user share in krusader /unraid_shares/<share folder name> so not using disk shares still copying to the user share i just was hoping it wouldnt go below 20gb no matter what it reached 20gb and it should moved to the next drive.. soo all my drives then should be 20 20 20 20 free space.. and then least id have headroom for file modification but copying the 100 gb or so of documents of 1k-100meg filled disk 1 down like i mentioned to under 100meg and now i at 12gb free.. is unraid_shares is it considered a user share or a disk share then in krusader? maybe its not considered a user share.. i just trying to make it fool proof incase i not around and somone needs to copy say 100gb of documents raging 1kb-100meg it doesnt keep filling disk1 as disk 1 is now 12gb free but 20gb min because if id edit anything in windows and the file is on disk 1 ill keep getting out of disk space then since you said unraid wont move a file.. i wanted it fool proof if i cant do moving files to a different disk with krusader when it goes below the min 20gb etc i guess the only thing is set documents or sisters files to Disk 1 move everything off disk 1 to a different disk.. guess thats what i gotta do set her stuff to her own drive on the array this way nothing else can cause it go below and her stuff cant cause my other drives to go below either more tweaking to play with.. i appreciate all the input so far.. always learning ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. oh i had another scenerio question so if you have a file thats say 10GB your folder is set to min 20gb ,, your actual free space is 5gb free.. now if i change that 10gb file to 25gb say it was a PDF just as an example does unraid move that file to a different drive? as the file increased 15gb or would it say out of diskspace? how does that work
  7. ah ok.. and ya i asked it a while ago about the minum setting.. your right. . but now i was dealing with krusader and watching Disk1 hit under 100 meg abites.. i was wondering if thats why it gets stalled i figured stalled ment it ran out of disk space and unraid was moving the file to the next drive and ya twice biggest file you could copy is say 10gb so i set to 20gb.. but it doesnt stop you copying say 10k of 1kb files or 2kb files and filling the drive down to 0kb maybe it was a krusader feature it was moving the file off disk 1 then moving to the next drive.. then it didnt fit right and moved to the next drive till it fitted,,, maybe thats what i was obbserving but in the end there is no way stop it from filling a drive right up down to the last 1kb if your copying documment files filling it up.. as you can still copy 50 gb of 1- 100k documents to a 20gb min share.. and it will fill that drive to under 100kb of free space i was hoping there was a feature if i set to 20gb free minum i could not be allowed ot even copy a 1 meg file.. thats it 20gb no more no less... so then if i tried to copy 1meg it says drive reached to min move to the next drive.. but i guess also that gives wiggle room for alterting files. guess i need to re reorganze files as my sister has documents ranging 1kb - 100 meg or so and she has 100gb or more so it still filled my disk 1 reason i was saying it goes below 100 meg free yet set to 20gb and then it comes back up and is at 12gb as i tried to keep all my drives above the min free of 20 gb probably need to play with settings i guess as i figured things would goto the 12TB disk free but really nothings copied over there yet and thats because of the unraid doesnt know what the file size is ahead of time.. how come it cant see it but windows can? windows will tell you always cant copy not enough disk space..
