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Add Undelete feature, like Windows and Apple has with the trash can.


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I searched this topic for "undelete" and could not find it.  I must have made a search error as this seems impossible that no one has requested undelete.  I recall when it was added to Windows due to large demand.  A great feature I would gladly allocate disk space for.   I do see people asking if there is an undelete feature, but not in the Feature Request topic.


I see:  "There are no known undelete tools for the Reiser file system, which the unRAID system uses for each data drive. However, there are techniques that can be used to recover files."


Reiser needs to do better.  I thought it only needs to do a Move To Trashcan in the background, instead of delete.  

Edited by xrqp
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This was something i miss coming from a Synology NAS, they have a trash for every share that is system wide so not only SMB like the Recycle Bin plugin. Really miss that so i hope this is still under consideration.

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