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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. 大家好! 我们很高兴地宣布,现在我们支持使用支付宝作为付款选项来购买 Unraid OS 了!在结账过程中,当您进入“付款方式”界面时,您将看到使用借记卡/信用卡、Paypal 和新增的支付宝付款选项。 除了对支付宝的支持,近日我们还将 Unraid 网站翻译为了中文,创建了中文在线社区,并实现了整个 Unraid OS 的中文化! 我们希望您能更轻松地购买和使用 Unraid 。如果您有任何问题或建议,欢迎随时在论坛上发表评论! 支付宝接入公告
  2. Those would definitely be next based on demand!
  3. Due to popular demand, all of us at Lime Tech are pleased to announce that we now offer Alipay as a payment option for purchasing Unraid OS. During the checkout process via the Unraid webgui, when you get to the payment method screen, you will see an option to pay with a debit/credit card, Paypal, and now Alipay. If you have any questions or suggestions on additional payment options, please feel free to comment below!
  4. Hello all, We are pleased to announce that we now offer Alipay as a payment option for purchasing the Unraid OS! Via the Unraid webgui, during the checkout process, when you get to the payment method screen, you will see an option to pay with a debit/credit card, Paypal and now Alipay.
  5. Emailed you back. Follow those instructions and you should be all set. As @Squid mentioned, you can also always set up a free trial until we get back to you. -Spencer
  6. I have replied to you via email. Danke @i777
  7. Today's blog takes a look at how the Student Research Center (Schülerforschungszentrum) of Südwürttemberg in southern Germany uses Unraid for VM's, file management for 3D printers, CNC milling machines, application servers and much more! https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-in-a-german-educational-institute If you are an educator and would like to teach with Unraid in the classroom, please reach out to me directly (DM) as we would love to support this at your place of instruction!
  8. Should be back up. Please let me know if not....
  9. Thanks all. Looking into it ...
  10. Wir freuen uns, Unraid-Lizenzen für Bildungseinrichtungen bereitzustellen 🙂 https://unraid.net/de/blog/unraid-an-bildungseinrichtungen
  11. Hi, If you submit a PR here: https://github.com/unraid/lang-de_DE/blob/master/main.txt @ich777 will take a look and we will update it if agreed! Thanks in advance for your contribution. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  12. Hello, What email did you use to contact support as I am not seeing anything recently from you? Feel free to DM me. Thanks in advance, Spencer
  13. Hey there, I just replied to your email. Please reply via email as I'm not finding any completed orders with the info you provided. Thank you in advance!
  14. It will be available on Apple/Overcast soon. Currently available on Spotify/Stitcher/Amazon.
  15. Good Q for @jonp 😛
  16. Owning an Unraid server gives you peace of mind and reduces your dependence on The Cloud. Join Unraid CSO, Jon Panozzo, as he shares how to get the most out of owning your own server, discusses relevant news and topics with members of the Unraid community, and shows you how owning your own server has benefits that extend far beyond keeping your data safe. For the first episode of the Uncast, host @jonp covers the top 3 reasons you should own your own server. Personal data responsibility, reducing cloud dependence and discovering what's possible with modern hardware all lead to getting a box that you own and control to house all of your most important data. We hope you follow/subscribe to stay tuned on new episodes of the Uncast from your favorite podcast app! We'd also love to hear your feedback on the episode here and also vote/comment here on future content you'd be interested in!
  17. We will be making a bigger announcement soon, but for now 🔊
  18. Indeed! Stay tuned 🙂
  19. Unraid 6.9.x ist draußen! Ich wünsche allen eine schöne Woche. Viel Spaß
  20. Hey, please be nice or please go elsewhere. Thanks
  21. Hey there @codefaux, Please reach out to us via the support form and include your old and new USB GUIDs (purchase receipt works) and we will take care of you. For the DbA, please include what you would like to change the name to. Thanks
  22. Hallo, I deleted @Hoddl's upload. Please anonymize sensitive info and reupload 🙂 Danke @i-B4se
  23. Your wish is my command.
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