  8. ah so unraid has no true real minimum as you could copy documents that are 1 2kb size as example and fill it right down to 0 there is no true min 20gb dont go below 20gb ever or 50gb and then thats what i thought i saw it went down to under 100 meg but then it bounced back up over 20gb is that unraid doing it? it tried to fill it on disk 1 it got below 100 meg or what not and said it cant fit so moves to the next drive.. is that how that worked? learning something new everyday ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. oh ok .ya i left the default automaticlly split any directory as required.. there are other options i never know should i leave it on automatic or choose one of those other ones so question.. if i were to set minum to 50gb.. if i transfering like i mentioned above.. would it still go below 100 meg filling the drive up that full going below 50gb and then unraid then moves it off disk1 and onto the next drive? reason i ask is i was copying krusader yesterday and disk 3 had like 100gb free disk 4 had 100+ disk free well when copying to disk 1 went below 20gb then i saw disk 2 going down and it went below 20gb it was under 10gb and then i sawl disk 3 going down.. disk so right now my free space on disk 1 12gb disk 2 25gb disk 3 19.5 disk4 19.5 disk 5 851gb and the rest are higher so how come disk 1 3 4 not go back up over min 20gb as i watched earlier today.. disk 1 was going down fast below min 20gb when to under 100meg free then it was coming back up so figured its moving to the other drives but its still at 12gb how come it didnt pop up over 20gb .. is there another setting i should set? is there a best setting... and or is it always better to copy with windows.. where using the user samba share works better then using the user share in the krusader always learning.. is there a video or documentation on best practices kinda thing or what settings whats commonly set for if you were to use movies.. or your installation files documents.. i pretty much have all the folders i think 20gb min fill up and automaticlly split is that pretty much the best setting? trying to get unraid to smoothly as best as i can.. like all the advanced users get it running flawless and peak speeds
  10. what does that mean it overrides allocation method? is it bypassing the settings then and ya i using the user share so /mnt/user/sisters files and i have it set to Fill up... and 20gb min.. should i have something else? does that mean split level needs to be something else? is that why it goes below the 20gb goes below 100meg then it re comes back up.. is it going below but then it comes back up as its moving to a different drive? is that why krusader goes stalled.... it cant write anymore... its constantly writting to disk 1 as its 23gb free filles it down to under 100meg min is 20gb then i guess goes stalled allot.. then i watch disk 1 slowly going up till stops around the 23gb free. is that all normal? as i still learning and understanding..... and is Fill up a good setting or should i be doing different setting i was trying to work on you dont need to spin up all the drives if i can fit stuff on 1 drive etc
  11. so i been transfering files from another hard drive.. and using krusader.. i have my one folder set to fill up and 20gib minimum.. and its set to included all disks.. but my disk space is under 100meg now.. then krusader goes stalled alot.. and then after a bit.. the the disk space starts going up 1.5gb 1.57gb and so on.. is this normal is unraid then moving the files to another drive since its below the 20gb does krusader bypass the Disk settings?? even when i copy to the user/<share> or is the mininum file space. only for SMB shares for windows? as i have 7 disks.. and krusader seemed to fill disk 1-3 filled my drive below 20gb and disk 1 right down to 100meg yet disk 7 is 12tb free and the 4-6 have like 500gb free so are my settings wrong.. or is it just krusader bypassing the safety settings?
  12. i thought i shut down windows properlty i just shut down windows and then pull the power on the enclosure.. i never had this issue before s so confusing.. but will see what happens next time...i guess they lock the drive? till windows sees it and unlocks the drive to fix the issue
  13. should i be able to unmount a drive pull it out.. then shove it into windows and then shut down windows and shove it back into unraid mount and have no issues right.. and all because of an unclean windows shut down causes all this?
  14. a reboot seemed to fix it and it changed the drive labels too?? it was what like sdo and sdn when i rebooted they are now sdj and sdk is that normal? ... for now i guess its good to reboot unraid too. its probably good for it too.. but ya the reboot of unraid fix it the command above didnt nore sticking into windows.. i wonder what causes all this
  15. guess its not working? i put the hard drive back into the windows machine i was able to write to the drive.. i did a windows shut down so it would do a clean shut down i plugged back into unraid.. ran that rysnc command up above.. and it still failed.. says drive is write protected.. but i can right to the drive throught he samba unraid share.. i ran your command and got root@Tower:~# ntfsfix /dev/sdn1 Mounting volume... The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. FAILED Attempting to correct errors... Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr... Reading $MFT... OK Reading $MFTMirr... OK Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... OK Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully. Setting required flags on partition... OK Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK Checking the alternate boot sector... OK NTFS volume version is 3.1. NTFS partition /dev/sdn1 was processed successfully. root@Tower:~# ntfsfix /dev/sdo1 Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/sdo1. when i run rsycn after this i still get read only file system (30) but i shoved it back into a windows machine.. i currently doing a unraid reboot see if that fixes it.. but i did a clean shut down in windows.. so i dont get it should i be running exFat instead of NTFS? for issues like this wont happen in unraid or is ntfs still far better system
  16. tried that passthrough toggle switch that did nothing not sure how that works also tried to add to a VM as a 2nd hard drive.. but when i choose save button it doesnt give me control of the VM... so i guess i need to shove back into the enclosure back into a real windows machine
  17. ah is there a script to add to unraid so when i click Mount it forces the drive to be mounted writeable? it doesnt mount with the Read Only button thats toggled off. and maybe its my enclosure that unmounts the drive.. so does that mean i need to shove the drive back into windows then do the safetly remove drive.. then shove it back into unraid for updates or is there a script i can add.. so each time i mount the drive for updates unraid forces it into writeable mode....
