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Anatomy of a Release Delay


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I was hoping to release 5.0-rc4 yesterday, and indeed everything was looking good for that.  However one of the changes in this release is to solve permission issues with SMB access (windows networking).  One of the "bug fixes" was to prevent 'root' as a user name appearing in the user access lists.  This is because files created on the server by user 'root' will not be visible by any other users, and this can be quite confusing especially combined with windows wanting to cache credentials.


So, I was just finishing testing and reviewing the codes changes, about to upload the release, when I found a bug in the code which, so far I think, no one has hit yet.  This bug happens when a user is deleted: that username is not deleted from all the access lists, so it's possible that even when a user is deleted on the unRaid server, that user can still access files on private shares if windows is still caching those credentials.  Anyway... I decided I needed to fix this bug, hence a several hour delay in releasing the code, and by now it's very late on Friday, so in order to not make a mistake, I decided to hold off until today.


But then.... I notice this morning that email is not working at all, then I notice the website and forum are marked "Account Suspended", and thus I have spent all day fighting with vps.net to get this issue resolved (though not fully resolved yet).  Now it looks like I'll be migrating the site yet again  :-\


So what's the point of this post?  Well it just goes to show how notoriously difficult it is to make accurate estimates of release dates.  Unforeseen stuff just always seems to crop up  ::)

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