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[Plugin] Tailscale

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Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. The service handles complex network configuration on your behalf so that you don't have to. Network connections between devices pierce through firewalls and routers as if they weren't there, allowing for direct connections without the need to manually configure port forwarding.


A description of the available settings is available in the Help tab within the plugin settings. Tailscale CLI commands can also be run via the WebGUI terminal or SSH.




Issue reports and pull requests are welcome on Github: https://github.com/dkaser/unraid-tailscale


Translations are maintained at https://crowdin.com/project/unraid-tailscale

Edited by EDACerton
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i use this cmd personaly, i hope this will help someone :) 


with this cmd before still in unraid terminal


echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf
echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf



tailscale up --advertise-exit-node --accept-routes --advertise-routes=

Edited by ptichalouf
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2 hours ago, ptichalouf said:

i use this cmd personaly, i hope this will help someone :) 


with this cmd before still in unraid terminal


echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf
echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-tailscale.conf



tailscale up --advertise-exit-node --accept-routes --advertise-routes=


For everyone else’s benefit — as a general rule, if you aren’t already familiar with the extra flags here (and know you need them), just run tailscale up.

FYI -- the first three commands won't survive reboot -- Unraid doesn't act like a traditional linux system, any changes that are made to /etc are lost when the system is rebooted.


Fortunately, in this case the impact would be fairly small -- Unraid already sets IPv4 forwarding, so the only thing that you should lose would be IPv6 via the exit node. If you want for that to persist, you would need to modify sysctl on boot using a technique such as https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61544-how-to-modify-etcsysctlconf-on-boot/. This is something that I might look as adding as an option in an update to the plugin.



Edited by EDACerton
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9 minutes ago, ADvorsky said:

just for your info.... tailscales magic dns might break your docker containers.

/etc/resolv.conf gets copied to all freshly started contaieners from the host, which points to a dns not existing inside the container...

disabling magic dns resolved this issue.

This can be the case for Docker containers that are connected to the default "bridge" network, but that is expected behavior from Docker.


If you want for Docker containers to have internal DNS resolution (i.e., being able to resolve the other containers by name), you need to create a user-defined bridge (reference: Docker documentation). Docker containers connected to a user-defined bridge get an internal DNS server.

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13 minutes ago, gustyScanner said:

Fantastic plugin, thank you for working on it! Exit node as a setting to persist across reboots would be fantastic.

Just for clarity -- exit node will persist across reboots, the only thing that doesn't is enabling IPv6 forwarding.

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I installed this plugin then ran 


tailscale up --advertise-exit-node --accept-routes --advertise-routes=


Now, my system is unresponsive and I had to do a hard reboot and it's not coming back :(


I need to go hookup a keyboard and display to try and recover. Any ideas where to start?  

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17 minutes ago, Nexus said:

I installed this plugin then ran 


tailscale up --advertise-exit-node --accept-routes --advertise-routes=


Now, my system is unresponsive and I had to do a hard reboot and it's not coming back :(


I need to go hookup a keyboard and display to try and recover. Any ideas where to start?  

Something about this command probably didn't mesh nicely with your network... it's enabling several extra features that affect how traffic moves.

As a general rule, start with tailscale up, only add other flags if you know you need them.


To fix your connection, I'd run the following from CLI:

tailscale set --accept-routes=false --advertise-exit-node=false --advertise-routes=""


Edited by EDACerton
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3 hours ago, EDACerton said:

Something about this command probably didn't mesh nicely with your network... it's enabling several extra features that affect how traffic moves.

As a general rule, start with tailscale up, only add other flags if you know you need them.


To fix your connection, I'd run the following from CLI:

tailscale set --accept-routes=false --advertise-exit-node=false --advertise-routes=""


Thanks. I opted to boot with no plugins loaded and delete the plugin and plugins directory and reboot. I'll wait a bit until wiser ones than me can play around with this :) 


Edited by Nexus
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23 hours ago, Nexus said:

Thanks. I opted to boot with no plugins loaded and delete the plugin and plugins directory and reboot. I'll wait a bit until wiser ones than me can play around with this :) 


If what you want is to be able to connect to Unraid remotely, and Docker containers running on bridge networks, then you can install the plugin and run tailscale up (no flags), that should work just fine.


The other features are all more advanced networking, so adding them incorrectly can cause issues.

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1 hour ago, rukiftw said:

anyway to get access to br0 dockers?

with dsmith44's docker tailscale verison and docker host network access enabled, it can access br0 dockers. So far i have been unable to get this plugin to do the same. any ideas?

Honestly, I'm not really certain how that worked in the first place :)


You could probably use the subnet router option to get a similar effect. The other option is to sidecar a Tailscale container to your other containers. This is possible with the existing Docker container, I'm also chatting with dsmith44 a little bit about how that could be made easier.

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Update 2023.04.01 released:


This update adds better support for Taildrop:

  • There is a new option on the configuration page to specify a path for files that are taildropped to the server.
  • If you configure this option, Tailscale will use the folder for any files that are Taildropped.
  • If you do not configure the option / the array is stopped / the folder does not exist, Taildrop is disabled.

One additional note: Tailscale only notices changes to the Taildrop folder when the service starts. As a result, Tailscale will restart 5 seconds after the array starts or stops. The connection automatically resumes after the service restarts.

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