  18. so i trying to get my rsync to work.. when i ran it its supposed to be going into a log file.. but it wasnt .. it kept saying cant file or whatever is read only etc when i share my ntfs drive .. and in windows i try to create a file on the drive i get whats in the pic.. i also included my diganostic.. i trying to rsync to both my 6tb unassigned drives.. but i dont see any issues.. it used to work now i getting this my one rysnc code is rsync --protect-args -avu --stats --numeric-ids --progress '/mnt/user/Music/Music' '/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1' --delete >> /mnt/user/Temp/logs/cronlogs/Music_Drive_1.log does the diagnostics say the drive is locked or anything? i cant see no smart errors so i dont know how to fix tower-diagnostics-20210821-1544.zip
  19. is it possible to run 2 lancaches.. or least offer 2 IP address with 2 DNS's i run VPN and WAN (bypass VPN) and when i use it leaks DNS resolutions whatever you call it. and if i set to it buggers up my WAN connections as the Resolver doesnt always like the WAN stuff.. like amazon com it be nice if possible (DNS) ------> (UPSTREAM DNS) for (VPN Clients) (DNS) --------> (UPSTREAM DNS) for (WAN Clients) this way can use the same lancache but point to 2 different DNS's for resolving issues and if not possible in 1.. be nice if you could run 2 Lancaches.. but the 2nd one would point to the same lancache as the first one this way..it can share and not need to 2 duplicate everything
  20. hi i have question if haproxy do what i need? i have a Pfsense Box with IPS that use a NordVPN and some IPS that just go out the WAN bypassing the VPN for xbox and gaming machine.. now i also use unraids lancache for caching game installs and windows updates.. but the problem is dns upstream if i leave it for it works for the WAN connectings but leaks dns on VPN clients.. if i set the upstream to the WAN connections cant seem to resolve all dns connections like amazon.. dns failure.. i was looking at seeing if i could run 2 Lancache dockers same time.. 1 for VPNs 1 for WAN and use the same cache drive but you mention load balancing spreading requests will this work ? VPN or WAN goto lancache then points to haproxy and it will use for certain ips and for other IPs? and balance it.. or if it doesnt waht does the Haproxy do.. and what would i be looking for
  21. ok thanks.. i hoping this new hard drive i preclearing will then maybe fix those errors unless its controller on the motherboard then time to upgrade her box.. i re posted in the fix common issues but i doubt i get answer.. so hopfully this new drive will fix everything.. thanks for the help so far appreciate it.. as i dont understand all the error meanings etc or how to read a diagnostic file completly.. only skimmed it. so i relie on yourself and others as the experts ๐Ÿ™‚ so i appreciate it.. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. and tell me what a Call Trace error is as it says nothing what it is whats its calling etc... and what a freezing of tasks failed.. what is it what it does.. why is it freezing etc i have a 8TB drive preclearing.. so i hoping it solves the FCP plugin from freezing but i guess could be computer or power supply problem.. hoping not yet.. but will see but hopefully 8TB drive will fix something.. its newer lol
  23. ok so day 3.. still need help... @JorgeB said Fix Common Problems Plugin is causing these errors, and appears not to be an unraid issue, hardware.. but something in the plugin mitchsserver-diagnostics-20210817-0901.zip
  24. the errors i just mentioned arent they in the system log??? Call Trace Error.. and Freezing of tasks failed warning.. i thought the diagnostics supposed to show you the system log's but here is a pic its been 3 days no one replied in the Fix Common Issues plugin.. when i asked why did Fix Common issues pluggin freeze and i posted diagnostics.. but now i posting the System Logs i wanna know if its soemthing else maybe the fix common issues plug in people cant help me cuz they only wrote the plugin it and didnt write unraid.. so they might not know whats going on and only help on the plugin it and not be able to help if its something else i just trying to narrow it it down.. for her.. i not sure is the errors and unraid locking up fix it common issues.. due to unraid problem.. a plugin problem, a hard drive problem. a computer hardware failing problem.. thats why i posted the diagnostics to get a specific answer.... guess the diagnostics dont show you the 2 pics so i guessing its trial and error... wait for hard drive to be done preclearing tomorrow hopefully and see if it fixes all these issues? when i replace all 4 drives for 1
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