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Application Name: RoonServer

Application Site: https://roonlabs.com/

Github: https://github.com/steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver


Roon Server is a software package that provides a “headless” Roon install; that is, it is a version of Roon that has no user interface. Roon Server also uses less computing resources than the full version of Roon, and is the best choice for installation on headless servers.


Roon Server is used in conjunction with Roon or Roon Remote, both of which provide control functionality.


================ Install RoonServer docker  container ================

All defaults from the template should be fine. The pre-filled in fields are pretty self explanatory.


As of Roon 2.0, the Roon devs have added remote listening, yay! It's called Roon ARC, and the RoonServer Docker template has been updated to add a remote listening port.


If you are already running a RoonServer container and need to update it for remote listening, edit the Docker Template to add  a port:


Config Type: Port (drop down)
Name: Roon ARC
Host Port: 55000
Default Value 55000
Connection Type: TCP (drop down)
Description: Roon ARC



The finished docker template should look something like this:



You will also have to forward ports on your router or firewall to get it to fully work with ARC. Check out this post over there:


You can also check portforward.com for steps specific to your router/firewall.


Once you get that done, go to Roon > Settings > Roon ARC in your Roon app. You should that the settings look like this:




You can download the desktop version of Roon here: https://roonlabs.com/downloads.html, just the Roon (for Mac or Windows, not the Roon Server). When you run the Roon Desktop software, it will detect the Roon Core running on your Unraid server, as long as you are on the same network (If you are using separate VLANs or anything, you'll need to make sure that your Roon software and RoonServer can listen to each other).





================ Old Help Thread ================




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  • 1 month later...

Hello, do we have to create an account on the roon website for this? I installed the core and I can't find it with the app. I tried roon remote on my android and roon arc. Roon arc ask for account, roon remote just never found the server.


Edit: Found out it's working if I put host, meaning there's other port needed to be forwarded. Is it possible to have it with a custom bridge and have the proper port forwarded?

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@Nodiaque yes you have to make an account at the Roon website, put in your credit card, and sign up for the trial. Roon is expen$ive software! and hosting a Docker doesn’t get us out of it, sadly.


ARC certainly won’t work if you can’t find the core with a regular Windows Roon client or Roon client on your phone (also while on home wifi). I suggest sorting that out first. 

I’m not sure how it works exactly, but there are no ports to forward. Until you use ARC, then you will have to choose a port and forward it. There are details on those instructions above. 

Edited by dkerlee
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ah ok, I'm looking to replace my lms (logitech media server) and there isn't a lot of option for that. I need something that hose the music and can blast the music in whatever device I have from the server, able to sync multiple together, etc. It seems everything I find are "player" that you can access from anywhere. I though Roon would be it, it seems to do it, but I'm not willing to pay the price only for my music.


Thanks for the help!

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Yeah it’s a steep ask. Having been using the software for a year now, I’d say it’s actually worth it. For whatever that’s worth. 
$10/mo billed annually 

$700 lifetime


After 1/1/2023 increasing to 

$12/mo and $830 lifetime


I hear what you’re saying there too with all those little players all over the place. Have you looked into Plex? I got a lifetime of that years ago, and have been using it nonstop for the whole time - but only for tv and movies. They do have a music section, and it might have some neat sync listen stuff and “end points” and casting you could look at. Otherwise, Roon does seem to be the only game in town. 

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  • 1 month later...

When logging in into Roon, it detects the Unraid Roon Core, however it gives me an "unauthorized: please enter your account's password properly"! Obviously I triple checked my password and even reset just to make sure but still gives the same error.  


I'm getting the following error in logs:


Warn:  get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsgem0-


Is it something that needs to be fixed!?

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I had this docker running great for a few days until I tried to add my new Denon AVR as a audio source. This crashed the server and its no longer accessible so I've tried remover the container and readding it which didn't help.


I've tried to delete the files in the roonserver folder in appdata but it throws up a permissions problem.


Can anyone give me any pointers?

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@Mercian it sounds like there are some issues going on outside of the roon Docker specifically. I’d try searching for those permission errors on the rest of the forum. 

I’m trying to recall when I last had permission errors. You can restart the server itself. There’s also a “fix permissions” setting process somewhere. I’ve had luck with that before too. 

I believe in the Docker setting there is a field for user and group. You’ll want to make sure that populates the same as you other dockers, though I’m sure the defaults should be fine. And if you removed the Docker image and the appdata files, you should be back to all default. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the Roon 2.0 update, it seems like Roon works the hard drives much more than any other program or container.  My hard drives thrash constantly for weeks, unless I turn off Roon docker.  Also, with Roon running, my parity check runs at 10 MB/s, and if I turn off Roon it runs at 130 MB/s.  Can it be the container settings do not use the cache correctly? My share "appdata" is the one I try to have on cache.  I have:




For the container settings I have:



I have not yet added the port 55000 for ARC, but I used ARC on my iphone.  Could that be the problem?

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Would be nice, but still does not work. I'm not able to stop the Roonserver Docker. It simply does not stop (which is bad for app-backups and system security). It just times out. After that I get the error


00:00:00.002 Warn:  get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsgem0-

Nothing helped. Not nuking/reinstall. Not installing into /.../mount/user/apps/...  instead of /mount/cache/apps/... - i'm a bit sick of it, because the same thing runs easily on my other (Synology) NAS as a docker. Any more ideas? Shouldn't there be mapping for temp files also (i had this with Unmanic, where it is helpful to map tmp to RAM in any way.


Any ideas?

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  • 1 month later...

