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[Plugin] Tailscale

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2 hours ago, EDACerton said:

OK, I think I see what's happening here. I should have a fix for that out probably tomorrow evening, unless I end up being super productive tonight (always a possibility, but hard to predict :) ).


In the meantime, you can probably just add "tailscale1" to the extra interfaces section in the network settings, and it should start working.


Edit: Nope, turns out a simple mistake on my part, fix should be up within 30 minutes.

Thanks! I installed 2023.06.18 and rebooted just to be safe. Now I can access the web UI through both the local IP and the Tailscale IP. However, I'm having a new problem that didn't occur on the previous version: SSH is not working at all. I get "connection refused" on port 22 regardless of whether I'm using the Tailscale IP or the local IP. On the previous version, SSH was at least working with the local IP.


I'm attaching the diagnostics with the new version installed in case you need them.


Edited by bdr9
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You’re having this issue:



This should be fixed in the next Unraid release. I’ve been toying with adding a temp fix to the plug-in… I normally prefer to avoid modifying system scripts, but in this case it might be justifiable. I’ll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. 😁

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3 hours ago, EDACerton said:

You’re having this issue:



This should be fixed in the next Unraid release. I’ve been toying with adding a temp fix to the plug-in… I normally prefer to avoid modifying system scripts, but in this case it might be justifiable. I’ll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. 😁


The new version of the plugin fixed my issue.

I have a question. Can I access any docker web ui, hosted in unraid with this tailscale plugin, or can I access only the server web ui ?


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11 hours ago, EDACerton said:


  • Fix file permissions that were inadvertently rolled back in 2023.06.16a.

Hi there


I have just installed the latest version but I am still unable to access a remote unRAID box via tailscale.

It is my father's unRAID and I can use use screen share on mac via request to tinker.

Process followed was:

Remove the machine from Tailscale console.
Remove plugin.

Re-install plugin.
Tailscale up.
Tailscale login.
Try to access via tailscale IP to access GUI via Chrome still does not work.

I am able to ping the tailscale IP from my unRAID system.


The remote unraid (gfp) shows as connected in unRAID:



The unraid (gfp) shows connected in the tailscale admin console:



The settings of the plugin are:






the latest diagnostics are attached.


The tailscale plugin was fine up until 6.11.5 and only seems to have broken when upgrading to 6.12.0.


Under Settings > Network Settings the listening interface does list tailscale1.


This is tailscale plugin version 2023.06.18.


I have another unRAID box that is remote that I am only able to access via the tailscale plugin and would like to update but I am concerned if I do I will lose access (it would be a 500mile round trip to fix).



Any help or advice would be most appreciated.



Edited by amp88759
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12 hours ago, EDACerton said:

You’re having this issue:



This should be fixed in the next Unraid release. I’ve been toying with adding a temp fix to the plug-in… I normally prefer to avoid modifying system scripts, but in this case it might be justifiable. I’ll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. 😁

I'm also having the issue where I am no longer able to SSH after updating the Tailscale plugin. Is this what you mean when you write to disable IPv6? Because IPv4 is already what I had it set to, and I'm still having the issue.



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15 hours ago, amp88759 said:

Hi there


I have just installed the latest version but I am still unable to access a remote unRAID box via tailscale.

It is my father's unRAID and I can use use screen share on mac via request to tinker.

Process followed was:

Remove the machine from Tailscale console.
Remove plugin.

Re-install plugin.
Tailscale up.
Tailscale login.
Try to access via tailscale IP to access GUI via Chrome still does not work.

I am able to ping the tailscale IP from my unRAID system.


The remote unraid (gfp) shows as connected in unRAID:



The unraid (gfp) shows connected in the tailscale admin console:



The settings of the plugin are:






the latest diagnostics are attached.


The tailscale plugin was fine up until 6.11.5 and only seems to have broken when upgrading to 6.12.0.


Under Settings > Network Settings the listening interface does list tailscale1.


This is tailscale plugin version 2023.06.18.


I have another unRAID box that is remote that I am only able to access via the tailscale plugin and would like to update but I am concerned if I do I will lose access (it would be a 500mile round trip to fix).



Any help or advice would be most appreciated.

unraid-diagnostics-20230619-1328.zip 148.3 kB · 0 downloads


Yay! An easy fix :)


You just need to restart the Unraid services (easy method: go to tailscale settings, change any setting so that the "Apply" button will turn on, change the setting back, click "Apply").


I don't have a good way to catch when "tailscale up" happens, so I can't restart the Unraid services automatically on the first login to Tailscale. The plugin restarts the Unraid services 60 seconds after starting, but if Tailscale isn't logged in yet there's nothing for Unraid to listen on.

Edited by EDACerton
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5 hours ago, EDACerton said:

Yay! An easy fix :)


You just need to restart the Unraid services (easy method: go to tailscale settings, change any setting so that the "Apply" button will turn on, change the setting back, click "Apply").


I don't have a good way to catch when "tailscale up" happens, so I can't restart the Unraid services automatically on the first login to Tailscale. The plugin restarts the Unraid services 60 seconds after starting, but if Tailscale isn't logged in yet there's nothing for Unraid to listen on.

Hi there


Thanks, this fixed the issue.


The only problem I found is that I then had to re-authenticate. So presumably would have been kicked off the tailscale network. No good for the machine 250miles away.


Additionally, although I am connected to the unraid-gfp server as can be seen here:



The connected status is not shown in the tailscale admin panel:



Thanks for helping me fix this issue of non-connection. Much appreciated.


Incidentally, my unraid server has been upgraded to 6.12.0 and has the tailscale plugin running, I very rarely connect remotely to my own system, although I have tried and it worked straight away without any of these problems.


