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[Support] Audiobookshelf

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Hey everyone,


I'm running into a strange issue. Since installing this docker, my unraid server has started randomly pinning the cpu at 100% and made the the gui unresponsive. I've had to do a couple of unclean shutdowns as the shutdown at terminal would hang.


I didn't think it had anything to do with AudioBookshelf, but since disabling it in docker, I haven't had any issues. I'm currently running Unraid 6.10.0-rc3, but it was also happening on 6.10.0-rc2.


Any suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After having used this for a few months now, well, since you came out with it.. I cannot recommend this enough. This is flippin' awesome. Beats Plex with a large metal rod mercilessly. 


One oddity, which I'm sure can't be replicated. I use this exclusively in my car while commuting and I found something interesting. I am unable to get audio through my car speakers, until I start any other app - like PlexAmp - then pause that, which will allow me to hear the audio from Audiobookshelf. 

It's weird, and probably unique, but figured I'd mention it. It's like it can't initiate the audio signal on its own or something. Can replicate it every time I reboot the phone without fail. 

  • Like 1
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On 3/13/2022 at 1:19 PM, Darrell said:

Hey everyone,


I'm running into a strange issue. Since installing this docker, my unraid server has started randomly pinning the cpu at 100% and made the the gui unresponsive. I've had to do a couple of unclean shutdowns as the shutdown at terminal would hang.


I didn't think it had anything to do with AudioBookshelf, but since disabling it in docker, I haven't had any issues. I'm currently running Unraid 6.10.0-rc3, but it was also happening on 6.10.0-rc2.


Any suggestions?


This is concerning.. there has been another user report high CPU usage but we weren't able to pinpoint anything. If you have any more info on this please share. Version 2.0 is going to be released in the coming weeks which has major improvements across the board.


1 hour ago, Froberg said:

After having used this for a few months now, well, since you came out with it.. I cannot recommend this enough. This is flippin' awesome. Beats Plex with a large metal rod mercilessly. 


One oddity, which I'm sure can't be replicated. I use this exclusively in my car while commuting and I found something interesting. I am unable to get audio through my car speakers, until I start any other app - like PlexAmp - then pause that, which will allow me to hear the audio from Audiobookshelf. 

It's weird, and probably unique, but figured I'd mention it. It's like it can't initiate the audio signal on its own or something. Can replicate it every time I reboot the phone without fail. 


Are you using Android Auto or Bluetooth? Instead of opening another app first I wonder if opening up the audiobookshelf app then pressing play from your car would also work.

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No matter what I do, I get the 'missing' message for all files, even though the track listings and thumbnail load fine. I've updated /etc/default/audiobookshelf to reflect the correct location for files, placing cache files in the same directory as audiobook files. Then, when attempting to purge the cache files - poof - it deleted my entire audiobook library as well.


Now, I should have known better than to give some random app rw access to my precious files, however, and in my humble opinion, it seems like pretty bad coding to make the purge cache button basically do 'rm -rf *' in its own folder and all subfolders, rather than only delete the specific folders it has created.

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19 hours ago, advplyr said:

Are you using Android Auto or Bluetooth? Instead of opening another app first I wonder if opening up the audiobookshelf app then pressing play from your car would also work.

Eh my car is fairly random. It's a SKODA with the integrated option. It works fairly weirdly, haven't been able to resolve it. 


But basically: 


* Enter car and turn ignition

* Mount phone and start playing audio

* Go in to bluetooth media and press play (being able to see the artist but no audio) 

* This pauses playback on the device, press play on device and audio comes finally, but you can no longer see the artist information. 


This works for all apps I've tried.. but this software won't trigger the audio at all. Workaround is just starting audio from something else - and clearly it may just be my funky car stereo system at fault.. just figured I'd mention it regardless. 

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17 hours ago, McFox said:

No matter what I do, I get the 'missing' message for all files, even though the track listings and thumbnail load fine. I've updated /etc/default/audiobookshelf to reflect the correct location for files, placing cache files in the same directory as audiobook files. Then, when attempting to purge the cache files - poof - it deleted my entire audiobook library as well.


Now, I should have known better than to give some random app rw access to my precious files, however, and in my humble opinion, it seems like pretty bad coding to make the purge cache button basically do 'rm -rf *' in its own folder and all subfolders, rather than only delete the specific folders it has created.


I don't see how this is possible. Abs does create the cache folder itself inside the /metadata folder. So even if you set the /metadata folder to the /audiobooks folder purge cache would still only delete the /metadata/cache folder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for making a really good program, and also hoping to see the progress in the E-book part. Tho if that works you should make it a separate thing like E-bookshelf.


Well to my "issue" It seems audiobookself is very dependent on the file structure of your library. If your a little messy it make errors with files. 

Also in regard of matching. This part is a little frustrating. Audiobookshelf finds the items and put in the right meta data and update the info. But I have to go in manualy and press the match on every single book. so it updates and put it in Series folder. 


