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[Plugin] Tailscale

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On 10/6/2023 at 2:19 PM, grim-covey1723 said:

I installed Tailscale plugin, now I can't access GUI. I don't know what else to do. I don't have access to my terminal either.

Have you tried going in via SSH?


So far, I haven't been able to pin down exactly what's causing this.... out of 2,000+ upgrades, I've only had three reports of this problem, so it's tricky to find :(


What would really be helpful me would be a copy of the /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx file from someone having the issue. (Ideally, while it's broken, although a copy running on an older version of the plugin would work too.)

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I had a similar issue as well when my internet connection went down. Could no longer access Unraid managment from my local network via:


For now I disabled Use SSL/TLS: STRICT in hopes that I will be able to access it via local ip if internet goes down again...

Though I doubt it is specifically related to tailscale...

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1 minute ago, Laov said:

I had a similar issue as well when my internet connection went down. Could no longer access Unraid managment from my local network via:


For now I disabled Use SSL/TLS: STRICT in hopes that I will be able to access it via local ip if internet goes down again...

Though I doubt it is specifically related to tailscale...

That's not a local connection... that's the remote/proxied connection via Unraid Connect. That won't work if your internet is down (and neither will Tailscale, both are dependent on an internet connection).


If you were connecting locally, you'd be going to


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9 minutes ago, EDACerton said:

That's not a local connection... that's the remote/proxied connection via Unraid Connect. That won't work if your internet is down (and neither will Tailscale, both are dependent on an internet connection).


If you were connecting locally, you'd be going to


Well at that time I didn't know that xD SSL/TLS: STRICT forces redirect to through that proxy - so no internet no unraid management... Meh... Switching it to Yes should solve my issue.

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i recently set up my unraid server and the first thing i installed was the tailscale plugin, before the disks have arrived and i can use the array. thanks for all the efforts in developing it. running on a bare server has given me the freedom to troubleshoot the issue i'm about to describe.


sadly, after installing the plugin and logging into tailscale i can no longer access the server on the local ip address. attaching the logs. if anyone can help find a solution it would be greatly appreciated.


thanks in advance.


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29 minutes ago, maxse said:

Hi folks, I need some help please.

I installed the plugin on my unraid and went to terminal and typed tailscale up.


I then had to leave where the unraid server was. Came home and installed tailscale on my mac. When I log in using apple id, to the dashboard I see both my unraid server and my macbook as machines and under "last seen" they say "Connected" with a green circle next to both of them. 

But for some reason when I type the IP address of the unraid server, it immediately goes to "this site can't be reached" 


Is there anything that I can do? did I need to type another command locally at the unraid server terminal? I won't be back on site for a few days and was hoping this would work. What am I missing? 

I am typing the ip assigned by tailscale /dashboard. and nothing is happening. I also made sure that tailscale is enabled on my macbook. 

When I try to SSH I get connection refused.

From your description, I suspect that you installed the Docker version of Tailscale, not the plugin. If that’s the case, the behavior you’re seeing is expected — and there’s nothing that can be done about that until you have local access again. 

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With that being the case, you probably need to restart the plugin so that it can reconfigure Unraid to have system services listen on the Tailscale address — it seems like that hasn’t happened yet.

If you have someone local that could reboot the server, you could try that… that would let the plugin apply the correct settings to the server. 

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Me and a friend of mine are both running this plugin and we are both having the issue where, when we reboot and start the array, the web UI will crash. From what I can find, something is crashing NGINX after the array starts, so we have to connect to the server by SSH and execute:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start


This will restart NGINX and everything will work fine after. If we do a "status" instead, we can see it's not running anymore once the web page timeout.


If I can be of any help and provide logs, just ask me and I will gladly do so!

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4 minutes ago, TR3MIC said:

Me and a friend of mine are both running this plugin and we are both having the issue where, when we reboot and start the array, the web UI will crash. From what I can find, something is crashing NGINX after the array starts, so we have to connect to the server by SSH and execute:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start


This will restart NGINX and everything will work fine after. If we do a "status" instead, we can see it's not running anymore once the web page timeout.


If I can be of any help and provide logs, just ask me and I will gladly do so!

If you can grab two things, that would be wonderful:


1. Diagnostics from inside the plugin settings (go to the help tab)


2. A copy of /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx

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7 hours ago, By-Jokese said:

Is there any way to advertise specific routes without using the terminal to restart and reconfigure tailscale? A textbox in the UI would be a great addition.

