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Everything posted by tknx

  1. It ended up being I was using a downloaded virtio driver and when I had Unraid download it, worked just fine. Thanks all!
  2. tknx


    I got the docker installed via @SpaceInvaderOne's method - but I have been using Nginx Proxy Manager to manage reverse proxies. So I just need to figure out the configuration there.
  3. Anyone able to point to how to use this with Spaceinvaderone's recent jitsi guide? He uses nginx/LE with conf files and his sample nginx conf file is posted at the bottom here. I am not sure how to point at containers the same way... # make sure that your dns has a cname set for jitsi this file assumes the subdomain is meet.yourdomain.com server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name meet.*; location / { # enable the next two lines for http auth # auth_basic "Ask for password from your organisation"; # auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; ssi on; proxy_pass http://meet.jitsi; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } # BOSH location /http-bind { proxy_pass http://xmpp.meet.jitsi:5280/http-bind; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } # xmpp websockets location /xmpp-websocket { proxy_pass http://xmpp.meet.jitsi:5280/xmpp-websocket; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; tcp_nodelay on; } }
  4. Thanks for putting netbox up there! I was having a hellish time getting it to work on my own.
  5. So I started off the install and it went fine until it went to look for a drive to install to. I had set it up with the "stable virtio-win iso" from this page: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-windows-virtual-machines-using-virtio-drivers/ The installer fails to see a drive and when I try and load drivers, etc... No drivers available. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
  6. @SpyKiller I got nipap running for the most part: 1 - Set up Postgres with IP4R You need to first setup a postgres DB docker with IP4R. I just used the official docker and then added the IP4R update. I consoled into the docker and used this: https://www.gab.lc/articles/manage_ip_postgresql_with_ip4r/ 2- Install Nipapd For nipapd, you need to set ENV Variables for: DB_HOST DB_NAME DB_USERNAME DB_PASSWORD NIPAP_USERNAME NIPAP_PASSWORD 4- Install Nipap-www NIPAPD_USERNAME (same as above) NIPAPD_PASSWORD (same) NIPAPD_HOST WWW_USERNAME WWW_PASSWORD That should get you up and running with Nipap. ===> No luck on netbox. Can't get it to see the static files even though they are in the right place. I'll probably keep plugging away at it, but the people on the Slack are intermittently on and only occasionally respond. There is even a post about how the docker is complex. Which, for IPAM, seems pretty silly, but is typical overoptioning in FOSS stuff.
  7. So changing the IP fixed it for me, but I don’t think that was the actual problem.
  8. After several days and lots of help on the unifi forums - answer is it didn't like to be bridge or host and once I gave it its own IP, worked fine. No idea why. Next question, for ACLs, I enter in the logins and passwords I want them to have. Then do I need to change the Access parameter? Whenever I setup an ACL for a particular one, it doesn't work anymore.
  9. OK - it has nothing to do the with proxy manager and everything to do with my Unifi router not port forwarding for some reason. So need to figure out what is going on there.
  10. Same error with the downgrade, which is just plain weird since it used to work fine.
  11. I'll try downgrading next, but here is my docker log with my domain and email taken out. Can't open /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-6/fullchain.pem for reading, No such file or directory 22563200637800:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:72:fopen('/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-6/fullchain.pem','r') 22563200637800:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:79: unable to load certificate ) [4/14/2020] [6:39:22 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [4/14/2020] [6:39:22 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Requesting Let'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #7: bitwarden.mydomain.com [4/14/2020] [6:39:37 PM] [Nginx ] › ℹ info Reloading Nginx [4/14/2020] [6:39:37 PM] [Express ] › ⚠ warning Command failed: /usr/bin/certbot certonly --non-interactive --config "/etc/letsencrypt.ini" --cert-name "npm-7" --agree-tos --email "[email protected]" --preferred-challenges "dns,http" --webroot --domains "bitwarden.mydomain.com" Saving debug log to /config/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log Plugins selected: Authenticator webroot, Installer None Obtaining a new certificate Performing the following challenges: http-01 challenge for bitwarden.mydomain.com Using the webroot path /data/letsencrypt-acme-challenge for all unmatched domains. Waiting for verification... Cleaning up challenges Failed authorization procedure. bitwarden.mydomain.com (http-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Fetching http://bitwarden.mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/zNyaWAy23XZm7n1djCZl82AUFQHIiEFQx6XYQrYq_vA: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)
  12. Not running IPv6 internally yet. So I couldn't create the certificate - got an internal error. Logs show: Failed authorization procedure. subdomain.domain.com (http-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Fetching http://subdomain.domain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/blahblah: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)/. Like I said, I can get it to work without any certificate over http. I did a https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/ look and it looked good there.