Edited by Casual
  • Like 1
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Update: v0.9.41-beta is live on the play store. If you downloaded the APK earlier I still recommend updating or getting the new APK because I fixed a bug with playing downloaded audio files.


Heads for anyone looking here after issues updating to v2.


The google play store android app release that is compatible with server v2.0.0 is currently stuck in review. If you are an android user I don't recommend updating to v2.0.0 until the official release is announced. If you are an iOS user that app update is already available.


If you already updated the server then do not downgrade because it will create further problems with your data. In that case, or if you want to access the current release early, you can download the APK directly https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf-app/releases/tag/v0.9.41-beta.


If you download the APK directly then you will need to uninstall the old app version you got from the play store.

Edited by advplyr
  • Upvote 1
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I've installed this on my Ubuntu 20 server, and everything was going great. I had to restart the server, and now when I try to go to the page, it says the site can't be reached.  Does it need to be loaded at startup? If so, how? What's the command line to start the service? 


Awesome job! I love it (well, when I had it working. LOL)

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46 minutes ago, LordSith77 said:

I've installed this on my Ubuntu 20 server, and everything was going great. I had to restart the server, and now when I try to go to the page, it says the site can't be reached.  Does it need to be loaded at startup? If so, how? What's the command line to start the service? 


Awesome job! I love it (well, when I had it working. LOL)

I found the systemctl service, and it's reporting that it failed to start, with exit code 7. I uninstalled it completely and reinstalled it, not doing anything else and it's still fails to start. Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, LordSith77 said:

I found the systemctl service, and it's reporting that it failed to start, with exit code 7. I uninstalled it completely and reinstalled it, not doing anything else and it's still fails to start. Any ideas?


I pushed version 2.0.1 recently, are you using that debian package?

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24 minutes ago, advplyr said:


I pushed version 2.0.1 recently, are you using that debian package?

wget https://advplyr.github.io/audiobookshelf-ppa/audiobookshelf_2.0.1_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./audiobookshelf_2.0.1_amd64.deb

Is how I installed it on my server. But the systemctl audiobookshelf.service is still failing for some reason. It was up and running, until I rebooted the system.


Here's the output from the status:

audiobookshelf.service - Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/audiobookshelf.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2022-04-22 13:35:24 CDT; 1h 47min ago
    Process: 12647 ExecStart=/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobookshelf (code=exited, status=7)
   Main PID: 12647 (code=exited, status=7)

Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Stopped Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Failed to start Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.


Edited by LordSith77
Link to comment
8 minutes ago, LordSith77 said:

wget https://advplyr.github.io/audiobookshelf-ppa/audiobookshelf_2.0.1_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./audiobookshelf_2.0.1_amd64.deb

Is how I installed it on my server. But the systemctl audiobookshelf.service is still failing for some reason. It was up and running, until I rebooted the system.


Here's the output from the status:

audiobookshelf.service - Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/audiobookshelf.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2022-04-22 13:35:24 CDT; 1h 47min ago
    Process: 12647 ExecStart=/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobookshelf (code=exited, status=7)
   Main PID: 12647 (code=exited, status=7)

Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Stopped Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Failed to start Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.



Can you `journalctl -u audiobookshelf`

Link to comment
3 minutes ago, advplyr said:


Can you `journalctl -u audiobookshelf`

Apr 22 13:35:22 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=7/NOTRUNNING
Apr 22 13:35:22 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:22 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Apr 22 13:35:22 pppwh systemd[1]: Stopped Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:22 pppwh systemd[1]: Started Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]: production Config /usr/share/audiobookshelf/config /usr/share/audiobookshelf/metadata /home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]: fs.js:921
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   handleErrorFromBinding(ctx);
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   ^
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks'
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:921:3)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Object.mkdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1599:33)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/make-dir.js:23:13)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at new Server (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/server/Server.js)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/prod.js)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1887:22)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:     at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1940:12) {
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   errno: -13,
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   syscall: 'mkdir',
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   code: 'EACCES',
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]:   path: '/home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks'
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12619]: }
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=7/NOTRUNNING
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 4.
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: Stopped Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: Started Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]: production Config /usr/share/audiobookshelf/config /usr/share/audiobookshelf/metadata /home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]: fs.js:921
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   handleErrorFromBinding(ctx);
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   ^
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks'
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:921:3)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Object.mkdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1599:33)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/mkdirs/make-dir.js:23:13)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at new Server (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/server/Server.js)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/audiobookshelf/prod.js)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1887:22)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:     at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1940:12) {
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   errno: -13,
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   syscall: 'mkdir',
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   code: 'EACCES',
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]:   path: '/home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks'
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh audiobookshelf[12647]: }
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=7/NOTRUNNING
Apr 22 13:35:23 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Stopped Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: audiobookshelf.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 22 13:35:24 pppwh systemd[1]: Failed to start Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.

It looks like a permission error, but I'm not understanding why. I did edit the config, to point to /home/jim/Documents/Audiobooks but that's it. I left everything else the same.

