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Everything posted by mdrodge

  1. False alarm, it's working now, no idea why. All I did was wait a day. Thanks for taking the time anyway. update (FFS lol) gone again by the time I went to implement it UPDATE 2 YEP IT'S FINE NOW??
  2. I'm not sure how any of that applies? Both servers show br0 as the current (I'd assume that's correct and all I need?) I don't use a vpn in unraid. Everything should be about as basic and default as it comes so I don't see what conclusion to draw. the 2 servers that are stock and less than 2 foot apart, it should all just work, if it doesn't default to a state where out of the box it works then it must be broken. (i tried to post this as it's own thread and was told its a UD issue)
  3. The Remote shares refused to mount after OS update, I removed it and now I cant re-add it. The remote server can be detected but it shares can't be seen (by unraid)(but windows is unaffected so the shares are online)
  4. SMB and NFS are both affected. Doesn't work if I just type in the share name either.
  5. The Remote shares refused to mount after update, I removed it and now I cant re-add it. The remote server can be detected but it shares can't be seen (by unraid)(but windows is unaffected so the shares are online)
  6. Hopefully just a reinstall of the nic driver... simple (after deploying the backup, deleting network.cfg, swapping nics, finding the ip, reupdating os, installing driver, swapping nic back, finding new ip, stopping array, configuring network settings, reboot with lan unplugged to prevent ip conflicts. just a few hours)
  7. Another "stable" update that turns my servers in paperweights 6.12.2 (from 6.11.5) and even after restore something is broken (my guess is this same issue since the symptoms seem familiar) I'm to busy to follow every change log and spend hours reading at the moment witch is why I stick to stable releases right now but I don't believe this type of experience should qualify as stable in a paid product. The server in question only has plex and a 2.5gb nic. That's not a complex set up, it should be hands free. Instead it's off line again and no way of telling why.
  8. Answer seems to be to get this from the apps tab RTL8152/3/4/6 USB Drivers By ich777 and add ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on advertise 0x80000000002f to the go file might need to change eth0 to suit @ich777 Thank You
  9. I wondered why my file server was being so odd with smb, turns out I also have 3 servers set to not monitor elections and just be master. setting them to something more sensible instantly fixed my issue with smb (on, off, off) Update::: no that just shifted the problem over to the other server but as that server isn't one I use smb on very often I'll take it.
  10. .fuse_hidden0000047d0000000a Is a file that unraid created to today when I deleted a mp4 that was being used by handbrake. This is how unraid works. Yes i've created a new docker.img and spend several hours setting that up BUT....... The simplest way of restoring a file that is still in use (that isn't a part of the OS) is to locate the hidden file in its place and rename it.. (incase that helps anyone!!) (I would put money on the fact that this is possible with docker.img to, if we could see the hidden file since docker worked for a month "without" it's .img file proving that the file was still there somewhere)
  11. And Docker is still running fine 2 weeks later. (and will until I reboot) someone knows the answer to this. can nobody show me a way to save the templates or anything?? The bast answer can not be start from scratch. (I've done that 100's of times in the past on various devices but on this occasion I'd sooner hit the thing with a hammer and throw all 200tb in the bin than start from scratch)
  12. The file is still there, I'm still running docker and all the containers are fine (it's bigger than the RAM so it's on disk somewhere) 28 containers each with an extensive list of custom parameters, one of witch cannot be gotten from the Community Apps page anymore because it's EOL is not as easy as renaming a file. There is no way to get Dolphin as far as I can tell. Deleted files if they can't be deleted get renamed and hidden until the service stops using them. For example in a handbrake render if you delete the source file the render will still complete and you can even see it's source file with a new name via SMB.