So I am trying Roon for the 14 days. I installed the server and set it up just like in the first post. Installed the PC software and it seems it can not find the server. Everything is on the same network. There is no manual configuration in the Roon software. It just wants to find the server by a search.


What am I missing?


Edited by VIthe3rd
Added image
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@VIthe3rd can you give us more to go from?

how about a screen shot of the running Docker. And the Settings of the room Docker page. 
Are you logged in with your room credentials? Do you see anything when you run the local software?


also check Docker > Roon > Logs. See if there are any errors in there. Ha! I have errors. Here’s my Roon Log screen 



Edited by rutherford
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22 hours ago, rutherford said:

@VIthe3rd can you give us more to go from?

how about a screen shot of the running Docker. And the Settings of the room Docker page. 
Are you logged in with your room credentials? Do you see anything when you run the local software?


also check Docker > Roon > Logs. See if there are any errors in there. Ha! I have errors. Here’s my Roon Log screen 



So where to start? I included the screen shot of the set up. 

I Do not know how to add my credentials to the docker app for my roon subscription. And didn't know I had too.

For some reason the log window instantly force closes whenever I attempt to open it. Same goes for the console window. Only on the Roon Docker app.

I only run one other docker app and that is Plex. If that makes a difference.

When you say "screen shot of the running docker". I am unsure what you mean by that statement. 


I am going to figure out why the log window does the Force Close when I attempt to open it in the mean time.

It says "connection closed" as the window is opening then it self closes.

Roon log.png

This is all I get when I stop the server.

Edited by VIthe3rd
Screen shot
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ah oh yeah, I see that up there now. So the Roon docker isn't even running. It shows a red box on the icon under Dashboard. Red box = not running.

If the window closes immediately and nothing happens, I suggest nuking it and reinstalling. There are two steps to this. You gotta delete the docker, and image. Then you need to delete the folders associated with Roon in your appdata/ folder.

For me it's:



Huh, there used to be in in there called raat or something, but I don't see it anymore. I suppose it's only that one folder "roonserver/"


Delete that also. Reinstall and see if that gets better.

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3 hours ago, rutherford said:

ah oh yeah, I see that up there now. So the Roon docker isn't even running. It shows a red box on the icon under Dashboard. Red box = not running.

If the window closes immediately and nothing happens, I suggest nuking it and reinstalling. There are two steps to this. You gotta delete the docker, and image. Then you need to delete the folders associated with Roon in your appdata/ folder.

For me it's:



Huh, there used to be in in there called raat or something, but I don't see it anymore. I suppose it's only that one folder "roonserver/"


Delete that also. Reinstall and see if that gets better.

I am a little closer. Now it is running. Roon for desktop still seems to not be able to find it. 

Now with it running how do you add the account credentials to it?

Roon getting closer.png

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3 hours ago, rutherford said:

ah oh yeah, I see that up there now. So the Roon docker isn't even running. It shows a red box on the icon under Dashboard. Red box = not running.

If the window closes immediately and nothing happens, I suggest nuking it and reinstalling. There are two steps to this. You gotta delete the docker, and image. Then you need to delete the folders associated with Roon in your appdata/ folder.

For me it's:



Huh, there used to be in in there called raat or something, but I don't see it anymore. I suppose it's only that one folder "roonserver/"


Delete that also. Reinstall and see if that gets better.

And I very much appreciate the help on this issue. So far this has been one of the more challenging items I have done since I started using UnRaid. Which is pretty recent.

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On 1/27/2023 at 11:48 AM, rutherford said:

Roon Docker does not have good logging. As I’m thinking about this, I think it may have more to do with Docker and your system more than the Roon Docker specifically. It’s real odd that you can’t stop the Docker container. I’ve never had a Docker container like that. 

It was a docker related issue: Somehow my docker installation changed from "image" to "folder type docker" - perhaps automagically during a major update of unRAID. This lead to a "/mnt/user/system/docker/docker" instead of



under "Settings/DockerSettings". So i had to 

  1. shut down the dockers (and make a backup)
  2. move the content from "/docker/docker" to ".../docker"
  3. restart.

Also i noticed, that roon still is slow (about 15 sec), when shutting down. This seems to be related to the general docker "cache vs. /mnt/user" problem - fuse filesystem is slowing down things, when the app share is addresed through the "normal" /mnt/user/appdata directory. After some reading i followed directions to

  1. start mover (to transfer all "appdata" to cache)
  2. shutdown array (to finalize this)
  3. restart array
  4. change share appdata to "cache only"
  5. adjust the paths in the docker template(s) especially roon from "/mnt/user/appdata" to "mnt/cache/appdata" - the same way the template creator made this in his template from the start

Reasons for doing so are described elsewhere, but this indeed did speed up things (and brought down the standby power consumption a few watts).


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On 3/8/2023 at 7:45 PM, VIthe3rd said:

I am a little closer. Now it is running. Roon for desktop still seems to not be able to find it. 

Now with it running how do you add the account credentials to it?

When you first run the Roon client, you are presented with a screen that says "Choose your Roon Core" where it will try and find a running Roon Core on the network, or you can "Set up a Roon Core on this PC"

If you've already selected the Set up a Roon Core on this PC, then you can get into the software and start listening to music: BUT that wasn't the right move. As you've set up your Roon Core on the network already, you need to backup the local installation process. Open your Roon Software, go to Settings, then logout. Close the software. Re-run the software and hopefully it'll find your Roon Core on the network.

After you hit Connect to core, you'll be presented with the username/password to get authenticated with Roon registration software. You've already started the free trial (I can see that from your screen shot up there).



on ntwork.png

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