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[Support] SmithyNithy's Docker Templates

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Overview: Dedicated support topic for the Docker templates I made



Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/thehumanrobot/rollarr/

Repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/thehumanrobot/rollarr/

Template Repository: https://github.com/MasterEvarior/unraid-templates

Plex Pre-Rolls: https://support.plex.tv/articles/202920803-extras 


Rollarr is a python script with web GUI that allows you to automate your Plex Server Pre-roll. You can specify if you would like your pre-roll updated monthly, weekly, daily, or for specific holidays. For example you can have this setup to apply a standard Pre-roll during regular times of the year and then during holidays update the pre-roll automatically!




Installation instructions:

Before creating this container you will have to:

  1.  Create the appdata folder as '/mnt/user/appdata/rollarr'
  2. Create a new file inside that folder with the name 'data.json'
  3. Enter the following text inside the 'data.json' file:
{"URL": ""}

After that you can download and start the container.


Rollarr and the associated Docker container are made by thehumanrobot, not me. If you want to support him, consider buying him a coffee.



Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/esanchezm/prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter

Repository: https://github.com/esanchezm/prometheus-qbittorrent-exporter

Template Repository: https://github.com/MasterEvarior/unraid-templates


A prometheus exporter for qBitorrent. Get metrics from a server and offers them in a prometheus format.

Edited by SmithyNithy
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  • SmithyNithy changed the title to [Support] Rollarr Docker
root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Rollarr' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Phoenix" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="connollyserver" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Rollarr" -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:3100]' -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://github.com/MasterEvarior/unraid-templates/blob/main/rollarr/rollar.png?raw=true' -p '3100:3100/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/Media/preroll/':'/media/prerolls':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/rollar':'/':'rw' 'thehumanrobot/rollarr'
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: '/mnt/user/appdata/rollar:/:rw': invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid specification: destination can't be '/'.
See 'docker run --help'.

The command failed.

Seems like a nice idea so I tried it out and it gives me an error about the path being /. 

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For now, I just removed the mnt/appdata/rollarr path reference and it loaded just fine.
Maybe have Rollarr installed into a subdirectory and ref that subdirectory?


For me, I'm not really sure I'll need to access the script anyway, so no big deal. (but that's just me)


Thanks for setting this up SmithyNithy!

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3 hours ago, veizour said:

For now, I just removed the mnt/appdata/rollarr path reference and it loaded just fine.

Yep that will load just fine but as soon as you restart update the container all of your configuration will be deleted.


3 hours ago, veizour said:

Maybe have Rollarr installed into a subdirectory and ref that subdirectory?

This or install all the permanent data into a subdirectory. Sadly I am not the author of the docker file or software this is using.


4 hours ago, Squid said:

It's in the template.  You can't map something to a container folder of /

Figured as much this morning but life and work came between me and fixing this.


I am going to contact the dev/make a PR to the repository and try to find a solution too. Hold thight, gonna do that as soon as life allows me too this evening.

Edited by SmithyNithy
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Okay so @cammelspit, @veizour, @SuperKing, @Alphacosmos and @nirav


I found a temporary way to fix this. Beware though it is temporary and involves some work. So you might want to wait for an official solution.


  1. Delete your Rollarr container and image
  2. Create in your '/mnt/user/appdata/rollar' directory a new file with the name 'data.json'
  3. Enter the following lines into the 'data.json' file
  4. Reinstall the Rollarr app and change the 'Appdata' path variable to the one shown in the attached file.

I think that should work. You essentially mount a single file instead of the entire directory. The creation of the file beforehand is necessary because Docker would otherwise jsut create a directory with the name 'data.json'.



I've made an issue on GitHub. Is there something else to be done? Because I'm not entirely sure I can just leave this like this until the issue is fixed.


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17 hours ago, SmithyNithy said:

Okay so @cammelspit, @veizour, @SuperKing, @Alphacosmos and @nirav


I found a temporary way to fix this. Beware though it is temporary and involves some work. So you might want to wait for an official solution.


  1. Delete your Rollarr container and image
  2. Create in your '/mnt/user/appdata/rollar' directory a new file with the name 'data.json'
  3. Enter the following lines into the 'data.json' file
  4. Reinstall the Rollarr app and change the 'Appdata' path variable to the one shown in the attached file.

I think that should work. You essentially mount a single file instead of the entire directory. The creation of the file beforehand is necessary because Docker would otherwise jsut create a directory with the name 'data.json'.



I've made an issue on GitHub. Is there something else to be done? Because I'm not entirely sure I can just leave this like this until the issue is fixed.