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1 hour ago, LordSith77 said:

So I put it back to the /usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks and now it's working again. So it was just my own stupidity. LOL


Thank you for your help, and a wonderful script. 

Still getting permission errors, and no books showing up.


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_pgnxmpre7n8uwk1lq1 completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[LibraryController] Scan complete

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[Scanner] Starting library scan lscan_xf4ill9vy9rjfbsvjg for Main

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/A'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/B'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/C'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/D'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/E'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/F'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/G'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/I'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/J'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/K'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/L'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/M'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/N'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/O'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/P'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/R'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/S'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_xf4ill9vy9rjfbsvjg completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[LibraryController] Scan complete

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[Scanner] Starting library scan lscan_3zkqb8xbcyuzqoevq1 for Main

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/A'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/B'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/C'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/D'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/E'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/F'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/G'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/I'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/J'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/K'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/L'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/M'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/N'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/O'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/P'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/R'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/S'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_3zkqb8xbcyuzqoevq1 completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[LibraryController] Scan complete


Link to comment
31 minutes ago, LordSith77 said:

Still getting permission errors, and no books showing up.


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:36


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_pgnxmpre7n8uwk1lq1 completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:36


[LibraryController] Scan complete

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[Scanner] Starting library scan lscan_xf4ill9vy9rjfbsvjg for Main

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/A'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/B'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/C'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/D'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/E'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/F'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/G'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/I'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/J'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/K'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/L'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/M'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/N'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/O'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/P'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/R'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/S'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:38


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_xf4ill9vy9rjfbsvjg completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:38


[LibraryController] Scan complete

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[Scanner] Starting library scan lscan_3zkqb8xbcyuzqoevq1 for Main

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/A'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/B'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/C'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/D'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/E'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/F'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/G'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/I'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/J'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/K'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/L'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/M'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/N'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/O'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/P'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/R'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/S'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/T'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/V'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[fileUtils] Recurse files file "undefined" has error Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/usr/share/audiobookshelf/audiobooks/W'

2022-04-22 22:12:45


Root path has no media folders 0

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[Scanner] Library scan lscan_3zkqb8xbcyuzqoevq1 completed in 0:00.0 | 0 Added | 0 Updated | 0 Missing

2022-04-22 22:12:45


[LibraryController] Scan complete



This is still a permission issue on your end. Abs doesn't have permission to read stats on the files/folders in your audiobooks directory.

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8 minutes ago, advplyr said:


This is still a permission issue on your end. Abs doesn't have permission to read stats on the files/folders in your audiobooks directory.

I changed the permissions on the audiobookshelf folder to 777 recursive and that seemed to do the trick. Now the books are loading up. 

Hopefully this will be the last problem I come across. LOL 
Again, thanks for your help. 

  • Like 1
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On 11/1/2021 at 4:29 PM, Greygoose said:

If anyone is trying to get this working with SWAG i managed to get it working with the following config.  I adapted the one on the socket.io website to listen on 443 as SWAG wouldnt allow the HTTP set with the socket.io template.


Make sure to put your unraid IP address where i have put in caps below.  Also make sure you name your file as below and put in your SWAG proxy-confs folder



  server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;
    server_name audiobookshelf.*;
    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    location / {
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;

      proxy_pass http://YOURUNRAIDIPADDRESS:13378;

      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";



When connecting locally via the IP address, everything is working fine. Once i go through my swag reverse proxy, with the above conf, I can connect and login, but continually see a "Socket Failed to Connect" error. This happened on v2.0.1 and the new v2.0.2 version that was just released.

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I have a new error now: (have updated to 2.0.2)

When trying to scan for new books I just added, I keep getting this error. What am I missing here?

2022-04-24 21:32:13


[FfmpegHelpers] Extract Cover Error Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: av_interleaved_write_frame(): Input/output error frame= 1 fps=0.0 q=6.9 size=N/A time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 11x frame= 1 fps=0.0 q=6.9 Lsize=N/A time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed=0.00149x video:30kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown Conversion failed!

I did verify that I have ffmpeg installed. Any time I try to scan for new books, I get socket timed out, and/or the scanning just goes away with nothing being done.

Edited by LordSith77
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On 3/22/2022 at 12:45 PM, Froberg said:

Noticed a lot of people asking about nginx proxy manager, here's my working setup:




Hope it helps someone. 


I switched from SWAG to nginx proxy manager to try out other reverse proxy options to see if it fixed my issue.


Still have a "Socket Failed to Connect" error after logging in through the reverse proxy. Making me think it's an ABS container issue instead of reverse proxy issue, but could be wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Salzgablah said:


I switched from SWAG to nginx proxy manager to try out other reverse proxy options to see if it fixed my issue.


Still have a "Socket Failed to Connect" error after logging in through the reverse proxy. Making me think it's an ABS container issue instead of reverse proxy issue, but could be wrong.


I fail to see how it could be an ABS container issue, when it's working flawlessly on my end. 

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