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Future Unraid Feature Desires

Future Unraid Feature Desires  

841 members have voted

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On 8/8/2023 at 3:01 AM, Kilrah said:

You can already do that if your hardware supports it. 


On 8/8/2023 at 3:54 AM, MAM59 said:

This already works perfectly if your controller supports it and you enable this feature (per port) in UEFI/BIOS



I'm betting they mean 'without stopping the array' - I agree that it's something that's sorely missing, and the primary reason I no longer use unraid for anything where uptime is paramount, but with how the parity writes are designed to be handled, pretty sure it'd need a complete rewrite to support this unfortunately 😞

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2 hours ago, dboonthego said:

Built-in option to permanently remove a data disk and maintain parity.  Reduce physical disk count.


In the sane vein, I'd like to see the 'unbalance' feature brought in to core unraid - the ability to choose at will where you'd like a given share's files relocated to. As my storage needs have grown more and more complex, I find myself having to jump through some pretty significant hoops to get data moved around as I'd prefer it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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My desires for future developments (in priority sequence):


1 ) Multiple Unraid Arrays (At least 2)

2 ) Fully compatible with Docker / Docker Compose (Network, shares, etc) within GUI

3 ) Performance improvement (Compared to TrueNAS) - Turbo Mode does help!

4 ) Decoupling VM and Containers from Array if they don't use it - Ability to start virtualization services (Docker and KVM) irrespective of array status.

5 ) VM Snapshots

6 ) Native Backup (For Array, cache, VM's and containers data)

7 ) Mover configuration per share

8 ) MFA option for all users

9 ) 3rd parity drive in Arrays (If possible)

10) Incorporation of several plugins into Unraid Core - Some of them are just too important to not having them

11) New UI


And thanks for this amazing product!

Edited by PetabyteLDA
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Just this


1) Fully compatible with Docker Compose (Network, shares, etc) within GUI. 

2) Decoupling VM and Containers from Array if they don't use it

3) Native Backup (For Array, cache, VM's and containers data)

4) Incorporation of several plugins into Unraid Core - Some of them are just too important to not having them

5) Support for auditd (security purposes)  https://slackbuilds.org/repository/15.0/system/audit/




Edited by L0rdRaiden
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UNRAID drive

a simple client side software to mount unraid drive implementing read/write caching.   i.e.  connected folder appears as a google drive and I can read write to it as fast as I can from my local hard drive on laptop.  (instead of cache drive on unraid server).   


This will relieve not only slower unraid pool speed issues but also slower 1Gb ethernet/wifi and still work as fast as NVME speeds for frequently used data on client laptops/desktops.

Edited by ashu
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Bundle apps

Easy use-case  bundle app install.  Another way to install app on unraid. 

i.e. I want to install next cloud.   someone can create a bundle that requires to fill in a guided form and then auto installs and configures multiple apps for that use case.

This will make unraid one step closer to ease of use community apps.  Now I have to watch YouTube videos google a lot prior to getting something working. Also this will eliminate trivial bugs by remove non essential customization that original dockers provided which is noise for most users..



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Would love an LTS channel for Unraid. Many people are sticking with 6.11.5 or even 6.9.x releases for stability. A lot of the newer features are "nice to haves" not "must haves" for me but I wanted to update to a newer release for security patches etc. I stayed on 6.11.5 until this weekend. I know the macvlan debacle isn't entirely an Unraid problem (have seen the kernel bug report submitted by LT), but it would have been good for a lot of users if there was a 6.11.5 LTS with security updates/patches as it's almost 12 months old now.

Some user facing UI improvements I would like:
Native docker organization
Docker Folder is dead. I'm just about to try out FolderView which looks like it will work for my needs, but it seems like the startup order management is a bit hacky. Docker is one of the main Unraid features advertised/drawing people in and this aspect is a bit lacking.

Resource management/monitoring UI.
Dashboard gives me a 5min graph of CPU usage but only RAM at that instant. Would like Unraid to provide a way to see my CPU/RAM usage over a longer time (hour, day, week).

  • Upvote 4
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2 hours ago, daithi said:

Would love an LTS channel for Unraid. Many people are sticking with 6.11.5 or even 6.9.x releases for stability. A lot of the newer features are "nice to haves" not "must haves" for me but I wanted to update to a newer release for security patches etc. I stayed on 6.11.5 until this weekend.


This is what I upvoted.  I waited until 6.12.4 looked as the final update for 6.12 to update my servers (and I came from 6.10.3).

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I know I will probably get a lot of flack/hate mail for this, but...

How about a completely redesigned UI that is a lot easier to use! I am thinking something similar to Synology's DSM, or QNAP, QUTS Hero.