I followed your guide and the container now starts up, although when i look inside the data.json file i created no more data has been written to then the line i added and after a restart all configuration is still lost :/image.thumb.png.b182dd15cf4d606992c243feeba6ecca.png689279564_Screenshot2022-01-07at13_19_14.thumb.png.6c4e8495ffdf03e0c96a979aeaedd5a8.png

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6 hours ago, SmithyNithy said:


I've now pushed a proper fix, it should be available in max. 2 hours.

I think the best course of action is to just wait and then install the fixed version.


Please do tell me though if you have any problems with the fixed version or if everything works as expected.

The "fixed" version did not work by default. Although as @musicking stated the /rollar/data.json file is being update correctly, When I mounted my /mnt/user/appdata/rollarr/data.json to that path (/rollar/data.json) it is now saving the config to the right file and it survives restarts.


If you were to update the default config to point to that mount path i'm fairly sure it will work

Edited by M00se
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So I went and installed this and really didn't like it's functionality that much and I also don't really mess with changing my pre-rolls all that often.  I removed the docker and the appdata folder.  However, for some reason now none of my pre-rolls will play on Plex.  I looked at the settings in Plex itself and everything seems to be as it should and was but, for some reason, none of the pre-rolls are playing anymore.


Anyone have any advice?


So my paths for my prerolls were almost identical to what this Docker changes the paths too.  I had to go back in and double check and change the paths.  Got my prerolls back!

Edited by CoZ
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  • SmithyNithy changed the title to [Support] SmithyNithy's Docker Templates

I'm a bit lost and hoped to get some guidance here.

I followed the steps in the first post. Created the data.json file in the appropriate directory. Installed the Rollarr docker.

I confirmed in my Plex settings that I have the exact same location for my preroll files.

Even when I fill out the server location, plex token, default location, I press save and get the OK screen. I press Submit and get the OK screen.

If I check the .json file there is no extra info written in it, just the one line I created it with. When I play a movie in Plex, no preroll plays.

I've also tried setting up the Monthly, but still no prerolls play.


So, besides it just not working for me, couple of questions. What address am I supposed to use for the Plex server. Do I just put the IP address, or no I also need to include the port number (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:32400)?

When I press the Test Connection button, nothing happens. Doesn't matter what I have for an address, I get no reaction when I click it. What should I be seeing when I try it?

If I create a Monthly schedule, and also a Holiday schedule, will one override the other? Play the Monthly until it reaches a holiday, then play the holiday and go back to monthly afterwards?



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Also after a bit of guidance, but i didn't think to check here before installing because i didn't think it would be a hassle.

Plex settings field says /media/prerolls but i haven't added anymore for any individual files (as that would undermine Rollarr)

Prerolls are saved in /appdata/binhex-plexpass/prerolls

Rollarr finds them, Test Connection says all is good, but prerolls don't show upon viewing a movie.

/appdata/rollarr has a /data.json folder in it which is empty, that would have been created upon installation of the container.


yeah. would love to get this up and going.

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I just found out that to get the Test Connection to work, I had to add the http:// to my ip address along with the port number.


After pressing Submit, I go into settings/extras, the actual path that is listed for the current month is in there. But, when I play movies, it doesn't play any of the files in that directory. Plex will play prerolls when I have the actual files listed in the extras field, but it doesn't go looking for files if you just have a directory listed.


I also double checked my data.json file after getting the Test Connection to work, and that is still empty (except for the one line as specified in the OP)






EDIT: I just found that you have to select the files in the folder when selecting your location. I never new this (it wasn't written anywhere). Once I highlighted all the individual files, it added them correctly to the extra fields.  smh

Edited by Lonewolf147
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2 hours ago, Lonewolf147 said:

EDIT: I just found that you have to select the files in the folder when selecting your location. I never new this (it wasn't written anywhere). Once I highlighted all the individual files, it added them correctly to the extra fields.  smh

@Lonewolf147 Glad you found a solution :) 


I'm sorry I didn't answer immediately, the week through I was in the military + sick so I have a lot of sleep to catch up to....

If you have any other questions or such, I will be able to answer until Sunday afternoon (UTC+1)

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26 minutes ago, Lonewolf147 said:

Thanks for the reply @SmithyNithy

Got yet another question... is there a way to set up a recurring 'holiday' on my own? I would like to add New Years and a few others, but if I do it in custom, it is only for one year and I would have to remember to redo it every year.

I'm not really sure. The author of the software seems to use the weekly schedules for this somehow (see here https://github.com/TheHumanRobot/Rollarr). Best you ask the author himself, though it doesn't seem he is really actively answering any issues...

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