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[Support] Goobaroo - Modded Minecraft Java Servers

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On 3/10/2023 at 11:43 AM, Schicksal said:

How to find the global IPv6 of this docker for friends to connect. Or how do they connect from outside?

I don't have much IPv6 experience, but some cursory Googling got me these points to check.

  • Do you have a IPv6 public address from your ISP, that would be a requirement.
  • You can add the parameter -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false to the JVM_OPS and update the ip.address in the servers.properties file to blank, it may be  That should force the Minecraft server to prefer IPv6.
  • You'll also ned to enable IPv6 in your docker settings in Unraid - Reference
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Hi I have been trying to solve this on my own but being new to servers and new to unraid I have having difficulties. I am getting an error in the logs when i try to start up a pixelmon server.

2023-03-12 10:46:37,083 main ERROR Error processing element Queue ([Appenders: null]): CLASS_NOT_FOUND

2023-03-12 15:38:36,218 main ERROR Unable to locate appender "ServerGuiConsole" for logger config "root"

If you could help in any way that would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't have much IPv6 experience, but some cursory Googling got me these points to check.
  • Do you have a IPv6 public address from your ISP, that would be a requirement.
  • You can add the parameter -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false to the JVM_OPS and update the ip.address in the servers.properties file to blank, it may be  That should force the Minecraft server to prefer IPv6.
  • You'll also ned to enable IPv6 in your docker settings in Unraid - Reference

I have a public IPv6.
It is already working with plex.
I had run this docker with br0 on a fixed IP. In house everything was fine. A little strange thing (my other dockers don‘t behave like this) it only shows up as active in my router while a client is logged in. When I close Minecraft, the Minecraft server doesn’t show up in the router.
I changed from br0 to host (like my plex server). Managed the port forwarding but it is not possible to connect from external.
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Would it be possible on the vault hunters image to add a way to setup a server that is sky vaults?


It seems we that server-type just needs to be set to `the_vault:sky_vaults` and possibly delete the terralith mod


Also it would be nice to be able to define the pack version as a variable so we can upgrade with out having to wait for a new container to post when they do hot fixes...

Edited by TheBeard
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8 hours ago, TheBeard said:

Would it be possible on the vault hunters image to add a way to setup a server that is sky vaults?


It seems we that server-type just needs to be set to `the_vault:sky_vaults` and possibly delete the terralith mod


Also it would be nice to be able to define the pack version as a variable so we can upgrade with out having to wait for a new container to post when they do hot fixes...


You can update the server.properties file with the `the_vault:sky_vaults` if that is all that is needed and possibly the world, so that it gets regenerated.


Pack version isn't the only thing that goes into the container, there is no easy way to do that.

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On 3/14/2023 at 8:26 AM, Schicksal said:

I have a public IPv6.
It is already working with plex.
I had run this docker with br0 on a fixed IP. In house everything was fine. A little strange thing (my other dockers don‘t behave like this) it only shows up as active in my router while a client is logged in. When I close Minecraft, the Minecraft server doesn’t show up in the router.
I changed from br0 to host (like my plex server). Managed the port forwarding but it is not possible to connect from external.


Sorry, I don't know enough about IPv6 to help in this instance.

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Pretty new to unraid and docker but trying to set up the ATM8 server with my unraid server, but it seems like the docker container is just looping. Here is the log from it:


+ sed -i 's/server-port.*/server-port=25565/g' server.properties
sed: can't read server.properties: No such file or directory
+ chmod 755 run.sh
+ ./run.sh


And it constantly loops with this, understand that the server.prop is not there but should that file be autogen on server install? And have also tried to re install the docker 

Edited by Kokkim
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@Kokkim what is in your /mnt/user/appdata/allthemods8 directory?  It looks like the install is not completing.  I'd remove everything in that directory and start the container again.   That should restart it.  


How much memory do you have available?  I believe the default for ATM8 is 8Gb.


If you could also provide the full log after trying the above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprised no one here has recommended Valhelsia in one flavor or another from what I can see. They put a ton of effort into their mod packs and supporting website / wiki.


I suppose I'll throw my 2-cent in for Valhelsia 5 if you happen to find the time for it. Links below for more info.





Edited by Spinnich
Fixed hyperlinks.
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installed Pixelmon, starting the container got java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.google.common.base.Preconditions and the container dies. I don't see any com.google.common packages in the libraries folder:
root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/pixelmon/libraries/com/google# ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 24 Apr 13 02:01 code/
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 46 Apr 13 02:01 errorprone/
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 10 Apr 13 02:01 guava/
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 36 Apr 13 02:01 j2objc/


Any ideas?

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@hanmaan Seems like an upgrade problem, I'll look at fixing it, but to get you started up again.  Delete everything except the world and journeymap  directories and start the container new and it should re-install everything clean but keep your current game.


Edit: the latest 9.1.3 should fix it too.

Edited by Goobaroo
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I am trying to run the vaulthunters 3 image container on an arm64 cpu in portainer.
I am getting 

exec /launch.sh: exec format error

I am assuming this is because of the architecture. I am wondering whether this is as easy as changing the java version in the install command in the Dockerfile or if curseforge/mods require special setup/are even possible on arm64.
Any info/help would be appreciated, thank you

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6 hours ago, imben said:

I am trying to run the vaulthunters 3 image container on an arm64 cpu in portainer.
I am getting 

exec /launch.sh: exec format error

I am assuming this is because of the architecture. I am wondering whether this is as easy as changing the java version in the install command in the Dockerfile or if curseforge/mods require special setup/are even possible on arm64.
Any info/help would be appreciated, thank you


The docker container has to be built for that architecture.  I'll take a look at multi-arch docker builds, I know it is possible.  


What are you running that is ARM for your Unraid server?


Edit: @imben try changing the repository value to goobaroo/vaulthunters3:Update-8.0.3-multi that should be the latest with an arm64 image.  Unfortunately, I can't test this.

Edited by Goobaroo
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On 4/14/2023 at 8:15 AM, Goobaroo said:

@hanmaan Seems like an upgrade problem, I'll look at fixing it, but to get you started up again.  Delete everything except the world and journeymap  directories and start the container new and it should re-install everything clean but keep your current game.


Edit: the latest 9.1.3 should fix it too.

Thanks, took the latest and I'm good.

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