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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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Figured it out... reviewed the logs in C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\log\ui_Administrator.log.0


[09.25.15 14:39:08.160 INFO  connect      ackup42.service.ui.UIInfoUtility] Loaded address=, port=4243, and token from location=C:/ProgramData/CrashPlan/.ui_info

[09.25.15 14:39:08.160 INFO  connect        com.backup42.desktop.CPDesktop] Connecting to service at


Updated .ui_info to look like this: port, guid, unraid ip



And now the GUI connects to the crashplan headless docker

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To add my voice to the cacophony, I too am experiencing the 'cannot connect to engine' error message on the splash screen.


Testing the update right now.

Have you been able to find 4.4.0 for download?


just tried replacing 4.3 with 4.4 and this works



Where Do I put this file? Since it's a docker I'm not sure what to do wth it.

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Just downloaded and installed the windows client:




The Crashplan (gfjardim/crashplan:latest) version is showing as 4.4.1


CPVERSION    = 4.4.1 - 1435726800441 (2015-07-01T05:00:00:441+0000) - Build: 27


Updated the both ui_info and ui.properties and still having issues connecting


Here's some logs from the docker Crashplan:


[09.25.15 14:40:00.360 INFO  DefaultGroup g.nio.ConnectionLifeCycleManager] Unable to connect to remoteAddress=/

[09.25.15 14:40:00.361 WARN  DefaultGroup .code42.messaging.peer.PeerGroup] PG::DefaultGroup Peer unavailable for connect guid=REMOVEDGUID, remoteLocation=[[sAME AS [email protected]:4242], transportPbK=X509.checksum(7a001d2e1064ec26e32d05aad18ba0bd)]

Thanks for this! Have you been able to find a direct download link for Windows 64 bit version as well?

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Just downloaded and installed the windows client:




The Crashplan (gfjardim/crashplan:latest) version is showing as 4.4.1


CPVERSION    = 4.4.1 - 1435726800441 (2015-07-01T05:00:00:441+0000) - Build: 27


Updated the both ui_info and ui.properties and still having issues connecting


Here's some logs from the docker Crashplan:


[09.25.15 14:40:00.360 INFO  DefaultGroup g.nio.ConnectionLifeCycleManager] Unable to connect to remoteAddress=/

[09.25.15 14:40:00.361 WARN  DefaultGroup .code42.messaging.peer.PeerGroup] PG::DefaultGroup Peer unavailable for connect guid=REMOVEDGUID, remoteLocation=[[sAME AS [email protected]:4242], transportPbK=X509.checksum(7a001d2e1064ec26e32d05aad18ba0bd)]

Thanks for this! Have you been able to find a direct download link for Windows 64 bit version as well?


Just tried to download the x64 version and it appears that they haven't posted it yet.







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Updated Crashplan Windows client to 4.4.0 (CP engine in docker has been automatically updated to version 4.4.1).  The format of the .ui_info file has changed (as noted in a prior post in this thread).  It is now 4243,[GUID],[iP address of unRAID server].  I copied .ui_info from the cache drive \appdata\crashplan\id folder to C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan and the client connected to the backup engine. 


The problem is that the CrashPlan Windows client (or tray service) seems to now recreate the .ui_info file every time the Windows PC is restarted.  At least, that's what appears to trigger it. After being connected to the CrashPlan engine without problem, a subsequent reboot of the PC resulted in a grayed out CrashPlan tray icon with a "cannot connect to backup service" message.  This happens because .ui_info is recreated with a new GUID that does not match the server-side GUID and an IP address of  I set the C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\.ui_info file to read-only and it has survived a couple of reboots without being recreated and the client has remained connected to the backup engine.


I am not 100% certain the PC restart is what triggered a new .ui_info file being created, but, if that is the cause, setting it to read only has prevented it through a couple of PC and CrashPlan client restarts.

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The problem is that the CrashPlan Windows client (or tray service) seems to now recreate the .ui_info file every time the Windows PC is restarted.  At least, that's what appears to trigger it. After being connected to the CrashPlan engine without problem, a subsequent reboot of the PC resulted in a grayed out CrashPlan tray icon with a "cannot connect to backup service" message.  This happens because .ui_info is recreated with a new GUID that does not match the server-side GUID and an IP address of  I set the C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\.ui_info file to read-only and it has survived a couple of reboots without being recreated and the client has remained connected to the backup engine.


I am not 100% certain the PC restart is what triggered a new .ui_info file being created, but, if that is the cause, setting it to read only has prevented it through a couple of PC and CrashPlan client restarts.


it's the crashplan service.  when it runs it assumes you want to connect to it on your windows box.  Go into Services (services.msc) and change the crashplan service to Manual or Disabled.  Then your .ui_info file will survive a reboot.


