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ata2 ,3,4: COMRESET failed (errno=-16) how i fix?

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i remoted accessed my sisters unraid and tried to update to newest vesion and got file i/o error


i checked system log and got  ata3: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)  and  also ata2 and ata4

 is that  hard drives failing  or backplain or when i google  ata3 comrest ...  its a bug in the kernel from 2008


i also attached diagnostics  i dont wanna reboot incase i cant recover from remote location



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oh ok.  how do i do that?  

and no way from the gui to tell it to save directly to array or to the flash drive?  its 16gb flash drive


is the manual way backup the config folder  


and reinstall unraid  on the flash drive with the installer and copy the config folder or somethng?

Edited by comet424
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2 minutes ago, comet424 said:

is the manual way backup the config folder  


and reinstall unraid  on the flash drive with the installer and copy the config folder



Or you can just copy the bz* files from the unzipped download to replace those on flash. You can probably even do that with the server running then reboot.

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ok so since i only know how to install unraid through the usb installer

how could i do this on unraid..  also her unraid cant do VMS


i have done   

"apt install <filename"  for raspberry pi


is there a way to do that on the array  through the terminal window?  and then i can copy with krusader?


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since it failed again 

plugin: updating: unRAIDServer.plg
plugin: downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.9.0-x86_64.zip ... failed (File I/O error)
plugin: wget: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.9.0-x86_64.zip download failure (File I/O error)


do i type in terminal


mkdir /mnt/user/test

cd /mnt/user/test

wget: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.9.0-x86_64.zip




ok so thats work  downloading

minus  :   you dont put that in there  for the wget:


so these  BZ files  where is it located and where do i put them?  once its down downloading  and how do i unzip  in krusader?  i only know winrar or pkzip






Edited by comet424
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It has been known for some time that updating via the GUI tends to fail on 2GB systems - you really need 4GB for it to be successful.    It would be a good idea if the upgrade script issued a warning about this.   There also might be possible to make changes that means less RAM is used during the upgrade process - I think currently the zip download is unpacked into RAM before being written to the flash drive.

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well issue is i remote accessing in.. i live 2 hours from her  so i was hoping to unzip it in unraid  and then use  krusader to copy the files to the usb... my sister doesnt know how to do any of that  ..sooo i just trying to do it from my house  from the GUI and then terminal prompt  or krusader.. i was looking in the unraid apps for a docker unzip  but didnt help


i looked up   linux zip  googled mentioned   7zip  but i tried on  unraid  didnt work  is that an app i need to install..


or whats the way i can command line unzip it    it be better if she had a better server  that i can vm a windows os in there and do it but since she doesnt require much this system for storing files works great for her needs  so tilll the computer blows up  she doesnt need more

tried posting a web link  but it seems this reply windows deletes it


thats the little system


but ya  is there any unraid unziper?   internet is slow for me 600k  upload (if i even get that ) and 5mbps download if i reach that speed.  you live in rural areas  you get poor internet speeds


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i double clicked the Zip file in krusader  i thought maybe it had a built in winrar  or pkzip

but it just tells me what program to open the zip file with..  some program KAT or Kate  if i remember seeing  and some others  not at the computer..

other then that i cant view or extract files in krusader  unless there is a plugin to install?


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got it up and running what i did in the end was that error up there  crashed krusader and it actually restarted itself


so i copied to the same folder  TEST 

and then i copied the files  in TEST  to the flash drive that worked  and i rebooted.. 


thanks for the help..   


technology great when it works 🙂


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