I noticed this morning that whilst my server is connected to tailscale the admin panel also shows not connected:



Is something still not quite right with unRAID 6.12.0 and tailscale?


Thanks for the fantastic work you are doing this plugin really does make my life easier!

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On 6/20/2023 at 5:33 AM, amp88759 said:

This is my tailscale admin console with three unRAID servers and their versions: which are all connected to tailscale despite what the console says.




All are on the latest version of the plugin 2023.06.20

That's been a weird bug with the Tailscale console that I've seen before, it doesn't seem to hurt anything though. I'm not certain what causes it, will have to dig in at some point, but that hasn't been a priority since it seems to be harmless.

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I have a few questions about the plugin:


1: What is proper setup for the taildrop file location, is something like this acceptable?




2. should i be concerned about any of these errors:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
logger: send message failed: Bad file descriptor

/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 53: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 70: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script


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Thanks for this awesome plug-in! I've been using Tailscale with dockers and as a lightweight VM for subnet routing. Right now, I'm just running the plug-in as a stand alone tailscale client and a separate VM for subnet routing.  How robust would it be to just use this plug-in as a subnet router, too?

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On 6/24/2023 at 5:21 AM, xgxxl89 said:

Can you Add GUI options for --advertise-routes


Eventually, yes -- but that's not at the top of the to-do list. It's a little trickier since I'll want to validate the input to make certain that Tailscale considers it valid.


In the meantime, you can always run tailscale set from the command line, the changes made that way are persistent.

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On 6/24/2023 at 9:26 PM, mihcox said:

I have a few questions about the plugin:


1: What is proper setup for the taildrop file location, is something like this acceptable?




2. should i be concerned about any of these errors:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
logger: send message failed: Bad file descriptor

/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 53: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 70: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script


1. Yes, that should be fine, all that matters is that the folder exists.


2. The first block seems fine, that logger message isn't a big deal. The second block is more concerning -- "tailscale: command not found" would suggest that something is wrong with either the plugin installation or your Unraid install (the plugin installs the tailscale binaries into the path, so something isn't right there). If that's still happening, please post diagnostics, that might shed more light on what's going on.

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15 hours ago, John Catral said:

Thanks for this awesome plug-in! I've been using Tailscale with dockers and as a lightweight VM for subnet routing. Right now, I'm just running the plug-in as a stand alone tailscale client and a separate VM for subnet routing.  How robust would it be to just use this plug-in as a subnet router, too?

It should work just fine as a subnet router. I don't personally run it that way, but there are other folks on here who have.

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16 hours ago, EDACerton said:

1. Yes, that should be fine, all that matters is that the folder exists.


2. The first block seems fine, that logger message isn't a big deal. The second block is more concerning -- "tailscale: command not found" would suggest that something is wrong with either the plugin installation or your Unraid install (the plugin installs the tailscale binaries into the path, so something isn't right there). If that's still happening, please post diagnostics, that might shed more light on what's going on.

after rebooting today, is see the same logs in an email. But its not the first time the job runs, but the second. Diagnostics attached

output from job 5:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script

second email with the same things:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script




email 5 minutes later from job 12:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
logger: send message failed: Bad file descriptor
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 53: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 70: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script



Edited by mihcox
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3 hours ago, mihcox said:

email 5 minutes later from job 12:

Running pre-startup script
Enabling IP Forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
Stopping tailscaled.
Starting tailscaled: /usr/local/sbin/tailscaled
logger: send message failed: Bad file descriptor
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 53: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-routes=false
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/update-settings.sh: line 70: tailscale: command not found
tailscale set --accept-dns=true
Running post-startup script

Weird... I'm not certain what job 12 is. The plugin itself doesn't send any emails either, it just logs to syslog. It seems like something is trying to run the startup scripts, but is doing so from a weird state that doesn't have /usr/local/sbin in the PATH.


Do you have anything in user scripts that might be trying to do a restart?

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I have my unraid server set on port 8080... Up until recently I was using the docker container and was able to connect via port 8080, something happened and I updated and it no longer works, but I can connect to my other apps on other ports just fine.


Now I switched to the plugin, and the same issue exists, I can connect to my other apps, but I can't connect to the unraid port 8080 to see the UI. Is this a bug, do I need to change a setting? I left the default settings enabled.

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Just now, sirkillalotic said:



I have my unraid server set on port 8080... Up until recently I was using the docker container and was able to connect via port 8080, something happened and I updated and it no longer works, but I can connect to my other apps on other ports just fine.


Now I switched to the plugin, and the same issue exists, I can connect to my other apps, but I can't connect to the unraid port 8080 to see the UI. Is this a bug, do I need to change a setting? I left the default settings enabled.

welp, after waiting 10 minutes it started working...

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On 6/27/2023 at 8:28 PM, EDACerton said:

Weird... I'm not certain what job 12 is. The plugin itself doesn't send any emails either, it just logs to syslog. It seems like something is trying to run the startup scripts, but is doing so from a weird state that doesn't have /usr/local/sbin in the PATH.


Do you have anything in user scripts that might be trying to do a restart?


I only have the following scripts that run during drive start:
NVIDIA Power Save Boot


rClone Mount Script

Script for Mounting rClone Mounts


  Save syslog to FlashDrive 


The email is coming from the notifications portion of unraid, and i assume the job number is associated with scripts that run at boot, then again another tailscale script is running on start of the array?

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On 6/28/2023 at 11:03 PM, mihcox said:


I only have the following scripts that run during drive start:
NVIDIA Power Save Boot


rClone Mount Script

Script for Mounting rClone Mounts


  Save syslog to FlashDrive 


The email is coming from the notifications portion of unraid, and i assume the job number is associated with scripts that run at boot, then again another tailscale script is running on start of the array?


I do notice that it does happen twice, once on initial boot, and a second time during the array start.

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