I'm on a brand new Crashplan docker setup and changing my Crashplan 4.4 .ui_info file to read:


got me connected once.  I logged into my existing account.  Crashplan shows that Tower (with a new GUID) logged in. 

then it threw a "crashplan has been disconnected from the backup engine" and I can't get it to re-connect.  :(  I just get that same message over and over again. I eventually want it to take over for my old "tower" exact same hardware, just upgraded to 6 from 5 of Unraid.  But first I gotta get logged in to the engine!  :)


any ideas?


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any headway on getting this working again?  Had it working fine until I rebooted my docker today and then the desktop part sat at "upgrading" forever... the screen went away and now when I try to launch it says it cannot connect to the engine (same stuff discussed on the previous two pages).



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@extremeaudio, @172pilot -- I have put together a doc called "A tutorial on how to setup CrashPlan on unRAID6". It got a lot bigger than expected so you need to download it from my Dropbox.




This doc is based on my experiences on how to get it working and with some luck it might help others as well.

Feel free to comment!


This needs to be added to the OP and/or the WIKI please :)


seriously.  I feel lucky to have found this.  Maybe running a desktop adds a little more overhead, but I was pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. It's about 1000x less stressful to just RDP to a Linux desktop, and this document was REALLY well done.  So simple. THANK YOU!!!!

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any headway on getting this working again?  Had it working fine until I rebooted my docker today and then the desktop part sat at "upgrading" forever... the screen went away and now when I try to launch it says it cannot connect to the engine (same stuff discussed on the previous two pages).


All working here.  It appears the Windows client is now updated to 4.4.1 as well and it connects no problem to my version 4.4.1 backup engine in unRAID docker.  My issues in getting it going were related to the new format of the .ui_info file and the fact that it was getting recreated frequently on the client side.  Setting it to read-only appears to have stopped that. 


You might also want to check your my.services.xml file and make sure the service host is still set to and not  Also make sure that in ui.properties the service host is properly set to the IP address of your unRAID server.  Updates tend to overwrite these files and changes are lost as they return to defaults


As mentioned in the post above, follow Leifgg's guide to setting up CrashPlan.  He has a link to it in his signature.  It is very detailed and he was very thorough in what is needed to get a Windows or Linux desktop connected to the CrashPlan backup engine docker.


Lately there seems to be a new round of discovery with every CrashPlan version update.  They keep tweaking things that temporarily break headless installs until someone discovers the changes and shares them with us.


There are a lot of little "gotchas" in running CrashPlan headless

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Since CrashPlan 4.4.1 is now publicly available at their home page I have made an update to the Setup Guide (v1.1) that is linked in my signature.


The changes made are only related to the Windows client and how the .ui_info and the .identity files are managed as mentioned in previous posts.


But there are still some problems!


As long as your CrashPlan Docker is running you will be able to connect with the Windows Client and it will survive a reboot of the PC as well but the .ui_info and the .identity files gets updated as soon as the CrashPlan Docker is restarted making it impossible for the Windows Client to connect again until you manually copy and modify the files.


If anybody have some brilliant ideas on how to fix that pls let us know....


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I just wish I knew why the docker desktop won't work anymore...  just sits at "upgrading..." and shows version 4.3.0.


I had this working fine until a recent reboot...

Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Restarting CrashPlan Backup Engine
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Starting using /etc/init.d/crashplan...
upgrade.sh: line 30: /etc/init.d/crashplan: No such file or directory
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : New CrashPlan Backup Engine:
root        45    43 36 14:49 ?        00:00:05 /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Exiting upgrade script


That's what shows up in the log folder in the config folder....  looks like it's trying to upgrade and cannot...



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I just wish I knew why the docker desktop won't work anymore...  just sits at "upgrading..." and shows version 4.3.0.


I had this working fine until a recent reboot...

Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Restarting CrashPlan Backup Engine
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Starting using /etc/init.d/crashplan...
upgrade.sh: line 30: /etc/init.d/crashplan: No such file or directory
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : New CrashPlan Backup Engine:
root        45    43 36 14:49 ?        00:00:05 /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Exiting upgrade script


That's what shows up in the log folder in the config folder....  looks like it's trying to upgrade and cannot...

That’s because the CrashPlan Docker has auto updated itself to 4.4.1 and the CrashPlan Docker Desktop doesn’t.

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I just wish I knew why the docker desktop won't work anymore...  just sits at "upgrading..." and shows version 4.3.0.


I had this working fine until a recent reboot...

Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Restarting CrashPlan Backup Engine
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Starting using /etc/init.d/crashplan...
upgrade.sh: line 30: /etc/init.d/crashplan: No such file or directory
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : New CrashPlan Backup Engine:
root        45    43 36 14:49 ?        00:00:05 /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Exiting upgrade script


That's what shows up in the log folder in the config folder....  looks like it's trying to upgrade and cannot...

That’s because the CrashPlan Docker has auto updated itself to 4.4.1 and the CrashPlan Docker Desktop doesn’t.


ok... so.... is there a fix?


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gotcha... Total side note... In your guide you have /ext setup to hit a drive you have mounted via unassigned devices... I am trying to do the same thing but it's not showing up (I just reinstalled both dockers so it's back down on 4.3 for now)


Does the external drive need to be formatted anything in particular?  I think mine is NTFS from windows usage...