Ok, throw your daggers! :)

Edited by Erich
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On 10/1/2023 at 10:12 AM, daithi said:

Resource management/monitoring UI.
Dashboard gives me a 5min graph of CPU usage but only RAM at that instant. Would like Unraid to provide a way to see my CPU/RAM usage over a longer time (hour, day, week).


The Stats plugin does this pretty well


(Sorry for the crappy screenshot, I'm mobile currently)


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On 10/2/2023 at 5:38 PM, Erich said:

I know I will probably get a lot of flack/hate mail for this, but...

How about a completely redesigned UI that is a lot easier to use! I am thinking something similar to Synology's DSM, or QNAP, QUTS Hero.

Ok, throw your daggers! :)

As someone who has never used the alternatives you mention, what it is about the Unraid UI that you don't like? 


Personally, I think the settings/tools pages could be improved, some stuff I never remember whether it's a tool or a setting (it's not always obvious) and the categories within both pages are not really helping The docker and VM pages are pretty good IMO. The dashboard is a lot better now as well. 


I guess the overall theme could be changed completely to a more traditional and modern vertical menu with a separate mobile UI (or dedicated official app) but that doesn't bother me too much. 

Edited by dnLL
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1 hour ago, dnLL said:

As someone who has never used the alternatives you mention, what it is about the Unraid UI that you don't like? 


Personally, I think the settings/tools pages could be improved, some stuff I never remember whether it's a tool or a setting (it's not always obvious) and the categories within both pages are not really helping The docker and VM pages are pretty good IMO. The dashboard is a lot better now as well. 


I guess the overall theme could be changed completely to a more traditional and modern vertical menu with a separate mobile UI (or dedicated official app) but that doesn't bother me too much. 

Well, as a Windows user, I am very use to navigating the UI and accessing my applications via icons. Here are some screenshots of the Synology UI (called DSM).

Everything in DSM is very easily accessible and I don't have to guess were things are. For a Windows user, I think it is much more easy to navigate. Also, it is so much simpler to install apps and just get around. I feel that the current UNRAID UI is outdated, but I guess it appeals more to people coming from a Linux background. 

Thats ok.. to each his own. :)



Edited by Erich
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On 10/2/2023 at 11:38 PM, Erich said:

How about a completely redesigned UI that is a lot easier to use! I am thinking something similar to Synology's DSM, or QNAP, QUTS Hero.

If you prefer those, use them. 


These modern UIs "look cool" but are terribly inefficient at actually providing information... no thanks.


I prefer an UI that takes a few hours to "get" initially but then will be more efficient for all the years I'll be using the product, than something that's more straightforward initially but will make me lose time forever onwards.

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10 hours ago, Kilrah said:

If you prefer those, use them. 


These modern UIs "look cool" but are terribly inefficient at actually providing information... no thanks.


I prefer an UI that takes a few hours to "get" initially but then will be more efficient for all the years I'll be using the product, than something that's more straightforward initially but will make me lose time forever onwards.

Ok, but that is your opinion. I think the existing Unraid UI is far more inefficient and outdated. We live in the highly visual world of the 21st century, not some archaic text driven UI scheme of the 80's and 90's...and yes, that is also just my opinion. ;) 


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4 minutes ago, Erich said:

Ok, but that is your opinion. I think the existing Unraid UI is far more inefficient and outdated. We live in the highly visual world of the 21st century, not some archaic text driven UI scheme of the 80's and 90's...and yes, that is also just my opinion. ;) 


And as you listed yourself you have plenty of options if that's what you want. Leave something to those who are not after that, not everything in the world has to be the same.


The screenshots you posted show the whole "problem"... you're not getting anywhere useful before having gone through 2 pointless pages that are only there for cosmetics. 

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39 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

And as you listed yourself you have plenty of options if that's what you want. Leave something to those who are not after that, not everything in the world has to be the same.


The screenshots you posted show the whole "problem"... you're not getting anywhere useful before having gone through 2 pointless pages that are only there for cosmetics. 

Really...? And how many pages are in the unRAID UI? A lot more than 2!. Your point makes no sense. And I don't need to be a Linux guru to use it! :)

Edited by Erich
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12 minutes ago, Erich said:

Really...? And how many pages are in the unRAID UI? A lot more than 2!. Your point makes no sense. And I don't need to be a Linux guru to use it! :)

Going to Unraid GUI you land on either the dashboard or main page, which both have most of the useful information you need about your server without having to dig through things, not just an empty useless "desktop" or list of icons.


Sure changing settings needs going to the right place, but the everyday stuff is all at a glance right there straight away.


If you don't like it... don't use it, you have enough other options.

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