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UNRAID 6.9.2 randomly freezing

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Ive read several posts about freezing be caused by docker networks not being put in a VLAN, however this doesnt appear to be my issue.  I enabled the syslog to write to the flash drive and do'nt see much there either.  I am posting it along with my diagnostics in the hopes that someone with a better eye than me can possibly lead me to a solution for this issue.  Not having a stable server is extrmely frustrating.  😕 


Syslog:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dWWjXjQsXr/

It looks like it stops writing to the syslog at around 10:05:18 and I restarted it at 12:31:13 today.



Thanks for any help on this.





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It has run smoothly for almost 2 years now with the same hardware.  I have already set the BIOS way back when to curb those issues.  I didnt mention that and so your comment was definitely appropriate and thank you very much for the reply!  :)


At any rate, I think it may have been tied to a bad docker container or a backup script.  I will report back after a few days to confirm.  It has run longer in the last day than at any time in the last week so i do hope I have this sorted.

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Ok, thank you all for the information.  While that could be an issue, it never has been.  I do realize that is subject to change at any time due to wear and tear and updating.  I dont really need it to run at 3200Mhz anyway and so the next time I reboot, I will make the necessary changes in the BIOS to accomodate this limitation.  


Im not sure why these limitations are there when the RAM is rated to run at a certain speed.  Kind of misleading imho.


The server has been running solid for 2 days now and I am really beginning to think it was a bad container.  I am still not 100% confident of this however.  I will keep monitoring it for sure.

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4 minutes ago, danktankk said:

Im not sure why these limitations are there when the RAM is rated to run at a certain speed.


Thats not a question of RAM-speed, its a question of the platform.

On "all AMD-platforms" the RAM-speed goes down if you use more then two RAM-Sticks - That's the crux of the matter with AMD systems.


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2 minutes ago, Zonediver said:


Thats not a question of RAM-speed, its a question of the platform.

On "all AMD-platforms" the RAM-speed goes down if you use more then two RAM-Sticks - That's the crux of the matter with AMD systems.


Im sure no AMD owner has any issue at all with this... lol  


I am surprised that I have never known of this issue.  Why isnt there more backlash as a result of this ridiculous limitation?  This isn't my issue (for now) but it easily could be one day.  I gotta say this kinda pisses me off.

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2 hours ago, danktankk said:

Im sure no AMD owner has any issue at all with this... lol  


I am surprised that I have never known of this issue.  Why isnt there more backlash as a result of this ridiculous limitation?  This isn't my issue (for now) but it easily could be one day.  I gotta say this kinda pisses me off.

All motherboard/CPU combinations have limits on the max RAM speed they support and this can vary according to the number of RAM sticks plugged in.   As far as I know this has always been the case for PCs.   Normally one looks this up for your particular hardware and (assuming you can afford it) you buy RAM that is fast enough to handle the fastest clock speed the motherboard/CPU can handle to maximise performance.  For some reason these limitations are often not clear in the documentation that comes with the motherboard although to be fair AMD have published it.   It is often complicated by the fact that AMD CPUs can typically support being overclocked albeit at the risk of compromising stability.

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9 hours ago, Zonediver said:


Thats not a question of RAM-speed, its a question of the platform.

On "all AMD-platforms" the RAM-speed goes down if you use more then two RAM-Sticks - That's the crux of the matter with AMD systems.


i am suprised as i havent had issues *knock o nwood* with my current 5950x system handeling 128gb of ram 4x32gb at 3600mhz cl16.


im about to power my Nas up soon and iv had this exact issue with intel based systems running just the os,plex, few shares, hoping i dont get this gremlin of a issue.

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On 7/13/2021 at 6:17 PM, Zonediver said:


Its not a secret - this "fact" is mentioned in every AMD Mainboard-Usermanual 🤣

Maybe you should reread what you quoted me typing.


I didnt say it was a secret.  I didnt say it wasnt a "fact."  What I said was that it was a limitation, which is exactly what it is.  Im not sure there was any reason at all for your post.

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On 7/13/2021 at 10:19 PM, Shadowarez said:

i am suprised as i havent had issues *knock o nwood* with my current 5950x system handeling 128gb of ram 4x32gb at 3600mhz cl16.


im about to power my Nas up soon and iv had this exact issue with intel based systems running just the os,plex, few shares, hoping i dont get this gremlin of a issue.


I still dont have this particular issue as the RAM is still humming along just fine @ 3200MHz without any issues.  But it is an interesting topic for sure - Albeit nothing to do with what my problem is/was.  Running for 3+ days fine without any issues still.  I wont say its good until after a week or more though.



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