I’ve considered doing this, but that’s on hold for the moment for a couple reasons:


Subnet routes are a little trickier to implement than the existing settings since it has to pass user-provided strings directly to the CLI, meaning that then I have to check to see if the syntax is good/etc.


I was considering doing that anyways, but Tailscale is currently working on improving the configuration interface provided by the tailscale binary itself (the first page of settings). I’m expecting that the built-in interface will gain the ability to manipulate those settings, which is much better than me trying to push the config via the plugin scripts :)

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16 minutes ago, maxse said:

Guys, help! 

So I got this working earlier today. Everything was working great, subnet router everything was working. 


Then all of a sudden just now I can't access the server anymore. I manage it remotely. 

It's been working fine for years, and this is the first time it became unresponsive like this. 

I couldn't ping it even.

I had someone on site cold reboot. 

After cold reboot, I entered the array password to start the array. And then the unraid GUI became unreachable!


I can access the dockers GUI no problem, but I can't access the unraid GUI!

I can SSH in but I don't know what to do or how to fix this. Any suggestions how I can do this remotely? The only thing I changed on the server was install tailscale on it today, which all started because the rapsberry pi 3 died that was running wireguard previously.



You can try running

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start

from your SSH session. If that works, you can generate diagnostics from inside the plugin settings and I can take a look to see what your logs are indicating.


I'd also love to get a copy of your /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx file so I can see if there's something there that's causing this problem to occur.


It's very odd that everything would work prior to starting the array, then fail after.

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10 minutes ago, maxse said:

So I typed in reboot, and was able to get GUI back on, I was on unraid 6.12.2 so thought maybe upgrading to 6.12.4 would help so I did, Upgrade went fine. But as soon as I start the array, I loose the GUI again but the GUI of the dockers are working fine!


I rand you nginx command and that worked! I got the GUI back!

Here is the diagnostics file attached. Thank you so much for helping me!


How do I get to the other file rc.nginx


Also, any way to find out what happened inistlaly to cause the server to crash? I also installed pihole on unraid today (replacing my raspberry pi that broke) so my enter network went down at my remote location, which was a pain.


*EDIT* tailscale diagnostics attached from within plugin


Sabertooth-tailscale-diag-20231016-002337.zip 245.64 kB · 0 downloads

If you SSH in, you can enter:


cp /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx /mnt/user/


Then grab the file from your share. Or you can use an SFTP client like FileZilla, WinSCP, etc. to grab the file directly.

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The rc.nginx file looks good... looking at your syslog, I see a kernel trace shortly after the array starts related to macvlan.


macvlan has been associated with stability issues on Unraid, and I'd guess that there might be some interaction there between macvlan and Tailscale that's creating your issue... are you able to try with ipvlan instead?

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First, I want to thank you for this plugin! I prefer it much more than the docker container.


Second, is it possible to enable the tailscale update functionality? When I try, it tells me it doesn't validate with the current release signing key.

Downloading "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz.sig"
signature "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz.sig" for file "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz" does not validate with the current release signing key; either you are under attack, or attempting to download an old version of Tailscale which was signed with an older signing key



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18 hours ago, sixshooterz said:

First, I want to thank you for this plugin! I prefer it much more than the docker container.


Second, is it possible to enable the tailscale update functionality? When I try, it tells me it doesn't validate with the current release signing key.

Downloading "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz.sig"
signature "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz.sig" for file "https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/tailscale_1.50.1_amd64.tgz" does not validate with the current release signing key; either you are under attack, or attempting to download an old version of Tailscale which was signed with an older signing key



Tailscale update won’t really work with Unraid because of how Unraid works (the system runs from memory and reinstalls itself at every boot).

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4 hours ago, maxse said:

Guys any chance I can have some help so my WEBUI won’t crash all the time?


I read some people had a similar issue and downgraded to a previous release if Tailscale. How can I try to downgrade to a different version? This is the first time I’m using it. 


I am having the same issue, I want to switch to the plugin version of tailscale but  I can never get it to run properly... so I have to stick with the docker version which works flawlessly

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6 hours ago, 12323r said:


I am having the same issue, I want to switch to the plugin version of tailscale but  I can never get it to run properly... so I have to stick with the docker version which works flawlessly

Docker is not a good option because it won't work unless the array is started. Encrypted arrays won't autostart. So I would have no way to access server if it reboots...

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4 hours ago, maxse said:

Docker is not a good option because it won't work unless the array is started. Encrypted arrays won't autostart. So I would have no way to access server if it reboots...

I have a wireguard as backup solution which works with the array not started, so I can always use my phone to remotely connect and start it. Then Tailscale starts. seems fine but I worry if the container will be outdated at some point.

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