  13. It was 1.30am and I definitely should have gone to bed...... a long time ago Long story short I deleted docker.img and I really don't want to set up 28 containers from scratch I was doing some work on server 3 (doesn't get much love) when I thought I'd remove libvert (this isn't my vm rig) but i'm half asleep and deleted docker.img to. Docker is fine at the moment and I was told I while ago (cant find that thread now but I've seen it in action before) that if you delete a file that is still in use it just becomes hidden/renamed so docker should be fine until I stop docker and then it will fully remove the file. If I have to set it up from scratch I'd lose aptalca/docker-dolphin since that has been deprecated witch I would hate to lose so another good reason to recover the file. Anyone know how to restore the file?
  14. What about 1 file that is in use? (on the cache drive) It's 1.30am and I definitely should have gone to bed...... a long time ago Long story short I deleted docker.img and I really don't want to set up 28 containers from scratch I was doing some work on server 3 (doesn't get much love) when I thought I'd remove libvert (this isn't my vm rig) but i'm half asleep and deleted docker.img to. Docker is fine at the moment and I was told I while ago (cant find that thread now but I've seen it in action before) that if you delete a file that is still in use it just becomes hidden/renamed so docker should be fine until I stop docker and then it will fully remove the file. If I have to set it up from scratch I'd lose aptalca/docker-dolphin since that has been deprecated witch I would hate to lose so another good reason to recover the file. Anyone know how to restore the file?
  15. I went through this about 3 years or so ago. (i have an expensive day rate and a cheaper night rate for power) I sold my 2990wx and bought a 15w intel itx board and set the hdd's to power down after 15mins. ("main" server is barley measurable at idle) I build a second system with a 5700x and underclocked to 3ghz, I have that system running a script that turns off resilio_sync so that Handbrake gets no new jobs during the day when power is expensive and it gets to work at night. I also got a few solar panels (inverter, transfer switch etc) and put them on my shed and ran a cable to my systems. Also also i got a couple of GPU's for the render box and set up HiveOS as a VM with the GPU's on passthrough so i could mine ETH (plus a lot more mining stuff around the house that i won't go into) but basically my servers MAKE money Instead of Costing. How much they make depends on how much sun there is, how many handbrake jobs they get and the price of ETH but it seems to be between £1 - £2 a day profit. I some of these things were not an option to me i would just run all my compute on %100 solar and aim for ultra low power from the grid (basically I'd have my render box on a separate circuit that was only powered by the sun and I'd have to try and make do with 3 hours (average) compute a day)
  16. A couple of us where working out the same issue on discord today. (I'll tell you what they told me) in the cactus image console type : vi /machinaris/scripts/forks/cactus_launch.sh this should bring up a file, there seems to be an extra If command... delete it ( a line with if and nothing else ) then move to the bottom of the page and type :wq (to save)
  17. If that happens it's normally because unraid had no cpu time available, when setting up any vm (or docker image or anything else) always leave at least core 0 free for unraid to use. (if your moving lots of files about you might need a few cores. ...Once the CPU goes down it might come back but remember that it's not fixed and sooner or later expect a hard lock up. (i've even corrupted unraid USB's like this so i have learned the hard way) (though I've also had an issue where the system hard locks because I'd hooked up to many gpu's for that mobo's bios (gigabyte b550) (that board won't run 4 gpu's even on bare metal and 2 is the max in a vm on that system)
  18. It seems to mess up the network.cnfg file some how. It can't get diagnostic on it because it's offline until the network.cnfg has been removed and the lan cables swapped and new ip issued. I was told that this is a greater Linux issue though, something about the driver from Realtek apparently.
  19. rc5 is supposed to fix the issue. I'll test it later (when the kids are asleep) if i don't comment in 24 hours then assume it's working or at least in testing but not broken enough to come back and update. Update..... still the same. no fix.
  20. Thanks for catching me up. I did see that people are reporting this in Linux forums to so hopefully....... I was wondered if this was the case. Though if nothing else I'd just like the info up here somewhere because once this hits stable there is going to be a few annoyed people wondering what's going on (unless it's been mentioned at least)
  21. My one works in Windows and on the Stable but won't show up with RC3 or higher.
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