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[support] pducharme's Dockers support thread

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That sounds plausible though it doesn't explain why adoption fails outright in the first place? Until doing this adoption was never possible...I  still cant figure out why the server rejected message was coming back.


Now to do Unifi Video container.


Define "adoption fails outright in the first place"?  Unless your DHCP server is handing out the controller address to the AP when it leases an address, which it's not unless you specifically configured it to do so, you have to tell the AP where the controller is. That is done with the set-inform command.


Why Ubiquiti made it so that you need to do it twice is beyond me, but it needs to be done once, then adopt in controller, then set-inform needs to be run again before the AP will provision.


For the life of me I can't find official UBNT documentation staring so, but here's a website which shows it needing to be done twice. There are also numerous posts in the UBNT forums regarding the issue. http://helpdesk.maytechgroup.com/support/solutions/articles/3000008280-how-to-move-a-ubiquiti-unifi-access-point-to-a-new-controller-v2-x-.


As to why your first AP worked without doing so but your 2nd didn't is definitely strange. I only have a single AP but I did have to set-inform twice to get it initially set up.

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Thanks dirtysanchez,

Until the first set-inform command was issued the AP did not show in the Unifi controller. Once the command was run it appeared and I clicked Adopt. Unfortunately after about a minute (maybe longer, the log file shows the exact timing) it would simply fail and show as 'Disconnected' in the Unifi controller. The status of the AP obtained via ssh at that point was "Server Rejected". This is what I mean by 'failed outright', it never got beyond 'Adopting'.


I do agree - in fact after running set-inform the first time it tells you in the terminal to run it again after adoption. The way I read that is running it a second time assumes successful adoption of the AP first. Maybe something that hasn't been documented clearly is that it needs to be run again at a specific time, such as when the AP changes from adopting (orange) to Provisioning (green), though mine simply went straight to disconnected (red) several times. In any case my keyboard mashing method did seem to hit it at the right moment.


Please note I am not debating anything here just exploring the issue. Thanks for your input.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First I want to say thanks. You helped me overcome and learn how to bring many of my systems together using unRaid. Second I have to ask, do you intend on putting the 4.7.5 version of Unifi?


If not, is it as easy as replacing the RUN curl -L -o unifi_sysvinit_all.deb http://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/4.6.6/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb with the newest version?


Learning from the experts, so gotta ask as I move forward.



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Sorry for the delay, I updated the docker to UniFi Controller 4.7.5.  also updated the UniFi Video (NVR) to 3.1.2.


I'll setup a "watch" on the BLOG page of UniFi where they put the new release, so i'll now receive an email when they release a new version of both those UniFi tools.  I'll then be able to work on updating the docker in 1-2 days of the Ubiquiti Official release.


** EDIT **


Done!  I have created 2 "watch" of the 2 BLOG page where UBNT put the new Release of UniFi Controller & UniFi Video Controller.  I used changedetection.com so that will work well (use it for other web stuff I monitor).


It means now that you won't have to wait 2 months after a Controller Update for me to add it to this Docker.  I'm using it at home only, so it's pretty much "set and forget" and that make me forget that thread and also on UBNT for updates... Now, that should fix this delay :)  8)

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hi! using plexconnect on my atv3 works to a certain degree... every single image is left blank (as in posters/fanart/library logos are all grey.


pil seems inherently broken here. i tried to fork your docker and add an alternative install for pil, but its not working either.


is it working fine for you?

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UniFi not opening webpage.


I connected to the docker:

docker exec -i -t UniFi bash


looking at the server.log I see:

[2015-11-19 08:48:57,167] <db-server> ERROR system - [exec] error, rc=100, output=all output going to: /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log
[2015-11-19 08:48:57,168] <db-server> INFO  db     - DbServer stopped


Please help

when I type

root@aaa03c216874:/var/lib/unifi/logs# mongo

I get:

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to: test
Thu Nov 19 08:49:09.032 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145
exception: connect failed

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Further investigation revealed that my unifi wasn't starting because of java


/etc/init.d/unifi start
* Starting Ubiquiti UniFi Controller unifi
Cannot locate Java Home


I checked the java version:

java -version
java version "1.8.0_66"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)


I even tried to edit the unifi file:

vi /etc/init.d/unifi


in this file I saw:

support_java_ver='6 7'


I was able to install java version 7:


sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
sudo update-alternatives --config java
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
vi /etc/init.d/unifi

Change JAVA_HOME to:



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does forcing java7 solved your issue?


Just check in mine, I have java8 and it works fine here.  Very strange to see different behavior with same code!



When I followed steps to force java7 I could get unifi to start from the command line but it didn't load the gui.


I realized that you are using 6.1.3 so I downgraded but this didn't help either.  I have a clean install and this is the only plugin/docker setup...

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I logged into your UniFi docker and updated the unifi start script and now unifi doesn't fail to start!

Please update your script


nano /etc/init.d/unifi


Find JAVA_HOME and change to:



I am still not seeing the GUI but this is the first hurdle.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I installed the plexconnect docker and it seems to be running.


However, when I reconfigure the DNS on the apple TV and try to connect the by trailer, apple tv said the service is unavailable. Is there any extra configuration needed? Thanks a lot.


Plex Docker is installed and running well. unRaid version 6.1.6.


Here is the log file of plexconnect,


Jan 18 18:40:01 nas01 syslog-ng[15]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

18:40:01 PlexConnect: ***

18:40:01 PlexConnect: PlexConnect

18:40:01 PlexConnect: Press CTRL-C to shut down.

18:40:01 PlexConnect: ***

18:40:01 PlexConnect: started: 18:40:01

18:40:01 PlexConnect: Version: 0.5-dev

18:40:01 PlexConnect: Commit Date: 24 May 2015 07:46UTC

18:40:01 PlexConnect: Python: 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) [GCC 4.8.2]

18:40:01 PlexConnect: Host OS: linux2

18:40:01 PlexConnect: PILBackgrounds: Is PIL installed? True

18:40:01 PlexConnect: IP_self:

Modify message


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