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gotcha... Total side note... In your guide you have /ext setup to hit a drive you have mounted via unassigned devices... I am trying to do the same thing but it's not showing up (I just reinstalled both dockers so it's back down on 4.3 for now)


Does the external drive need to be formatted anything in particular?  I think mine is NTFS from windows usage...

NTFS is supported, is it mounted?

My plan is to do a guide about it in CrashPlan doc as soooon I get some time.

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I just wish I knew why the docker desktop won't work anymore...  just sits at "upgrading..." and shows version 4.3.0.


I had this working fine until a recent reboot...

Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Restarting CrashPlan Backup Engine
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Starting using /etc/init.d/crashplan...
upgrade.sh: line 30: /etc/init.d/crashplan: No such file or directory
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : New CrashPlan Backup Engine:
root        45    43 36 14:49 ?        00:00:05 /usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService
Thu Oct 1 14:49:16 CDT 2015 : Exiting upgrade script


That's what shows up in the log folder in the config folder....  looks like it's trying to upgrade and cannot...

That’s because the CrashPlan Docker has auto updated itself to 4.4.1 and the CrashPlan Docker Desktop doesn’t.


ok... so.... is there a fix?

I, too, had this problem. Now, ever since I attempted to launch the Desktop Docker, the CrashPlan Docker itself isn't working either. It appears my backups are stalled. Have you figured out a way to get the backups working again, even though the Desktop Docker no longer works?

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I just installed Crashdump and Crashdump-desktop, it started to do something, but then it auto-upgraded itself (I did not see any kind of confirmation), and since then I see status 'disconnected' in the desktop.

Gfjardim has not yet updated the CrashPlan Desktop to version 4.4.1 (it is still running version 4.3.0).  The CrashPlan backup engine on the server automatically updated itself to version 4.4.1 and the 4.3.0 client cannot connect to the newer engine. CrashPlan Desktop will not work until it is upgraded by its author to the latest version.


Those who need client access to make changes or monitor progress (raises hand) are using the Windows client temporarily as it has been updated to 4.4.1.


Just make sure you follow Leifgg's setup guide because there are some gotchas between client and server in version 4.4.1 with keeping necessary files in sync.

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Thanks, funny that it worked for 10min then decided to upgrade itself..

Upgrades to the CrashPlan engine are automatic and CrashPlan does not ask for user input.  Your CrashPlan docker just phoned home, was told there was an upgrade and CrashPlan was automatically upgraded from the Code42 servers.  It's worse than Windows Update as you have no control over the process at all.  If there is an update, CrashPlan will be updated.

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I started over yesterday too.  After using (lazily relying on) the crashplan Desktop Docker, it lost it's mind yesterday and I didn't do enough research, so I dropped back and punted. 


following Leifgg's tutorial and notes:

Since CrashPlan 4.4.1 is now publicly available at their home page I have made an update to the Setup Guide (v1.1) that is linked in my signature.


The changes made are only related to the Windows client and how the .ui_info and the .identity files are managed as mentioned in previous posts.


But there are still some problems!


As long as your CrashPlan Docker is running you will be able to connect with the Windows Client and it will survive a reboot of the PC as well but the .ui_info and the .identity files gets updated as soon as the CrashPlan Docker is restarted making it impossible for the Windows Client to connect again until you manually copy and modify the files.


If anybody have some brilliant ideas on how to fix that pls let us know....



I reinstalled the crashplan plugin, copied (via putty) the .ui_info and .identity to /boot (\\tower\flash) and from there I could copy and paste them to C:\programdata\crashplan ...then simply edited .ui_info and added my IP address to the file where it belonged.  I connected to the engine and signed in....it promptly kicked me out.  checking the logs I watched until each upgrade was complete.  It seemed to go in about 4 steps.  Something like 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 to 4.4.0 and then finally 4.4.1.  I would restart the docker after each update, then once my apps\crashplan\engine_output.log finally said:

[10.03.15 17:26:09.047 INFO  main           com.backup42.service.CPService] CPVERSION = 4.4.1 -

I copied those 2 files again and edited .ui_info and changed to my and boom.  I'm in business again.


many thanks to Leifgg's notes!  It really wasn't that hard once I saw that simple post and actually quit relying on that desktop :)  It does suck that after every restart of the docker crashplan is changing those files.  I was going to write a little batch file to copy those 2 files from \\tower\dockers\apps\crashplan\id\ to c:\programdata\crashplan and then do a find and replace it with my IP and then launch Crashplan, but...I can't copy from that crashplan\id folder as myself.  grr....that's why i copied them to /boot first.  probably not the cleanest place..but..it worked in a pinch.


The only version of Crashplan for windows I used during this whole thing was x64 4.4.1, so don't worry about installing an old version of the desktop app to connect to the fresh Crashplan docker, even though the docker starts out at 4.3.0, you can connect.  Just...give it some time and restart the docker until it's at 4.4.1 and I think things will work.

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