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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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So I know this is going to be a dumb user error, but why can't I see what is on my Cache disk from another computer? I currently have it mapped (Win 7) but the only folder that is showing is




where I should be seeing






basically, there are a few times where I want to jump cut/paste via my Windows machine out of my cache drive without having to use PuTTy to move it into my array then cut/paste....I am 100% I am taking extra steps.


Thanks for your help... and go easy on me. haha


There should be a share for the cache drive. Check under Network > Tower(or whatever your server is named). Should be a cache share. If there isn't click on "Cache" under the main screen of unRAID and make sure the share is exported.


Under shares I have "apps" with an orange ball. Unded the main screen "Cache" is currently exported, public.

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Well... Did you create some of those directories wit a leading poin ?  (like .Transmission) ?  That dot is unix's way of making the dir hidden..


For the cache drive's main use (caching files); you will only see data on it as soon as there is data it is storing..


I did not use any leading points. I am also not using the mover script, strictly using the cache drive for various plug-ins. There are times when I am using SAB to download stuff outside of CP/SB automation and I need to go into the .../sabnzbd/Downloads/Complete/ and grab the file... however I currently have to use PuTTY to move the file from my Cache drive and into my array where I can then see.

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is there a simple way to change the branch for sickbeard? ive looked but couldnt find an answer. i tried changing the cfg file and restarted but it didnt work. i really want to try a new branch that adds 1080p webdl since it is screwing with my downloads and who knows how long it will take to be merged into the master branch.


what specific shows are u trying to download??


only asking, cuz i was trying to fetch the BSG: Blood and chrome as well as H+ but neither one of them would work until i set the quality to "ANY" then it was downloading them just fine as well...


this one:



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I am having issues with CouchPotato and Maraschino. It shows my wanted/all/history fine but the following happens:


1. Using the Search will pull up what I search for (for example Rambo), then I can add it (It will say successfully added) and finally nothing happens. The log shows it was added but CouchPotato never gets anything:

Dec-31 13:16:56 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Adding Rambo (tt0462499) to wanted list

Dec-31 13:16:54 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: found 6 movies for rambo

Dec-31 13:16:53 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Searching for movie: rambo


Wondering what I did wrong? Other than this it is working great for SAB and Sick.

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I am having issues with CouchPotato and Maraschino. It shows my wanted/all/history fine but the following happens:


1. Using the Search will pull up what I search for (for example Rambo), then I can add it (It will say successfully added) and finally nothing happens. The log shows it was added but CouchPotato never gets anything:

Dec-31 13:16:56 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Adding Rambo (tt0462499) to wanted list

Dec-31 13:16:54 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: found 6 movies for rambo

Dec-31 13:16:53 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Searching for movie: rambo


Wondering what I did wrong? Other than this it is working great for SAB and Sick.


I would change the permissions of the CP directory to make sure it isn't having issues.


chmod -R 777 /mnt/cache/Couchpotato/ (change the path to point to your couchpotato data directory)
chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache/Couchpotato/ 

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Was having some troubles with couchpotato so thought uninstall the plugin and re-install.


However now I can't get any of the influencer plug-ins to install...


root@Tower:/boot/config/plugins# install headphones_unplugged.plg

install: missing destination file operand after `headphones_unplugged.plg'

Try `install --help' for more information.



Think has todo with possibly deleting something out of the "package" folder.

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Want to ask for some help regarding sickbeard plugin.  I followed instructions on installing sab, cp.  All works very well.  Sickbeard isn't working. 


It's installed.  It shows "enable sickbeard- yes".  Port shows my default port of 8082.  Status says running.  But when I access it at tower:8082, my default port, it only shows error.


Please help how do I troubleshoot.

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I am having issues with CouchPotato and Maraschino. It shows my wanted/all/history fine but the following happens:


1. Using the Search will pull up what I search for (for example Rambo), then I can add it (It will say successfully added) and finally nothing happens. The log shows it was added but CouchPotato never gets anything:

Dec-31 13:16:56 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Adding Rambo (tt0462499) to wanted list

Dec-31 13:16:54 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: found 6 movies for rambo

Dec-31 13:16:53 :: INFO :: CouchPotato :: Searching for movie: rambo


Wondering what I did wrong? Other than this it is working great for SAB and Sick.


I would change the permissions of the CP directory to make sure it isn't having issues.


chmod -R 777 /mnt/cache/Couchpotato/ (change the path to point to your couchpotato data directory)
chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache/Couchpotato/ 


Thanks, before I could try this everything randomly started working.

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Only way I could see it stopping the go script from running is if the plug-in's start scripts never exit, but if you can access unRAID's webgui then the go script is indeed running, just your script is not.


Can you test by removing the transmission plug-in(change the extension from .plg to .old or move to a different directory) and rebooting?

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Only way I could see it stopping the go script from running is if the plug-in's start scripts never exit, but if you can access unRAID's webgui then the go script is indeed running, just your script is not.


Can you test by removing the transmission plug-in(change the extension from .plg to .old or move to a different directory) and rebooting?


yea, ive been meaning to try it but just havent gotten around to it. i'll try after work. probably should have done so before i asked.  ::)

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Another thing to check is:


ps aux | grep transmission


Look and see what is running for transmission. All you should see is the grep process and a transmission-daemon process.


EDIT: Couchpotato plug-in has been updated to remove the updater, use the in-app updater now that it works. I will leave the sickbeard updater as I occassionally have issues updating it in-app. Sab still doesn't have an updater so we will leave the plug-in updater for it.

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I am having issues with notifications in couchpotato as well as sickbeard, in couchpotato the xbmc notification says to check error log and here it is: http://pastebin.com/uMsHQawQ  also in Couchpotato the notifo errors and says to check log and this appears: http://pastebin.com/Y1L4w3va


I know the settings are right because in sickbeard the xbmc notifications work great and its the same settings, the notification in sickbeard also just hangs with the scrolly wheel but if i login to notifo I do see it posted.



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Hey folks


Getting some SQL errors in SAB, Log attached if anybody can help.

Had some problems yesterday with the mover and ended up having to reinstall all the plug-ins.


Every thing seems to be working okay now apart from these errors I'm getting in SAB. TV Shows and Movies are getting downloaded okay and moved to the correct folder.


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If you don't mind losing your download history, delete the history1.db in your datadirectory/admin folder.


You may need to take ownership:

chmod -R 777 /path/to/admin/


That worked, thanks.


Should I be running any programmes to help with SQL errors like this?

I've never used SQL before and my only Linux experience was setting up Unraid.

I would like to learn though, if anybody can recommend some good tutorials.

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They haven't added 0.7.7 to their latest release feed yet, lol. We use their /version/latest page to get the version and download info, and its still on 0.7.6

Even with this hint I'm unsure how to modify the plugin to have it downgrade my 0.7.7 install to 0.7.6. It appears that 0.7.7 has a known problem (http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12781) with downloading and the 'fix' so far is to downgrade to 0.7.6. Downgrading the plugin didn't work for me either, because I don't have any older plugin versions saved.

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cd /tmp
wget https://raw.github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/master/sabnzbd/decoder.py
chown nobody:users decoder.py
chmod 644 decoder.py
rm /path/to/installdir/sabnzbd/decoder.pyc
mv -f decoder.py path/to/installdir/sabnzbd/decoder.py


There currently is no way to revert to older versions of sab, but doing the above will replace the file at fault with a fixed one. It will have to do until they release a fixed version.

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