  13. I had this working before but had to redo some other networking and it all seems to have fallen apart. 1. I setup a proxy host, let's say bitwarden.mydomain.com 2. If I don't select a certificate, it works fine on http (except that bitwarden requires https). 3. If I request a certificate, I get an "Internal Error". I can close the window, edit it, and then select the certificate. 4. Then depending on settings I get either offline or invalid certificate. Any thoughts on what is going on - I am using google domains dynamic DNS and have the ports forwarded appropriately.
  14. So if I was running bitwarden before and now added this docker, how do I transition? Just export the vault, send an invite to my email and then import?
  15. So I just pulled down the Dashmachine docker and the admin:adminadmin login:password isn't working. It is just admin:admin
  16. Still stuck at the same point. What I've noticed I can map /opt/netbox to /mnt/user/appdata/netbox but it definitely behaves oddly and wants to map each sub-path separately - so i need to map /opt/netbox/netbox/static to /mnt/user/appdata/netbox/netbox/static and so forth... Not sure why the docker isn't working right, it won't route subdirectories correctly...
  17. For telegraf - is there a clean way to get it to use the telegraf.d for additional plugins? I passed --config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d as a post argument, but then in logs I get: 2020-03-20T19:42:08Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.13.4 2020-03-20T19:42:08Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf 2020-03-20T19:42:08Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d ... all of the following are owned by nobody:users and have 777 permissions right now /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.d /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.d/etcetera.conf So I am unsure as to why it is not permitted to read the telegraf.d directory
  18. So I was thinking about trying this.... So let's say I have a structure that looks like this: TV - Adult TV - Children Downloads Movies - Adult Movies - Children All mapped in Plex I want it to go through everything and rename and clean up basically everything per Plex standards. I can set the Watch folder to Downloads, fine. But then where do I put output? If I create a new folder, then I will have to merge parallel file structures all over the place.
  19. Any guides on how to get a Minecraft Bedrock docker reverse proxied?
  20. How do I set this up to serve web pages off of my server? I’d like to serve a personal weather station page and not sure how to direct it to a subdirectory of the Nginx www folder or a share or whatever.
  21. Getting two issues: 1. The web interface constantly reloads. No idea how to fix that. 2. In logs: 21:24:00:WU00:FS00:Connecting to 21:24:00:WU00:FS00:Assigned to work server 21:24:01:WU00:FS00:Requesting new work unit for slot [91m21:24:01:ERROR:WU00:FS00:Exception: Option 'gpu-index' has no default and is not set.[0m
  22. So a couple of questions - I have a Quadro P2000 - so can I put "all" in the NVIDIA capabilities field? What do I put in visible devices? And then how do I know what it is using? Finally, is there a beta FAH docker available so I can throw in on COVID?
  23. Another one - Darktable photo management.
  24. Resolved my screen problems with the fix above: <os> <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-3.1'>hvm</type> <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/mnt/user/domains/MacinaboxCatalina/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd</loader> <nvram>/mnt/user/domains/MacinaboxCatalina/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd</nvram> </os> Anyone try not pinning CPUs and letting them dynamically load?
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